
美 [maɪnd]英 [maɪnd]
  • v.介意;注意;当心;听从
  • n.头脑;心思;大脑;智慧
  • 网络心智;心灵;精神

复数:minds 现在分词:minding 过去式:minded

change mind,speak mind,come mind,ease mind,develop mind
good mind,clear mind,creative mind,great mind,brilliant mind


n. v.

思考能力ability to think

1.[c][u]头脑;大脑the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel

2.[c]思考能力;智慧;思维方式your ability to think and reason; your intelligence; the particular way that sb thinks

智者intelligent person

3.[c]聪明人;富有才智的人a person who is very intelligent


4.[c]心思your thoughts, interest, etc.


5.[c][ususing]记忆力your ability to remember things


be all in sbs/the mind

只是凭空想象to be sth that only exists in sb's imagination

bear/keep sb/sth in mind|bear/keep in mind that…

将…记在心中;记住;考虑到to remember sb/sth; to remember or consider that…

be bored, frightened, pissed, stoned, etc. out of your mind

感到非常无聊(或害怕等);烂醉如泥;晕头转向to be extremely bored, etc.

be/go out of your mind

心智失常;发疯to be unable to think or behave in a normal way; to become crazy

be in two minds about sth/about doing sth

犹豫不决;拿不定主意to be unable to decide what you think about sb/sth, or whether to do sth or not

be of one/the same mind (about sb/sth)

对…意见一致;对…看法相同to have the same opinion about sb/sth

be out of your mind with worry, etc.

极度焦虑(或愁苦等);忧心忡忡to be extremely worried, etc.

bring/call sb/sth to mind

想起;记起to remember sb/sth

come/spring to mind

突然记起(或想到)if sthcomes/springs to mind , you suddenly remember or think of it

have a good mind to do sth|have half a mind to do sth

想去做某事,可能会做某事(但不确定)used to say that you think you will do sth, although you are not sure

have sb/sth in mind (for sth)

心中有适当人选(或想做的事等)to be thinking of sb/sth, especially for a particular job, etc.

have it in mind to do sth

打算做某事to intend to do sth

have a mind of your own

有主见;能自作决定to have your own opinion and make your own decisions without being influenced by other people

lose your mind

发疯;神经错乱to become mentally ill

make up your mind|make your mind up

作出决定;下定决心to decide sth

mind over matter

精神胜过物质(用精神力量处理物质问题)the use of the power of your mind to deal with physical problems

your minds eye

想象your imagination

on your mind

挂在心上;惦念if sb/sth ison your mind , you are thinking and worrying about them/it a lot

put/get sth out of your mind

不再想;有意忘记to stop thinking about sb/sth; to deliberately forget sb/sth

put sb in mind of sb/sth

使某人想起to make sb think of sb/sth; to remind sb of sb/sth

put/set sbs mind at ease/rest

安慰;宽解;使宽心to do or say sth to make sb stop worrying about sth

put/set/turn your mind to sth|set your mind on sth

集中精力做;下决心做to decide you want to achieve sth and give this all your attention

take your mind off sth

转移一下注意力;暂时将某事忘记to make you forget about sth unpleasant for a short time

to my mind

依我看;以我之见in my opinion


七年级英语单词表 ... stand 忍受 mind 介意 king 君主;国王 ...






M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... million num. 百万 n.许多 mind n. 头脑;理智;记忆 mine pron. 我的 ...


身字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 〖bodyandmind〗 肉体和精神 〖mind〗 心思,精神 〖integrity;moralcharacter〗 指人的品德修养 ...


思维MIND)是人脑对客观事物间接的和概括的反 人脑对客观事物间接的和概括的反 映, 映,是在表象、概念的基础上进 …


YEUO.COM ... IT Tech( 技术) (48) Mind( 思想) (61) Funny( 搞笑) (8) ...

Buzzing with ideas, overflowing with wit, razor-sharp and ready to blow your mind: Channel 4 has always been fresh and intelligent. 新的观点四处流传,智慧满溢,尖锐锋利并准备让你无法思考:第四频道总是新鲜并富有才智。
is just a series of trying to make up your mind . 生活只是一个不断努力,下决心的过程。
I'm glad to hear that. I must say you always seem to have the buyer's interests in mind. 史:听你这么说,我很高兴。看来你们总是为顾客的利益着想。
I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change. 于是停下脚步把它捡起来,回想起这些日子里一直在为许许多多自己不能改变的事情而忧心忡忡。
Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. 她丈夫约瑟是个义人,不愿意明明的羞辱她,想要暗暗的把她休了。
Some powerful force inside me made me test my mind. I wanted to learn if it was as good as that of others. 我内心深处有一股强大的力量促使我检验一下我的脑子够不够用。我想看一看自己能否学得和别人一样好。
His mother said he needed to take his mind off his work and the pressures of being the president. 他母亲说,他需要暂且忘却他的工作,忘掉作为总统的压力
As I re-entered the attic, with a more rational mind, and discovered what had appeared to be a baby was only in fact a doll. 第二次进去的时候我有了心理准备,这时发现那个似乎是孩子的东西其实是个洋娃娃。
Keep that in mind the next time you stop at Starbucks. Your cup of joe is actually taking more than $150 out of your retirement fund. 下次在星巴克前驻足的时候一定要想到:你杯里的咖啡事实上从你的退休基金里拿走了150块钱
In a doubtful case I would not put him in so painful a position, and so I reserve my information until my own mind is clear upon the matter. 在一个还没有定论的案子里,我不想使他处于不利的地位,所以我保留我所了解到的情况,直到我的看法确定以后再说。
Don't act. Your mind will urge you to eat that cake ( "Just a bite! " ) or smoke that cigarette or stop running or procrastinate. 你的思想会劝你吃那块蛋糕(“就咬吧,不要管其他的”)或者抽那只烟吧或者停止跑步或者拖延下来吧。
Would you folks mind rescuing me? -Can all be well, thanks to Cliff's wistful wish? -That's easy for you to say. 你们各位愿意解救我吗?-他们会愿意,幸亏有悬崖的夙愿?-你说的倒是容易。
Furthermore, breathwork helps to transform a scattered state of mind into a state of focus and concentration. 此外,呼吸法有助于将散漫的思想状态转换为专注和集中的状态。
I was deeply attracted by his character. The first chatting with him left me a good impression that can never be driven away from my mind. 骏坦率、无邪的性格深深吸引了我,和他的初次聊天让我久久不能忘怀。
Pay one's respects to gently say to my heart like a blessing into the warmth of the sun, the eternal places to stay in your eyes, mind you. 轻轻一声问安,将我心中的祝福化作阳光般的温暖,永恒地留在您眼中、您心中。
Now that you're done with her, you mind if I take a crack at her? 既然你和她已经分手了,你介意我去追吗?
And for the one who reads with open eyes and mind, his wisdom shall be increased a hundred-fold. 而对于一个用开放视角及头脑阅读的人来讲,他的智慧将增加一百倍。
My peace of mind is often troubled by the depressing sense that I have borrowed too heavily from the work of other men. 我时常怀着一种忧郁的心情,觉得自己从别人的工作中承袭太多,因而心里惴惴不安。
But whatever "focus" turns out to be (so far we don't know), we must include it in any view of the mind. 但是不论”注意力“最终是什么(目前,我们还不知道),我们必须将它纳入对思维的任何看法之中。
for, you see, though his mind was the mind of Eustace, his tastes and his digestion were dragonish . 你看,虽然他的心还是尤斯达斯的心,可是他的胃口和消化系统却已经变得非常残暴。
After reading the newspaper , the owner was surprised to open his mouth. later returning his mind, he tells the female shopkeeper. 店主看完报纸,惊讶地张开嘴。回过神后,告诉女店主。
Transition logic cross-cuts all intercepting filters and as you might have guessed AOP yet again comes to mind as the technology of choice. 转移逻辑横贯所有拦截过滤器,你可能已经猜到了,AOP再次成为所选技术。
Gradually, the numbness, would naturally do not mind, what did the students like this with us as it does not matter. 渐渐地,就麻木了,自然而然就觉得无所谓,好像本部同学干了什么跟我们没关系一样。
However, I don't mind spending some of my life trying to save this damned place. 不过,我倒是不介意把自己的一些时间,花在拯救这个该死的地方上。
Get out of your mind the idea of expecting God to come with compulsions and pleadings. 扔掉期待上帝来强迫和恳求自己的想法吧。
You do not come to the consideration of that question with the previous habits of mind, and habits of life, that belong to many young women. 你在考虑这个问题的时候,不象其他的青年女子一样,不会依凭先入为主的思想习惯,生活习惯来考虑它。
If I could only get myself to fall in love with you - you don't mind my speaking so openly to such an old acquaintance? ' 要是我能使自己只爱上你那该多好啊!我如此坦率地向你表白,你不会介意吧?你可是我的一个老朋友啊。
You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an aero plane gets you to your destination rapidly. 你不必设法忘掉你是在旅行,因为飞机会很快地将你送到目的地。
The whole city, with its broad boulevards and wide sidewalks, was laid out with the passeggiata, or evening stroll, in mind. 城里道路宽阔,人行道也非常宽敞,看来城市的规划者把市民傍晚的散步也放在了心上。
The mind has a thousand eyes , And the heart but one ; Yet the light of the whole life dies When love is done . 黑夜有一千只眼睛闪亮,白昼却只有一只眼睛发光;然而一旦夕阳西下,明亮世界的光辉便顿时消亡。