map out

美 [mæpaʊt]
  • na.规划
  • 网络制定出;筹划;安排

第三人称单数:maps out 现在分词:mapping out 过去式:mapped out

map outmap out

map out


雅思写作词汇分类 - 豆丁网 ... architectural industry 建筑工业 22. map out 制定出 23. city designing 城市设计 24. ...


set off - 英汉词典 ... line up 准备停当; 计划, 安排 map out 筹划, 安排 play it by ear 事先不做准备; 即兴 ...


set off - 英汉词典 ... line up 准备停当; 计划, 安排 map out 筹划, 安排 play it by ear 事先不做准备; 即兴 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(M) ... Maori 毛利人 map out 制订 map 地图 ...


daily reading ... stun vt. 使震惊;使不知所措 map out 在地图上标出,筹划,制定出 proverbial a. 谚语的,众所周知的 ...


Heroes 英雄 S4E02 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... trajectory: 轨迹,轨道 map out: 详细制定 thanks for: 感谢… ...


短语讲解: ... 61. have all the luck 运气很好 60. map out 画地图 59. It doesn't matter. 无关紧要 ...

Which is why a growing number of prospective MBAs map out a win-at-all-costs strategy one, two or three years before applying. 这就是为何越来越多的准MBA们采用申请前工作一两年或两三年的战略。
When a good talent was spotted, the manager will map out a strategy with the rest of his team to draw him in. 每当发现一个人才时,公司的经理会与他的团队筹划一个“挖人”计划;
However, to the best of your ability, sit down with your partner and map out what you think will be important to you in the future. 不管怎样,尽量坐下来和你的伴侣一起筹划一下未来,你们对未来的想法对你们很关键。
He spread the photostatted military map out on the forest floor and looked at it carefully. 他在森林的地面上摊开影印的军用地图,仔细端详。
But an incoming government would then have to map out a credible plan to slash the deficit over the next four- or five-year parliament. 新任的政府不得不提出一个可靠的提案在未来四到五年的削减议会财政赤字。
Once more, he tugged the hand-drawn map out of his coat pocket and committed it to memory. 他又从上衣口袋里掏出那张手绘的地图,默记。
Socialist Party leaders were to meet for crisis talks on Tuesday to map out a new plan of attack for the election. 社会党领导人们准备周四开会进行危机谈话,以制定一个应对选择新的出击计划。
Do you want to work on your investments or meet with a financial planner to map out a plan for investing for your retirement? 你想自己去做些经济上的投资还是找一个投资顾问去帮你制定为退休做准备的投资计划?
Stem turned Megatron, gun pick Royal predators, map out a strategy to thousands of miles away, is a 1VN victory over the main. 干变成了威震天,枪挑皇家大鳄,制订策略,以千里之外,是在主要的1VN胜利。
To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage which a soldier needs. 计划出一项行动的方针,然后便坚定不移地实行到底,颇需要军人所必需具备的那种勇气。
Map out a strategy, he said, and adjust it frequently. 他说,安排好计划,再经常调整一下。
Has that which our praxis engenders the right to map out for itself necessities, even contradictory ones, from the standpoint of truth? 人作为主体所产生的东西,有权利从真理的观点,替自己定位为必要条件,甚至是彼此矛盾的必要条件吗?
Establish the production strategy guided by the company strategy. Map out the department policies and all procedures. 制订运营部部门战略;制定部门政策和程序。
Having got everything ready, they got down to map out a plan for the construction of a new express way. 把一切准备好后,他们开始制定建设一条新快速路的计划。
Now the new computer system has been used to map out how this happens. 现在新的电脑系统已用于勾勒出这个过程的发生过程。
MarCom Coordinator will prepare one set media kit and give-away gift for each inspector and map out a routing for the inspection. 公关部助理将为每一位参观者准备一份媒体宣传资料和一份礼品,并制订一条参观的路线。
These parts actually attempt to map out the work flow as the use cases progress. 随着用例进展,这些部分实际上试图制定工作流。
The player can select a map out of the list and send his squad for a mission against AI or another human. 玩家可以选择一个映射出清单,并发送一个AI或另一个人对他的球队的使命。
To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. 制定行动计划并坚持到底需要士兵般的勇气。
Leaders from 63 countries have met the top officials in Libya's National Transitional Council to map out a future for the country. 来自63个国家的领袖与利比亚全国过渡委员会高级官员会晤,为这个国家的未来制定路线。
In other words, we can map out all these differences, and of course, what was the Christology of the Gospel of John? 换言之,我们可以划分出这些区别,当然还少不了,《约翰福音》的基督论是什么?
I told David I would map out a simple step -by- step program starting from the first day, week, and month. 我告诉大为我将会安排一种简单的步骤计画开始从第一天,第一周到第一个月。
S. counterpart President Obama will map out a blueprint together for China-U. S. cooperation for the new era. 胡主席和美国总统奥巴马将携手为中美合作的新时代描绘新的蓝图。
When you recognize the need for a reusable software asset it is key to map out a realization strategy. 当你认识到需要可重用的软件资产时,规划实现战略就很重要了。
maverick either, but a pioneer in one of the many expeditions that China has launched to map out its nuclear energy options in the future. 段也不是标新立异之人,只是中国为规划未来的核能能源利用方式而发起的众多项目中的一位先行者。
This was the motive behind many 'scientific' expeditions to explore and map out the centre of Africa in the 19th century. 这是19世纪许多探寻和测绘非洲中部的“科学”考察背后的动机。
Or map out the specs for the application you want created and submit it to eLance. com and Guru. com to get quotes. 或者筹划你想创立的应用的说明书并提交给eLance.com和Guru.com取得报价。
So setup your goals, map out the necessary steps and start knocking them off one at a time. 所以,制定你的目标,列出为达到此目标的必需步骤,然后一步一步解决。
At the end of the call, if I have to get busy with other things, I'll print this map out and throw it into my in-basket. 会议结束后,尽管有时候不得不我忙于其他事,我会把这个规划图打印出来放到我的代办事宜夹里。
The summertime is an excellent time for teachers to go through the curriculum and map out each standard. 夏天是教师浏览完总课程、筹划安排每个具体内容的绝妙时候。