be composed of

  • na.由…组成
  • 网络由…构成;由…组成的;强调由什么成分所构成

be composed ofbe composed of

be composed of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... complain of 抱怨;诉苦;抗议 be composed of 由…组成 connect with 连接;相通,衔接 ...


GRE数学词汇 - 豆丁网 ... be closet to 最接近…… be composed of 由构成 be equal to 与……相等 ...


三笔固定搭配词组 - 豆丁网 ... short of 短缺 be composed of 由…组成的 die of 死于 ...


橘子_新浪博客 ... dress 裙子 be composed of---- 强调由什么成分所构成 ◆costume n. 化装服 ...


新概念英语第三册lesson 13... ... dress: 裙子 be composed of --- 强调有什么成分所组成 constitute ---- 由部分构成整体 ...

Classes can be composed of classes which themselves have parts, allowing you to hierarchically decompose a system to any arbitrary level. 类可以由那些拥有部件的类组成,允许您按照层级结构将一个系统逐步分解成任意的层次。
The board shall be composed of eight directors. each director shall be appointed or recalled by his own side . 董事会由八名董事组成,各方的董事将由各方自行任命或罢免。
An election committee at any other level shall be composed of five to eleven members, including one chairman and one or two vice-chairmen. 其他各级选举委员会由五至十一人组成,设主任一人,副主任一至二人,委员若干人。
The labor-dispute mediation commission of an enterprise shall be composed of representatives of employees and of the enterprise. 企业劳动争议调解委员会由职工代表和企业代表组成。
The name of a variable, its identifier, can be composed of letters, digits, and the underscore character. 变量名称,即它的标识符,可由字母、数字和下划线构成。
It laid down that AS far AS possible companies should be composed of men of the same nationality or who spoke a common language. 法令还规定连队应尽可能由同国籍士兵或讲同种语言者组成。
The implants developed by the project will likely be composed of electrodes or optical fibres, and will sit on the surface of the brain. 这个项目开发的植入物很可能由电极或光纤组成,并安置在脑表面。
Its General Council, elected by the Natives will be composed of representatives of the General Council re-election chairman. 其总理事会由各同乡会选举的代表组成,总理事会再选举理事长。
A photon sieve can be composed of a large number of circular pinholes. Each circular pinhole has a contribution to the focusing. 光子筛是一种由大量小孔构成的衍射元件,其上面的每个小孔对聚焦都有贡献。
Complex types are more of a convenience construct for users to define their own types that may not be composed of a unique geometric form. 复杂型组合实体在用户定义那些单个几何元素组合不能完成的类型时是一种更加方便的结构。
A common skipper butterfly species was found to be composed of ten species, each with a distinctive life history. 某种常见的弄蝶(skipperbutterfly)经鉴定,是由10个物种组成,每个物种都有着特殊的生活史。
The structure model is a nonlinear model in nature, and can be composed of a group of uncertain reasoning rules easily. 这种结构模型是一种本质非线性模型,可以很容易由一组不确定性推理规则构成。
A transverse section of the kidney shows it to be composed of three distinct regions. The outer region is the cortex. 肾脏的横切面显示出它由3个截然不同的部分构成。外面部分是皮质。
A topic is a free-form string and may be composed of any single-byte character code. 主题是无格式的字符串,可以包含任何单一字节的字符。
In reality, correlation sets can be composed of many individual sets of many properties, but that extra complexity is left our for clarity. 在现实中,关联集可以由多个属性的多个个体集合组成,但为了简单起见,那些额外的复杂性略去不谈。
The background subject images will be composed of a set of frames from your existing video library. 背景主题图像将由您现有视频库中的一系列帧所构成。
The new government would not be composed of just the old members of the New Republic. 新的政(宇宙)府不仅仅由新共和的老成员组成。
That USA jurist Pound points out, society is hit by in modern commerce most public wealth is to be composed of contract. 美国法学家庞德指出,在现代商业社会中大部分社会财富是由合同构成的。
An Active Directory environment can be composed of multiple domains in a trust relationship called a tree. 一个ActiveDirectory环境可以由存在信任关系的多个域组成,称为树。
A Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade is hereby established, and shall be composed of representatives from each of the Members. 特此设立技术性贸易壁垒委员会,由每一成员的代表组成。
Although noctilucent clouds are thought to be composed of small ice-coated particles, much remains unknown about them. 尽管我们认为夜光云由裹着冰的小微粒组成,但仍有许多未知有待研究。
The optimum comparing factor can be composed of the ideal criterion, the relative criterion and the consumer criterion. 进行关联分析时的最佳对比对象可用理想标准、相对标准、用户标准等构成。
A master's examination committee shall be composed of three to five members screened and appointed by the university president. 硕士学位考试委员会置委员三人至五人,由校长遴聘之。
Article 37 The shareholders assembly of a company with limited liability shall be composed of all of its shareholders. 第三十七条有限责任公司股东会由全体股东组成。
Article 59 The liquidators of a partnership enterprise after its disbandment shall be composed of all the partners. 第五十九条合伙企业解散,清算人由全体合伙人担任;
The liquidation team shall be composed of the fund manager, the fund custodian and related intermediary agencies. 清算组由基金管理人、基金托管人以及相关的中介服务机构组成。
Each ORDER can be composed of up to 15 distinct items called ORDER_LINE. 每份ORDER(订单)最多可以由15种不同产品组成,称作ORDER_LINE(订购项)。
The rings themselves are seen to be composed of many individual ringlets . 可以看到光环本身是由许多单道小环形组成。
Comprehensive quality of Chinese teacher can be composed of technical elements and characteristic ones. 语文教师的综合素养分为技术因素与人格因素。
However, this view may need to be modified as space-time may be composed of quantum "points" if Hogan's theory is correct. 因此,如果Hogan的理论正确,那么时空实际上是不连续的,由一系列量子点组成,爱因斯坦的理论则需要修正。