for me

  • na.讲到我
  • 网络对我来说;为我;对于我来说

for mefor me

for me


八年级下册英语词组_百度知道 ... the same like 和…一样 for me 对我来说 get the job 上班 ...


求COME COVER ME的歌词翻译_百度知道 ... Live twice only for us 我们青涩的爱一定要经历两次 For me 为我 For you 为你 ...


英语翻译 万分感谢_百度知道 ... is= 是 for me= 对于我来说 title= 称号;头衔 ...


Feeling good刘悦翻唱及Michael... ... It's a new life 这是一个新生 For me 对我而言 And I'm feeling good 而我正感觉很好 ...


英语翻译_百度知道 ... B:It's May 28th.Why? 5 月28,怎么了? B:For me? 给我? A:Yes.What's the date today? 是的,今天多 …


介词的用法 – 个人日记 – 一百易社区 ... after you 在你之后 for me 为了我 Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮助了我。 ...

For me, things have to be interestingly wrong, and the methods are all that matter. 对我而言,那些错得有趣的事情,皆因所使用的方法有问题。
Because if there id just a little bit of love in there for me , I think that in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything. 以为如果哪怕你有一点点爱过我的话我希望你在说过这话的下一分钟已经开始后悔你说的话。
Onlooker: I'm considering that how much money you should pay for me. 旁观者:我在算你要付我多少钱。
Because you bring me warmth, because of you i dont have to worry, because you are always there for me, giving me a sense of security. 因为你带给我温暖,因为你让我不用担心什么,因为你给我一种安全感。
And as hard as it will be for me to tell my father he won't be back, I can't ask you to let me take him from you again. 而且,就象我很难对我父亲说它不能回去了一样,我也不能要求你再次让我把它从你这儿带走。
Do Ask: Given my background and experience, what do you think will be the greatest challenge for me in the beginning? 应该这样问:根据我的背景和经验,你认为我刚开始从事这份工作会遇到的最大的挑战是什么?
After he let go, he pulled something from his pocket and held it up for me to see. 放开我后,他从口袋里拿出了一样东西,举起来让我看。
I'm not as desperate for a change as you are. A change for me would be starting a new hobby or just buying something new. 我不像你那样渴望改变。我的改变方式会是培养新的爱好,或者买些新东西。
I don't need to say anything, someone is always with me, look after me, waiting for me, listen to my voice inside my mind. 我什么都不必说,有个人一直和我在一起,照顾我,守侯我,听的到我脑子里的声音。
But for me, I would rather think of the matter in an optimistic way. 但对我而言,我宁愿乐观地看待这个问题。
VNC was designed to help people link their own computers. But it also worked as a cheap and easy way for me to keep tabs on Joel. vnc是为了帮助人们联接自己的多台计算机而设计的,但对我来说,它也是用来监视乔尔的一种方便又便宜的工具。
The last seven months have been a pleasure and a privilege for me to serve this fantastic sporting institution. 我真的很荣幸这七个月来能在如此优秀的体育俱乐部手下和这么优秀的团队一起工作。
I had to get out on my own, and the Army would provide the necessary things for me to do so. 我必须要自己出去闯,部队会带给我必须的东西。
For me, that has always been such a conflict because I love natural songs. 对我来说,那总是有一点自我矛盾,因为我喜欢自然的歌。
It had a lot of benefits for me but I thought her education was more important. She did it for a year and said she didn't like it. 它让我受益良多,但我想她的教育更为重要。她当了一年的模特,然后说她不喜欢。
I wonder if it is possible for me to come in a bit late tomorrow? 我明天上班要晚到一会儿,不知行不行?
Dont forget tomorrow night date. And remember off duty, wait for me to call you to leave together. 别忘了明天晚上的约会。明天下班等我叫你一起走。
Could you check it for me? If so, I need to change a new one, How much does it cost? 你可以帮我检查下吗?如果真是那样的话,我要换个新的需要花多少钱呢?
All the same, it would have been good for me back then to be able to feel I was part of my generation. 尽管如此,对那时的我来说,能够感到我是我那一代人中的一份子,这不失为一件好事。
Before the incident, my father has already told me his plans for me on how he made me to be his next of kin as the only daughter. 事件发生后,我父亲之前已经告诉过我他的计划,他对我使我成为他的近亲是唯一的女儿。
T-Bag, springs to his feet and pulls a razor blade from inside his mouth. T-Bag replies, "Speaking of Jesus. . . say hi to him for me. " T-Bag活动了一下手脚,从嘴里拿里一片剃刀片,回答道,“说到耶稣…替我向他打个招呼。”
In the end, it was hard to tell whether I was really getting apps that were a good fit for me or just a random bunch of new app suggestions. 说来说去,我还是弄不清楚,我收集的种种程序究竟是真的适合我的需要,还是从各种新程序推荐当中随机选取的一个组合。
It's just a week being in the company , so everything is new for me. 我来到这家公司才一星期的时间,所以一切还在摸索。
Perhaps its being a deserted bit of waste land lying in an out-of-the-way corner gave it its charm for me. 也许是因为这是块荒芜之地,又在一个人迹罕至的角落,这才对我有了魅力。
I refuse to back out of an engagement. It has always been very important for me to keep my word. 我绝不违约,我一直信守诺言,这是非常重要的。
The wind is too strong for me to fly in a line through the storm. 风力太强了,我不能一直直线飞行穿过暴风。
You look around the problem. You look underneath the problem, and you give God time to work it out. It has always worked for me. 你要超越那问题,要看到问题之外的事,要看到问题的外围,要看到问题的下面,要给神时间去处理,这对于我总是管用。
He glanced at the screen, typed "vitesse au sol" into The French king, and held it up for me to see the Chinese: "Groundspeed. " 他扫了一眼,将“vitesseausol”输入了法语王,然后将它递给我看中文:“地速。”
In fact it was something of a sore point for me that I had not seen one after more than half a dozen trips to its range in Central America. 事实上,牠对我而言算是个得分点,我至少到过牠所分布的中美洲区域赏鸟五、六趟,却半只也没看到。
Though you might have the sense to approach your clothes in this deliberate way already, for me it was a breakthrough. 尽管你或许早已就知道要以这种有意识的方法去穿着打扮,但这对我来说却是一个突破。