might as well

  • na.不如
  • 网络不妨;倒不如;最好

might as wellmight as well

might as well


英语作文常用词组_百度知道 ... 367. meet one's needs 满足要求 368. might as well 不妨 369. mistake a for b 认错 ...


以动词开头的习惯搭配 - 豆丁网 ... may well 很可能 might as well 倒不如 no more…than… 不比……更多 ...


1 成语俗语总整理 - 豆丁网 ... mess up 搞砸, 弄糟 might as well 还不如, 最好 mixed up 混淆 ...


常用英语短语-网络中国翻译 ... meet each other half way 将就着 might as well 也可以 mind your own business 不要管闲事 ...


1 成语俗语总整理 - 豆丁网 ... mess up 搞砸, 弄糟 might as well 还不如, 最好 mixed up 混淆 ...


might什么意思_百度知道 ... 20. might 力量, 能力, 威力 might as well 不妨,何妨;还是……的好 might well 有可能 ...


不_互动百科 ... [not be on the alert] 没有防备 [might as well] 最好还是 [there is no harm in] 无任何害处 ...

She insisted that she had accidentally added too much milk to her cereal, and instead of wasting it, she might as well give it to Banjo. 她坚持说她无意之中往麦片粥里加多了牛奶,与其浪费不如给班卓。
Then, his sister told him that if he liked drawing so dang much, he might as well make a buck or two at it. 后来,他姐姐对他说,他那么喜欢画画,也许可以因此挣点钱。
He might as well have picked a family at random out of the telephone book and stayed with them. 他还不如从电话薄里随便找一个家庭和他们住在一起。
Nor with such a man could you expect the appeal to conscience to be effective. You might as well ask for a reflection without a mirror. 和这种人你也不能期望良心的要求能起作用。要这样想,你还不如在没有镜子的情况下去要映像。
If I were to try to read, much less to answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well as be closed for any other business. 哪怕我曾经想过要看这些对我的攻击言论,这个店可能就已经关门改做其它的业务了,更不能说去回复它们了。
So you might as well be a little more verbose and create better self-documentation for your annotation type. 所示的简写形式中获益,所以您需要创建虽然稍微有点冗长,但是更容易理解的注释类型。
You'll only ask me again in 10 minutes, so I might as well tell you that. . . When anyone goes off the side of the pitch, they're offside. 10分钟之后你肯定还会再问我,我不妨告诉好你了……当任何人在球场跑错位置的时候,他就越位了。
She might as well have said it straight to his face and, for good measure, kicked him in the shins. 或许,她不妨当面告诉老板她的感受,再在他小腿上踢一脚。
We might as well rest here for a while. We've got to wait for our luggage to come out. 我们可以在这里休息一下,行李呆会才能来。
He might as well have tried to legislate the word "dream" out of American public discourse. Dreams? Reality? 他莫不如试着通过立法将“梦想”一词逐出美国的公众话语。梦想?现实?
I've been holding this stuff for a while, so I might as well let some of it out. 这些东西我一直都没有说,现在我想让大家也知道一些。
With its own tightly wrapped inside, might as well such as Chinese rose despite ups and downs like the wind and rain! 与其将自己的内心紧紧包裹,还不如如月季花大起大落般任凭风吹雨打!
We are stuck with its obligations. In the Whole Earth Catalog, my first words were, "We are as Gods, and might as well get good at it. " 在《地球目录》的第一句话是:“我们就像上帝一样,我们也许真的能做得像上帝那么棒。”
He returned to the pet store that afternoon, reasoning that he might as well convert the snake's lair into a rat's nest. 那天下午他又返回宠物店,照此推测,莫不如把蛇窝儿变成养老鼠的地方。
He said, "I might as well try to clip my own nose into shape with scissors. The book bleeds" (2). 他说,“就像我试着拿剪刀修剪自己的鼻子一样,书也会流血”。
Since you will know the matter sooner or later, I might as well tell you now. 既然你迟早都会知道这件事,我倒不如现在就告诉你。
The poverty mentality thinks, "There's such a tiny bit of cake; I might as well eat it. " 导致贫穷的心态认为,“就这样一点点的蛋糕,我还不如吃了。”
In this time of a batch ", we might as well, " to " the iron ore to a whole " . 在这变局稍稳的“间歇”,我们不妨对“铁矿石之变”来一个全程追踪。
And the cost of iteration is so cheap that you might as well give it a go. 重复操作是如此简单,你也许会想也试一把。
We might as well go deeply into the matter someday. 找一天,我们不妨进一步研究这件事情。
And, now I come to think of it, I might as well ride round there myself and report to him or squire. 我现在想起来了,我应该亲自去他家,向他或乡绅报告这件事。
I suppose he figured he might as well get what he could out of it. 我猜他是算计着也许仍能从中尽量捞一把。
After all, here we are. It may not be where we expected to be, but for the time being we might as well call it home. 毕竟,事已至此,这或许不是我们所期望的局面,但眼下我们不妨称之为家吧。
Okay, if I was going to be lonely for the next few years, I might as well start by being lonely in Europe. 好吧,如果在以后的几年中我注定要一个人度过,那么,也许我可以从独自一人去欧洲旅行开始。
Might as well when apply face film wipe redundantly a few go up in the hand, let both hands also can share profit. 敷面膜时不妨把多余的抹一些在手上,让双手也能分享到益处。
There was the swinger, who had decided that if she was going to do it anyway, she might as well get paid for it. 也有人想法前卫,认为既然无论如何都会有性行为,那么不妨拿些报酬。
There's no one to hear. You might as well scream. They never woke up from the American dream. 这里没有人听得到。你可以一直大声叫。他们在美国梦中不会醒来。
Really, we might as well cancel officials' overseas study tours, then we'll see if the results of reforms might be a little better. 真的,我们不妨取消官员出国考察试试,看看是不是改革效果能好一些。
The one we have installed has not reached the lowermost position yet. You might as well open it and press it down to see if it will sink. 我们组装好的那个没有达到最低位置,你可以打开,往下压,看是否下沉。
When I got to another ocean, I figured since I've gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going. 当我到达另一片海洋,我想我已经跑了这么远了,或许我该回去了,只为了继续跑下去。