
美 [ɪg'zæm]英 [ɪg'zæm]
  • abbr.(=examination; examined)
  • 网络考试;考试类型;考试名称




1.(笔头、口头或操作)考试a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or college, to see how much you know about a subject, or what you can do

2.(对身体特定部位进行的)检查;体检a medical test of a particular part of the body


工程力学专业本科生培养方案-力学与土木建筑学院 ... 各学期学时分配 Hours Distribution in Semesters 考试Exam. 讲课 Teac…


卓越工程师计划... ... 测绘新技术 The Progress of Geodesy and Geomatics 考试类型 Exam. 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics ...


旅游服务业培训发展中心报名表 - 天天文档... ... 公开考试成绩 PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS 考试名称 Exam. 日期 Date ...


欢迎光临国际电脑稽核协会... ... ● Certification process 验证流程 ● Exam. 测验 ––Define Relationship Process 定义关系流程 ...


最新动态 - 阿明Amin -... ... 2010.05.23.黑白·世博 EXPO 2004华师大 EXAM. 阿明 Amin ...

He might enter a sick child's room and walk right into a wall, or parody doctors by giving a medical exam to a rubber chicken. 他有可能走进一个病孩的病房,径直向墙头走去,或者模仿医生给一只塑料鸡检查身体。
He forecasted that at least one of his products would pass the exam. 他预测他的作品中至少有一样会通过测试。
I also remember revising for an exam the night before and me and my mate decided to put a film on for background noise. 我还记得某次考试前一天晚上,我和我室友决定把一个电影歌曲放进作品里当背景。
Some students might did not do well in the exam and regarded the poor grades as a failure. 有些学生考试没考好,把不好的成绩认为是一种失败。
Don't choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. 不要选择一个你会有压力的日子,例如考试那天。语境。
The findings come just over a week after exam results revealed that the gap between boys and girls at GCSE is widening. 该项研究结果在英国中学通用教育证书考试成绩公布的一周后推出,今年的考试结果男孩和女孩的成绩差距不断扩大。
Morning came and I sat for another written exam for a third company, still thinking about what I had happened yesterday. 早晨当我又参加一家共识的应聘笔试时,我止不住想到昨天发生的一切。
Flummoxed by his true-false final exam, a student decides to toss a coin up in the air. 对-错期末测验题目让一位学生一筹莫展…,于是决定向空中抛硬币。
John failed the exam, it was cold comfort to him to be told that he could take a make-up exam next semester. 约翰考试不及格,告诉他下学期可以补考只是徒增他的烦恼而已。
The cause of the suicide was that the girl's head teacher asked her to forgo the college entrance exam. 自杀的原因是女孩的班主任让她放弃参加大学入学考试。
I thought he wanted to ask why I didn't correct their exam papers or maybe he wanted to ask for leave or. . . It was none of that. 我想他会问我为什么不讲解他们的考试试卷或者可能他想请假还或者…但都不是。
I don't know how, in the end, I was able to complete the exam, nor do I know how I could muster up the courage to go look at my score. 我不知道自己最后是怎么考完的,也不知道我怎么有勇气去看的成绩。
It looks as if my schoolmate in shanghai find the information all about exam in her best. 看来我上海的同学尽她的努力找了所有的资料。
He made sure that he knew every word by heart before he took the exam. 他确信已记熟了每个单词后才去参加考试。
To the last day of the exam, I told her to take the only gloves, gloves that have been in my body, re-did not leave. 对检查的最后天,我告诉她采取唯一的手套,在我的身体的手套,再做了不是事假。
No matter how hard he studies, he never seems to be able to pass the exam. 不管他多么努力的学习,他似乎永远也考不及格。
Her father has been trying to get it through to her that she must work harder if she wants to pass the exam. 她父亲一直试图让她明白,如果她想通过考试,就必须更加努力。
The advantage of China's education system is able to better selection of personnel is the only exam-oriented education. 中国的教育体系其优点在于能更好的也是唯一的选用人才的应试教育。
In the city, be in full swing in the pupils " exam " , Kunming municipal Party committee also began to once a year " midterm" . 就在全市中、小学生都热火朝天地“赶考”之际,昆明市委也开始了一年一度的“期中考”。
She said she shelled out $850 to a private firm that guaranteed it could help her pass her U. S. licensing exam for nurses, but she failed. 她说她付了850美元给一家私人公司,他们保证能帮助她通过美国护士从业资格考试,但失败了。
Students who major in software programming, chemistry or applied mathematics are certainly going to ask whether they should take the exam. 软件设计,化学化工,或者应用数学的学生则一定是问是否值得去参加考试。
Remember that this is not an exam or a test, but just a friendly conversation about why you want to go to the U. 请记住,这不是一场考试或测验,而是有关你为什么去美国和你在中国情况的一段友好的交谈。
his father is angry with him for his failure in the exam. 他父亲因为他考试不及格很生气。
I was somewhat shy as an adolescent, and sitting in an exam room wearing only a gown and underwear always made me a little anxious. 我有点害羞,作为青少年,并在考试只穿着睡衣和内衣坐在房间里总是让我有点着急。
Nancy was behind the eight ball in her english exam because she was too nervous to remember the vocabularies she had studied. 南希在英语考试中受到挫折,因为她紧张的记不起背过的单词。
You could have done better in this exam, but you were a little careless. 这次考试你本来可以做的更好,但是你有点粗心了。
David will have had his exam by then, so he'll be able to go on holiday with us. 那天大卫已经考完试,就能和我们一起去度假了。
The point of the exam isn't to see if students get all the answers right. If they do, it's the faculty who failed. 这个考试并不是要看学生是否能得到所有正确的答案,如果他们这样做了,那是评审委员会的失败。
She passed a battery of tests, including a physical, a test flight and a written exam the latter of which Chen said was the hardest for her. 她通过了所有测试,包括体能测试,飞行和笔试测试,她说笔试对她而言是最难的。
come on! Just a test! thinking about how you get over the tough difficulties in life, exam is just a piece of cake! 加油!只是测试!考试思考你如何克服艰难生活中的困难,就只是一块蛋糕!