miss like

miss likemiss like

miss like

you miss, like the time unable to recover, you will eventually be cast aside by the crowd of civilization. 你错过了,就像时间无法挽回,你终将被文明的人群唾弃。
I'm a Man U fan and I wanted them to win last week, but I definitely didn't want JT to miss like he did and go through that pain. 我是曼联球迷,我希望他们上周赢。但是我绝对不希望JT射失然后经历那种痛苦。
Miss like a disease, the number of clothes of the drug is not. 思念像一场病,服了多少的药也好不了。
I really miss like one conscientiously, really miss and treasure this emotion that comes late. 我好想认真爱一次,好想珍惜一下这份迟来的情感。
Miss like pass not tight door, air is happy dust. 思念就像关不紧的门,空气里有幸福的灰尘。