
美 [træʃ]英 [træʃ]
  • n.垃圾;废物;谬论;劣质品
  • v.损坏;毁坏;抨击;谴责
  • 网络垃圾桶;垃圾箱;回收站

第三人称单数:trashes 现在分词:trashing 过去式:trashed



n. v.

2.(informal)劣质品;拙劣的作品;糟粕;谬论objects, writing, ideas, etc. that you think are of poor quality

3.(informal)窝囊废;废物;没出息的人an offensive word used to describe people that you do not respect


美国英语_百度百科 ... 1. pavement – sidewalk1. 人行道 2. rubbish – trash2. 垃圾 4. biscuit – cookie4. 饼干 ...


有关环境污染的英语词汇 ... traffic noise 交通噪音 trash 废物 / 垃圾 wood waste 木材废料 ...


电脑硬盘的保养 - 天使@宝贝的日志 - 网易博客 ... 轨迹点 Track point 垃圾桶 Trash 特洛伊木马 Trojan Horse ...


9. 开启垃圾箱(trash)功能10. 去社区寻找帮助 Cloudera简介: 公司是一家Hadoop软件服务公司,提供免费软件CDH和Clouder…


因为回收站(Trash)本身就是一个标签(只不过是System Label,系统级标签)。在回收站中往右滑动出现的黑色条块才是删除的 …

外国电影【2178】(不含中国电影) ... 【3】 肉 Flesh Trash 热 Heat ...


石油英语词汇(T4)_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... trash line 碎屑线 trash 废料 trass cement 火山灰水泥 ...


人教版•八年级英语词汇表(上册) 附音标 - 豆丁网 ... sweep 扫,打扫,清扫 trash 垃圾,废物,碎屑 fold 折叠,折起来 ...

Taking on many more responsibilities than was expected of him, I remember he made sure the trash was taken out, and the yard mowed. 我记得他要收拾垃圾,在院子里割草,这些都是他那个年纪所不必要做的。
Student Rigo Estrada says he was the kind of person who threw trash on the street before he came here. 学生里戈·埃斯特拉达承认,他进这所学校之前,是那种在街上乱扔垃圾的人。
My uncle trash talked the barkeep who catered to the enemy soldiers, but he never refused the money I brought home. 另外,我的叔父经常辱骂那个投合敌兵的酒吧老板,但他从来没拒绝过我从酒吧带回来的钱。
"I've even seen a homeless man fighting with a dog over a piece of meat in a trash bin, " he said. “我甚至曾经看到一个无家可归的流浪人为了争一块肉和狗打架”张说。
White trash pick today, it should be small, must be very easy to pick it up right. 今天去捡白色垃圾,应该很少,捡起来一定很轻松吧。
I like the idea but it's not clear how much trash is needed to keep such a system going. 我喜欢这个想法,但现在还不清楚有多少垃圾,需要保持这样一个系统去。
Earlier, a Canadian newspaper reported it had discovered Libyan government documents regarding the meeting in a pile of trash in Tripoli. 之前加拿大一家报纸报道说,该报在的黎波里的一堆垃圾中找到了利比亚政府关于这次会谈的文件。
Not be like, you know, a neat freak picking up all the trash, but I can do what I can. 我不会像,你知道,捡起所有垃圾的洁癖狂那样,但我会尽力而为。
You paid how much for that piece of trash? ? ? 你到底付了多少钱买这个垃圾???
Could you take the trash out for me? Honey, I'm busy cooking. Could you take the trash out for me? As you wish. 你可以帮我倒垃圾吗?甜心,我正在忙着煮饭。你可以帮我倒垃圾吗?就照你说的办。
After a month of burying the statue all over her lawn, she had no nibbles and in disgust put the statue out in her trash. 她把雕像埋进了她的草坪,一月之后,她未得到任何购买信息,于是便将雕像仍进了垃圾堆。
Now, for many blacks, blacks themselves seem to be denigrating it by flooding the market with trash novels no better than Mickey Spillane. 现在,对于许多黑人来说,黑人自己似乎在贬低它,用一些比米基·史毕兰(MickeySpillane)好不了多少的垃圾小说充塞市场。
We live in a truly amazing world--once you are ready to pick up a little piece of trash, you are ready to accomplish anything. 我们生活在一个很奇妙的世界里--当你可以弯下腰捡起一件小小的垃圾的时候,你已经做好了准备去完成任何事情。
Quite the opposite, ATE has long been used by administrations as something of a trash bin for bad loans. 完全相反的是,ATE长期以来一直被希腊政府当作收纳坏帐的垃圾桶。
When it's done cooking, toss the fruit in the trash, and get ready to sit down to a delicious -- and juicy -- main course. 完毕后,将水果扔掉,然后就可以坐下来享受美味多汁的鸡肉了。
Thank him for teaching you humility as you pick up the trash. 谢谢它教会了你谦逊。
When a bottle is empty, it goes out in the trash. But bottle glass can be ground into sand and used to pave streets. 还有废弃在垃圾里的空瓶子,玻璃瓶可以被磨成沙用来铺路。
It would be a shame to see Congress trash that legacy with a single bill. 很遗憾看到国会用一个法案就摧毁了这些遗产。
Each film has a scene with an elderly person trying to put the bottle in the trash can. What does this mean? 三部曲中每一部都有一老者试著要把宝特瓶丢到回收筒里的镜头,这在暗示什麽?
The trick might be something like, "I'll spill all the trash out of your trash can if you don't give me a treat. " 恶作剧有可能是这样玩的,“如果你不请客,我就把你的垃圾都从垃圾筒里倒出来。”
(Now, how simple can we get? ) Move the paper to your out basket, your file, your "to read" folder or to your trash. (现在,我们是多么的简单?)把你的文件移动到文件栏里、你的文档中、你的待阅读文件夹中或者垃圾箱中。
The conclusion was that the paintings, still in their crates, had ended up in the trash, he said. 结论是那些画还好好的装在箱子里,只不过是以被扔进垃圾箱里而告终的。他说。
This is often a time of much teasing and trash-talking among league members. 这往往是联盟成员间大肆揶揄与说垃圾话的时刻。
It was one of those times where for some reason I forgot to take the trash out one week, the next week I forgot to take it out again. 那是其中一次。第二个星期,我又忘记把垃圾拿出去,想是我出门远行了。
So, next time you mailbox or take out the trash, try to see if you spot anyone your age that could be a potential friend. 所以,下次你路过邮筒或倒垃圾的时候,试着看看是否能发现跟你同龄可以做朋友的人。
He said, "No, no. I'm not paying you to go through the trash. Get back to work. " 他说,“不,不。我不是雇你在垃圾里找东西。回去工作。”
I then returned to the daycare center. He thought it would be funny if he hid in the trash. 最后当我回到托儿所的时候,我发现他藏在垃圾桶里,因为他觉得这样很好玩。
The patient tried to stand up so the blood would flow into a nearby trash can, and I told her, "No, don't stand up. " 她想要站起来,因此血流到了旁边的垃圾桶里。我对她说:“不要站起来。”
Your resume has only a few seconds to impress - or to end up in the trash. 你的简历只有几秒钟的时间来打动别人—要么被扔进垃圾桶。
Some blubber ends up in the trash, no longer prized as fuel for heat and light when a drill rig nearby makes natural gas cheap and easy. 直到更多的雪下下来才能掩盖这种场景。一些鲸脂不再作为加热和点灯的燃料捕获品,最后成了垃圾。附近一个钻井架使得天然气既便宜又方便。