amount to

  • v.合计
  • 网络总计;等于;共计

第三人称单数:amounts to 现在分词:amounting to 过去式:amounted to

amount toamount to

amount to


英语三级短语_百度文库 ... take advantage of 利用,趁。。 。 之机 amount to 总计,相当于 apply…to… 应用 ...


地质词典_百度文库 ... a lot of 大量,许多 amount to 总计,等于 and so forth 等等 ...


天使之苑 - 淡雅 - 网易博客 ... allow of 容许 amount to 合计,共计 answer for 对…负有责任 ...


天使之苑 - 淡雅 - 网易博客 ... allow of 容许 amount to 合计,共计 answer for 对…负有责任 ...


英语三级短语_百度文库 ... take advantage of 利用,趁。。 。 之机 amount to 总计,相当于 apply…to… 应用 ...


高考英语必备单词_百度知道 ... 29. all out 尽力而为 30. amount to 等于,意味着 31. and that 而且 ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... lead to...( 导致……,招致……) amount to ...( 达到; 意味着) object to ...( 反对) ...


介词(主要是to)的用法_爱问知识人 ... agree to 赞同, amount to 加起来达…, belong to 属于, ...

Sha Sha gold micro-listening, began to close places of the heart, so close places of pain, pain, she appeared on the amount to a cold sweat. 金微傻傻地听着,心脏开始收宿了起来,收宿得那么痛楚,那么痛楚,她额上冒出冷汗来了。
Usage : Spreadly apply appropriate amount to the face along with the face line. Wipe it out with tissue after softly massaging . 用法:取适量本品,均匀涂于面颊、额头、鼻子、下巴、用手指轻轻按摩,用清水洗尽即可。
If each of us gave of ourselves just a little bit more, that would amount to a landslide of power to make this world a much better place. 如果我们能再多付出一点,这许多的“一点”将汇成巨大的力量,让这个世界变得更加美丽。
Quite possibly, but the real question of course is whether this would amount to anything more than just a brief mental flicker. 很有可能,但是真的问题是只是瞬间的脑海中一闪而过或是别的更多。
Mr Brown is at pains to say that all this does not amount to a blank cheque for the banks. 布朗竭力表示,这一切不等于为银行开了一张空白支票。
But it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. 但你一定要知道,我们三个人的事,只是这世界的小小点缀。
It must be understood that our agreement to postpone the payment does not amount to an acceptance of your opinion of the goods supplied. 必须了解,我方同意延期付款并不等于接受贵方关于所供货物的意见。
His second option is to persuade Mr Putin to step down, or to sack him. This would amount to a palace coup. 梅的第二个选择是说服普京下台,或者解雇他,这将等于宫廷政变。
To be frank, I don't like this job. I'm afraid I'll amount to nothing if I keep on working like this. 老实说,我并不喜欢这份工作,如果继续做下去的话我认为前途渺茫。
(=It would be unwise if you were to marry him. ) ? ? The same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to disaster. 要是你跟他结婚那将是不明智的。(动词不定式短语)
The committee also said the ban "did not amount to prohibited discrimination. " “委员会还说这”不算是禁止性歧视。
But until his staff looked up this document, he did not appreciate how much that would amount to. 但在他的幕僚查阅行为准则文件之前,他并未意识到代价究竟会有多高。
Officials said the investigation does not amount to a full safety review. 官员们认为这次调查不是一个全面性的安全审查。
How much rice does a cup really amount to on your plate? 而一杯的米放在你的餐盘上究竟是多少呢?
while their children follow into cities as well, and the children of migrant workers amount to a large group of people. 为了工作他们举家迁移,其子女也跟随到了城市,外来务工人员子女已成为庞大的群体。
The indigenous groups say that the laws put their way of life in danger, and amount to nothing less than the theft of their ancestral lands. 土著组织称,这些法律将他们的生活方式置入危险中,无异于盗窃他们祖传的土地。
It is often cited example is the clothing, textile and power that the world of China, is not enough to amount to anything more OEM's. 人们常常举的例子是服装,认为作为世界绳带大国的中国,多做OEM是不够有出息的。
Speaking to the enemy is an ordinary part of diplomacy and does not on its own amount to appeasement. 与敌对话属于外交中的平常内容,本身并不等于绥靖政策。
On this call would be a condition that was the converse of the if; in this case, that the deposit must amount to less than or equal to zero. 在这个调用上会有一个与if相反的条件;在本例中,即存款必须小于等于0。
Mr. McNerney said the point was one often voiced by American executives: 'We have too many regulatory hurdles that don't amount to much. ' 麦克纳尼说,这一点常常是美国企业高管表达的。他说,我们的太多监管障碍都没有什么价值。
It is a shame that for a thousand years the world's banquets have utterly ignored the baby, as if he didn't amount to anything! 一千年来世上的宴会完全忽略了婴儿这个主题,似千说他真是一无是处!
Domestic remittances: Members of the public may consign Chunghwa Post to make a remittance of a specific amount to a domestic beneficiary. 一国内汇兑:指公众以一定金额委托中华邮政公司支付与国内受款人之业务。
The place in listening to coke contains energy to also amount to 140 kilocalorie , comparative almost with milk of a bag of complete fat. 一听可乐中所含能量也达140千卡,与一袋全脂牛奶几乎相当。
It is hard to avoid the impression that the author is straining to make a book out of a subject that does not really amount to one. 现在很难不对本书作者产生一种印象,即她只是在挖空心思地将一个无法成书的主题拼凑成一部著作。
Now you may say this amount to a very limited government, and libertarian may complain that Locke is not such a terrific ally after all. 现在你就能大概了解有限政府的概念了,而自由主义者们可能会抱怨洛克根本算不上是一个坚定地盟友。
This week's agreement to enter a "reconciliation process" did not amount to surrender on their main demand for an early election. 这周进入“和解进程”的协议,并不表示他们放弃提前举行大选的主要要求。
Taken as a trend, they amount to a dangerous erosion of the system of multilateral trade on which global prosperity depends. 如果把这种情况当做一种潮流,它们对全球经济繁荣倚赖的多边贸易体制会产生危险的破坏。
"We are beginning to understand how word-of-mouth shapes preferences and fads, but there is still a tremendous amount to learn, " he said. “我们慢慢开始理解,舆论如何塑造偏好和时尚,但是还有很多问题没有解决,”他说。
Another source said the amount to be raised had not beenfinalised. 也有消息称最终金额还未确定。
As a commercial company, we need to charge at least a nominal amount to keep . NET Reflector up-to-date and relevant. 作为一家商业公司,我们需要至少在名义上收取一些费用,以保持.NETReflector的更新和地位。