day in and day out

  • na.日日夜夜
  • 网络日复一日;一天又一天;夜以继日

day in and day outday in and day out

day in and day out


外企英语_百度百科 ... 47. Go by book 按规章办事 48. Day in and day out 日复一日; 49. First-aid 指公司内的医药箱; ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... dart n. 标,镖; day in and day out 天天,一天又一天 dazzle vt. 眩目,耀眼;使迷惑 ...


初中英语总复习_百度知道 ... dating yourself before your time 老气横秋 day in and day out 夜以继日 day off 放假日 ...


表示时间的... ... 4. 日新月异 fast-changing 5. 日以继夜 night and day;day in and day out 6. 分秒必争 Every minute counts. ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... dart n. 标,镖; day in and day out 天天,一天又一天 dazzle vt. 眩目,耀眼;使迷惑 ...


in2english - Community ... cut down 削减,删节 day in and day out 每天,始终 deal with 论述,关于,处理 ...


out - 在线词典... ... follow out v.把...查到底,贯彻,执行 day in and day out 天天,每天;整天,一天到晚 force out 强行挤出 ...


out - 在线词典... ... follow out v.把...查到底,贯彻,执行 day in and day out 天天,每天;整天,一天到晚 force out 强行挤出 ...

That may be easy for me to say, but I face my own problems day in and day out. 也是说起来容易,每天我也会碰到我自己的问题。
We have written our dissertations day in and day out for a whole term, without a holiday. 我们已连续写了一个学期的论文,一天也没有休息。
Day in and day out the enemy tried to sabotage our Party, but the Party drove out the saboteurs. 敌人虽然天天在暗害我们的党,但是党驱逐了暗害分子。
"Day in and day out for 50 years, some of these women might be cooking six hours a day, exposed to pollutions, " says Rehfuess. 瑞弗丝说“有些妇女一天要花6小时做饭,五十年里日复一日,每天都生活在污染中。”
In pursuit of our security here at home they risk their lives, day in and day out, in this country and around the world. 他们冒着生命危险日复一日地在全国和全球各地保障着我们家园的安全。
Motivation is the key, but it's not always easy, day in and day out, to find that motivation. 动机是关键,但要每天都有动力却非一件易事。
He learned the new words by rote day in and day out in an effort to improve his English. But it hardly worked. 他天天死记硬背生词试图提高自己的英语,但收效甚微。
He would have said that she had scarcely thought of the child, so stilly had she gone about her work, day in and day out. 他本以为她差不多没有想过肚子里的孩子,一天到晚总忙着干活,一声不语的。
Soon the seed began to sprout, but the Sun was hot and it shone down on the seeding day in and day out. 不久,种子就开始发芽了,但是赤日焱焱,灿烂的阳光始终不停着照着刚发出的嫩芽。
Any other society that had been subjected to this type of barbaric onslaught day in and day out would have been in an all-out civil war. 任何其他的国家若整天长期遭受这种残暴的冲击将会爆发全面的内战。
Day in and day out his company works hard at commending God to clients-God, the supreme master of detailed design. 他的公司每日都尽心尽力在客户当中见证神——那位最匠心独运的超级设计大师。
Talking to Brazilian engineers about the competence we have in their field, I said, "We do this day-in-and-day-out. " 在跟一位巴西的工程师聊到我们在专业领域的竞争力时,我说道:“我们每天都在这样做”(Wedothisday-in-and-day-out)。
The laziness and confusion are the result of the electrical energies that retard the field day in and day out . 懒惰和混乱是电性能量日以继日使你的能量场停滞的结果。
One side effect of all these operations is that common day-in-and-day-out bumps and bruises don't get much of a rise out of me. 这些手术的副作用之一就是让我对日常生活中的磕磕碰碰不再在意。
They face with a dignified, pale hair twisted wrinkles, they have to not leave the tears, only the back, day in and day out crying. 他们的脸上有了凝重,苍白的头发拧在一起的皱纹,他们已经老到不会再留下泪水,只有夕阳下弯曲的背影,日复一日的哭泣着。
Everything that occurs out of necessity everything expected repeated day in and day out is mute. Only chance can speak to us. 那些出自必然的事情,可以预期的事情,日日重复的事情,总是无言无语,只有机遇能劝我的说话。
The lessons in this book will shed some light on how the market economy achieves such feats, day in and day out. 你将透过本书的课程看到,市场经济是如何日复一日地创造着这样的奇迹。
It's something you just feel, and working day in and day out together with this group leads me to believe this team can do it. 这是你只是觉得,在每天的日常工作与该集团进行合作,令我相信这支球队可以做到。
Day in and day out, I suffered the loneliness and tried to get rid of it by alcohol. 日复一日,我忍受着孤独寂寞,试图用酒精解脱自己。
Daniel: Because you study day in and day out for the entrance exam. So I figure you would study even harder after you've got in. 丹尼尔:因为你为了高考不分昼夜地学习,所以我想你进入大学以后会更加努力地学习。
This is one of the main ways I overcome my own fears day in and day out. 这就是我每天用来战胜畏惧的主要方法之一。
We persisted day in and day out, and this relentless execution of our plans has now allowed Kairos to expand around the world. 日以继夜,我们坚持执行我们的计划,现在凯洛社团已经将业务扩展到全世界。
Della worked hard day in and day out to save money for James Christmas present. 黛拉为了存钱买詹姆士的圣诞礼物,天天努力工作。
There's nothing like having to drag yourself into work day in and day out if it is giving you little meaning. 没有什么比日复一日的把自己献身于工作更没有意义的事情了。
Day in and day out, Shaun puts his life on the line to be accepted as a member of the pack. 一天到晚,Shaun把他的生命放在死亡的绳索上为了确定可以成为狼群的一份子。
Not so long ago, northern Chinese winters meant one thing: cabbage, day in and day out. 前不久,中国北方的冬季意味着只有一样蔬菜可吃:大白菜,整天就是它。
Dogs were never meant to be left outside, tied to chains by themselves in the cold, wet, or heat, day in and day out. 狗绝不是可以弃之户外,无论寒冷,潮湿,或炎热,日复一日被栓在链子上。
Day in and day out of tea, slowly realize a leisurely taste, only products with fragrance. 日复一日的喝茶,才慢慢悟出悠然的味道,才品出满口余香。
You will be able to more easily write about the ideas, topics, issues and controversies you run into day in and day out. 你将会更容易创作关于你每天的想法、遇到的话题、议题以及争论性的东西。
Most of our happy family memories and moments happen right at home day in and day out just by being present. 我们家的很多快乐的回忆,每天都发生在家里的瞬间都存在着。