
美 [sɔrt]英 [sɔː(r)t]
  • n.排序;分类;种类;类别
  • v.整理;把…分类;妥善处理;安排妥当
  • 网络方法;数组元素的排序;把……分类

复数:sorts 现在分词:sorting 过去式:sorted

same sort
sort out
sort information,sort mail


n. v.

1.[c]种类;类别;品种a group or type of people or things that are similar in a particular way

2.[c][ususing](informal)某一种(或某一类)人a particular type of person

3.[sing]分类;排序the process of putting data in a particular order


it takes all sorts (to make a world)

(认为某人行为怪诞或不寻常时说)世界之大无奇不有,林子大了什么鸟都有used to say that you think sb's behaviour is very strange or unusual but that everyone is different and likes different things

of sorts

(表示某事物不够好)勉强算的,凑合的used when you are saying that sth is not a good example of a particular type of thing

out of sorts

身体不适;心情烦恼ill/sick or upset

sort of

有几分;有那么一点to some extent but in a way that you cannot easily describe

a sort of sth

(表示不十分准确)近似于某物,有点像是某物used for describing sth in a not very exact way


C# ... list.Average 平均值 list.Sort 排序 list.Max 最大值 ...


种字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 种块〖 seedpiece〗 种类〖 kind;sort;type〗 种麻〖 thefemaleplantofhemp〗 ...


慕奇网 | MOOCHIC 慕奇网 呵护您的时尚品味生活 ... 品牌 BRANDS 分类 SORT 戴安娜王妃包 PRINCESS DIANA ...


字典中 方 字的解释 ... (16) 合成药物的配方[ recipe] (19) 品类;类别[ sort] (24) 方法[ method] ...


目视管理_百度百科 ... 5S—素养( sustain) 1S—整理( sort) 2S—整顿( set in order) ...


FlexCell表格控件 - 最近更新 ... Column.DataPropertyName 绑定的字段名称。 Range.Sort 方法。 Grid.ExportToStream 方法 …


flash脚本语言_百度百科 ... - push 入栈 (入队列) - sort 数组元素的排序 - new Boolean 新建布尔型对象 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... reuse vt. 重新使用 sort n. 把…分类;整理 technique n. 技术;方法 ...

That's a problem. He has sort of Dutch courage and that will egg him on in doing anything. 这可是个问题,他在酒后逞能,什么事情都会做出来的。
Could I try some of that jam? Jam? That blackberry jam. Oh, of course, darling. Actually, it's sort of a fish berry jam. It's called caviar. 吃寿喜烧以前,来一点餐前甜点。我可以吃一点那个甜酱吗?甜酱?那个黑莓酱。哦,当然,亲爱的。事实上,这是一种鱼莓酱。它的名字叫鱼子酱。
It's the sort of thing that the veritable room full of monkeys with typewriters would be able to generate, given enough time. 这一类的事情,就像里面有着很多携带打字机猴子的房间里,只要给予足够的时间,都会产生类似的结果。
So let's not cloud the facts by pretending that this sort of spending is Bush's fault. 所以我们还是不要假设这类支出都是布什的错来隐瞒真相吧。
One of the very first pieces of information needed by MissMASH is some sort of online calendar account information. MissMASH首先需要的信息之一是某种类型的在线日历帐户信息。
Let early education be a sort of a amusement; you will then be better able to find out the natural bent. 初期教育应是一种娱乐,这样才更容易发现一个人天生的爱好。
No signs so far, therefore, of the sort of dramatic price drops that might lead to a slump in investment and put pressure on the banks. 因此,迄今尚未有迹象表明,会出现那种可能导致投资锐减、银行压力增大的房价暴跌。
And so what we're trying to do is create sort of a virtuous cycle where people start feeling better and better about the economy. 因此,我们正在努力做的事情,就是创造出良性循环,这样人民对经济开始感觉越来越发好。
That leads on to the biggest question of all: whether this sort of intervention works. 这导致一个最关键的问题:这类干预是否有效。
Take a hard look at what you own, and what sort of downturn you think you could handle. 严格审查一下你所拥有的,考虑一下你能够应付何种程度的低迷。
Marrying him seems best of all: the legal contract, in most jurisdictions, protects you against this sort of behaviour. 看起来嫁给他是最好的选择:在大多数法域中,法律合同都将针对遗弃行为给你提供保护。
NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe. 美国航天局并没有参与任何形式的掩盖关于外星生命在这个星球上任何地方或在宇宙中。
the sense of power over the machine eventually corrupts the computer hacker and makes him into a not very desirable sort of programmer. 任意摆布电脑所带来的权力感,最终诱使黑客堕落,成为一个声名不佳的程序员。
And at the same time I was sort of wary of it because we were going to work so much with the blue screen. 同时,我有些担心,因为很多情况下我们要在蓝幕下工作。
But throughout the year he had the sort of "a-ha! " moments driving home his value. 在整整一年里,他有许多令人惊叹的时刻,使自身价值得到了充分体现。
The right sort of schema annotations are very useful on a range of levels, starting with improved documentation. 正确的模式注释在各种层次上都很有用,最起码可以改进文档。
This sort of form is still quite common, although it's usually not isolated on its own Web page. 这类表单仍然很常见,尽管它通常不是孤立在单独的网页上。
And the students were doing what, just pat the dogs, just sort of hang out with dogs? 学生会做什么,只是拍狗,抱狗吗?
In his speech, Mr Bean gave examples of the sort of powers that could underpin such a policy. 在这份演讲中,宾先生给出了几个可以支持这一法案的权力细节的例子。
He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious. 他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。
you know, I'm sort of hoping it'll be something for you, Cyril. I'd much rather it was for you than for me. 你知道,我也希望那会是适合你的东西,西里尔。我更希望那件东西更适合你而不是我。
In some contexts it can be used to refer to any sort of occlusive vascular disease anywhere in the body, except the heart. 在某些语境中它也指代除心脏外全身任何地方的各种闭塞性血管疾病。
Feel free to drop me a link to an app that makes this sort of thing enjoyable, but I don't believe such a thing exists. 自如地给我一个线索让这个事情更加有趣,但我认为这样的事不存在。
Twilight concentrates much more on a. . . kind of, you know, like vampirism being a sort of disease. 暮光之城更多地集中于一种,你知道的,像吸血的一种疾病。
That's why congressional leaders from both parties, along with President Obama, are trying to come up with some sort of compromise. 这就是为什么美国国会两党领导人与总统奥巴马一起,正在努力想出一些折中的措施。
The Democratic Party has never produced a candidate who excites such adulation from his sort of voters. 民主党从来没有一位候选人能够获得自己支持者如此的追捧。
For one so young there was a rather strange power in him of seeing things in some sort of proportion. 年纪尽管这样轻,他却有一种权衡事情轻重的异常能力。
Then made a wave-like sort of flexible approach macroblock which have summed up the characteristics. 然后根据总结的特点提出一种波浪式的灵活宏块排序方法。
The new sort of competition is all about charisma. 这种新型的竞争完全在于感召力。
This sort of sales tactic might work for instant coffee, a product that everyone understands is a bastardization of something much better. 对于速溶咖啡来说,这也许是个有效的营销手段,因为大家都知道它本来就廉价不入流。