for real

  • 网络真的;真正的;真实

for realfor real

for real


真正的日常口语 ... He’s out of love. 他失恋了 For real. 真的 What's the rush? 急什么? ...


Mercy_英文歌曲_听歌学英语 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... go on: 继续 for real: 真正的,确实的 dig up: 找出;查明;发现 ...


网易:你觉得林书豪是真实For real)的吗?霍华德:是的,我觉得他是真实的,他打得不错,他证明了自己。


我收藏的正版蓝光碟 - 家庭影院|高清|投影 -... ... ·Becoming Bond 新一代邦德 ·James Bond:For Real 真正的詹姆斯·邦德 ...


Who are you now的歌词及中文翻译是什么... ... For real,for sure 是真实,是可信的 Long ago,you went away 很久以前, 你离 …


Colloquial English ... Let me buy you dinner. 我请你吃饭 For real 玩真的 当真 For real. 真的 ...


和雷人口语说白白 ... ... B:For real? 真的吗? ) HSK 汉语水平考试 ...

I think he began to take life a bit more seriously after Cuba because he realized instead of just being a game it was for real. 我认为,古巴之旅使他开始比较严肃地看待人生,因为他领悟到,人生不是一场游戏,而是有血有肉的现实。
Nan: I also dreamed that my heart was gone. For real, the only thing left was just a blank hole. 南:我还梦到我的心没有了,真的,它只剩下了一个空洞!
This implies that the tools used for real MDD must be capable of complete code generation. 这暗示,用于真正的MDD的工具必须能够完成代码生成。
Even without seeing you for real, yet I cannot stop thinking of you for a single minute, it was like magic. 即使我不能面对面看着你,我也无时无刻不在想念着你,像着了魔一般。
Let's not make any roster moves at this point (unless Bonzi could be moved for real help). Team chemistry seems to be great. 除非我们可以用棒子交换来真正有帮助的球员,否则目前我们不需要再变动球队人员了。(现在)球队的化学反应看上去很好。
She wrote again at 8: 30, explaining that she had been delayed by her boss and was walking out the door 'for real this time. ' 八点半,她又发来一条短信,解释说老板耽搁了她的时间,这次是真的出门了。
The experimental results show that this system can be used for real-time application under changing environment. 实验证明,该系统能在多变环境下实时处理。
More reflects, " I used to foul him an awful lot he used to complain about it, " More was preparing him for real competition. 莫尔回忆说:我经常罚他犯规,为此他常常抱怨。其实,莫尔是在训练他应付真正比赛的能力。
Juno MacGuff: No, I mean, for real. 'Cause you're, like, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know. . . 朱诺•麦高夫:不,我是指男女间的,因为你看起来是我见过的最酷的人,而你甚至都不会伪装自己一下,你知道的……
Embarrassed Danes said the text was one of several unofficial papers that had been floated, not a basis for real bargaining. 感到尴尬的丹麦人表示,该案文只是拟议中的几个非官方版本之一,并非真正谈判的基础。
Interestingly, a few moviegoers persist in believing, even after the final cast and credit roll, that this clever fiction is for real. 有趣的是,即使屏幕上出现演职人员字幕之后,还有一些观众仍坚持认为,这个构思精巧的故事是真实的。
But the big imponderable is how much appetite there is on both sides of the Atlantic for real diplomatic engagement. 但是最大的不确定因素在于大西洋两岸对进行实质性的外交接触有多大兴辑。
lisa: this all sounds kind of like that movie, the beach. kevin: maybe, but this place is for real. go check it out and let me know! 莉莎:这听起来超像《海滩》那部电影。凯文:也许吧,但这个地方是真的。去看看然后告诉我吧!我冲浪的时间到了!
"Two or three Kaesongs would make a contribution but they are no substitute for real economic reform, " he said. 他表示:“两三个开城这样的项目可能有所贡献,可它们并不能替代真正的经济改革。”
Subsequent downward pressure on interest rates came from a fall in the demand for real money, just as in the case of the OPEC recession. 在利率上的后来向下的压力来自对真正的钱要求的下降,正如在石油输出国家组织后退的情况。
It may be difficult to see what there is to lose when diving into a relationship with the love of your life (for real, this time). 若这份感情是命中真爱,那你就很难看到为这份感情你有何所失了(这里所指是那种真心实意的爱恋)。
I had paused the dvd; it wasn't as if I had been watching it for real anyway. 我已经暂停了DVD,这是不是如果我一直在看真正的也无妨。
So it's not easy, but I think things are going well now and I can show more of what I can do for Real Madrid. 所以这一切真的很艰难,但我觉得现在一切都走上正轨了,我现在也开始慢慢展示我可以为皇马做的一切。
For real gases, there's a whole bunch of equation the states that you can find in textbooks, and I'm just going to go through a few of them. 这是理想气体的状态方程,对实际气体,你可以在教科书里,找到许多描述它们的,状态方程。
The combination of an increased demand for real money and a decreased supply of real money pushed interest rates up to 15percent a year. 对真正的钱增加的要求和一个真正钱的被减少的补给组合推动了达到年15%的利率。
I'd completely closed the loop between being the science fiction fan, you know, as a kid, and doing this stuff for real. 我把小时候身为科学小说迷的经历和真实从事这一行业的经历联系到了一起。
Kevin: Maybe, but this place is for real. Go check it out and let me know! Time for me to hit the surf. 凯文:也许吧,但这个地方是真的。去看看然后告诉我吧!我冲浪的时间到了!
Well, we're here to answer that question for you, and hopefully share a few tips about preparing for real emergencies too! 嗯,我们来回答这个问题问你,并且希望分享的一些小技巧也准备来真正的紧急情况!
Many of the familiar algebraic rules for Real number arithmetic do not always hold for floating-point arithmetic. 对于浮点算法而言,许多惯用的实数算法代数规则有时并不适用。
Like OSR, DCE is usually not an issue for real applications (unless you are counting on code executing in a specific amount of time). 与OSR一样,对于真实的应用程序DCE常常不是问题(除非您希望在特定时间内执行代码)。
EXAMPLE: I asked "for real? " when my shy brother told he was going to marry his beautiful neighbor and with a quiet smile he said yes. 我的腼腆的弟弟对我说,他准备娶美丽的邻家女郎,我问他:“是说真的吗?”他静静地微笑着,回答说是。
Four years from now, the company plans for real modules to be launched and assembled into the solar system's first private space station. 今后的四年,该公司计划向太空中发射真实的构件,组建成太阳系中第一艘私人空间站。
Enable this to turn the color channels into a format suitable for real-time normal mapping. For more info, see Normal Maps, below. 启用此项将转变颜色通道成一个适合于实时法线贴图的格式。欲了解更多信息,请参阅法线贴图,如下。
Next step: integration of the thrusters into a real prototype, complete avionics, for real landing tests. 下一步:将推进器整合进一个真正的登月原型机,完成所有装配,做真实的着陆测试。
Given that I'd be gambling my own money, I decided to get some practice before doing it for real. 既然是自己掏腰包来赌,我决定,在真刀真枪去赌前,先得练习练习。