make a living

  • 网络谋生;度日;维持生计

make a livingmake a living

make a living


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 249 around the world 世界各地 250 make a living 谋生 251 against prep. 反对,靠,倚 ...


高考英语作文技巧 ... 列一张购物清单 make a shopping list 谋生,度日 make a living 丧生,死;牺牲 lose one’s life ...


英语翻译高手请进。!_百度知道 ... have to do sth: 不得不做某事 make a living: 维持生计, 谋生 by doing sth: 通过做某事 ...


纯音乐歌曲,纯音乐的歌 ... 双愉 Joy 为生存而活 Make A Living 相思风雨中 Loving In The Windy And Raining ...


为的组词_百度知道 ... 15. 为仁不富[ be rich and ruel] 16. 为生[ make a living] 18. 为时过早[ too early;be too soon] ...


My World: Zi dian 1 ... 进学 Pass with examination 营生 Make a living 幸而 Luckily,fortunately ...


Butterfly - 洁 - 网易博客 ... You had to do it all alone 你必须完成它 Make a living,make a home 经历一种生活,营造一个家 ...


百度词典搜索_过 ... 过话[ exchange words;talk with one another] 过活[ make a living] 过火[ go too far] ...

She not absence to make a living with a stranger, also not calculated of that the other people's goes to horizontal put one feet. 她不想和一个陌生人过日子,更不想到别人之间去横插一脚。
Your colleagues are not robots. They're other human beings too, breathing and talking and trying to make a living, just like you. 你的同事们不是机器人,他们是和你一样的人:有呼吸,会说话,努力谋生。
I can testify that it's the most wonderful thing, to be able to make a living doing what you love. 我可以作证,依靠做自己喜欢的事来生活是件美妙的事。
For the rest of the year, this "salt sea" provides work for a few dozen local men, who make a living extracting the salt. 在一年的剩余月份里,盐海会提供给很多人工作机会,他们以从中提取盐为生。
Although her work was quite popular, she was unable to make a living with her writing. 尽管她的作品仍然很爱欢迎,但她却不能靠她的写作维持生活。
No matter how you make a living or who you think you work for, you only work for one person, yourself. 不论你靠什么谋生,或者你认为为了谁而工作,事实上你都只在为一个人工作,那就是你自己。
After that, there was no holding him, and the day came when he felt he could chuck his job and to all out to make a living as writer. 在那之后,简直拦不住他,他觉得该是放弃原有的工作而全力以赴当作家谋生的时候了。
Think of him every time with his son to make a living and go around the scene, so I am a person the responsibility to feel great pressure. 每次想到他带着儿子为了生活而四处奔波的情景,都使我感到做一个人所要承担的责任,感到很大的压力。
I want you to stop this insanity. What do you think you're doing? -I'm trying to make a living here! 不要再发狂了好吗?你们知道你们在做什么吗?-我要维持生计呢。
At this time Tanner has said goodbye to the entertainment industry, to make a living, he found a teaching drama in high school teachers. 此时的丹拿已经告别了演艺圈,为了维持生计,他找到了一份在高中教戏剧的教师的工作。
If they were, he would not be able to make a living as an actor. 如果事情发生了,他将不能作为演员赚钱生活。
They make a living working many hours a day, 7 days a week, often in the dark, without a break for long stretches of time. 他们谋生在每天多小时的工作,每周7天,经常是在黑暗中,没有略长一点时间的休息。
COBBLER unable to make a living by his trade and made desperate by poverty, began to practice medicine in a town in which he was not known. 补鞋匠穷得绝望了,他不能靠手艺来维持生计,便跑到另一个城市去行医,因为那里没有一个人认识他。
Just trying to make a living ! ( silent laugh ) Sorry , couldn't resist . Think you can stand ? 只是想维持一下生计!(停下笑)对不起,我挺不住了。你站得住吗?。
Blogging is a great tool for reflection and sharing what you've learned, even if you don't hope to make a living at it. Blog是一个很棒的工具让你反馈和分享你的所学,即使你根本不指望能从中谋生。
Similarly, a 17-way car, but today's different days of old, previously in that city, and was to make a living out to pick up a part-time. 同样是17路车,只是今日不同昔日,以前在那个城市里,是为了生计而出去接兼职。
Nash looked more like an outsider, trying to make a living in the NBA by helping various teams he would feature in as a role player. 对于纳什不是这样,他看起来像一个局外人,努力在联盟中求生,作为一个角色的球员来帮助不同的球队。
He had been a smart boy, even talented in languages and mathematics, but his mother knew these were no way to make a living. 他小时候很聪明,甚至在语言学和数学方面有些天分,可是他的母亲知道这些东西不能拿来谋生。
This is especially true if you're trying to make a living out of these endeavors. 这尤其如此,如果你想通过这种努力来作为生活的依靠。
The artist was a pretty cool guy. He used to be a soldier in the army, but he decided that he would rather make a living doing art. 纹身师傅是很酷的一个人。他曾经是在部队的军人,但是他决定他要从事刺青这个艺术行业。
As a child, he began to sell newspapers to make a living. 当他是个孩子的时候,他就开始卖报谋生了。
I was never going to make a living at it or win any awards, but until shortly after college it was a pursuit I greatly enjoyed. 我从没打算过以此谋生或得个什么奖,但直到大学毕业后的一段时间里我都乐于此道。
A long moved to Zhuhai from a remote countryside in Guangxi province in 1994. He began to make a living in this hurly-burly of modern city. 阿龙,1994年从广西一个偏远的农村来到了珠海,开始在忙碌的城市忙碌地工作。
That serious work may not be something we really wish to do, but it is often necessary, especially for adults that need to make a living. 那些正经工作也许不是我们真正想做的,但却是必须要做的,尤其对要靠它来谋生的人们。
There aren't many ways to make a living with your sketchbook1 , but advertising was one of them. “能靠画画儿谋生的路子并不是很多,广告业倒是一个。”他说。
It was 1984, and Veasey, like many other twentysomethings in the city, was just trying to make a living selling her crafts. 这是在1984年,Veasey,像许多在这个城市的20多岁的年轻人一样,正尝试着出售她的手工艺品用以谋生。
When he was an eight-year-old boy, he began to make a living. 当他是一个8岁的男孩时,就开始谋生了。
Spider-Ling Source: At this point, people make a living by hunting, crops do not know, I do not know farming. 灵源蜘蛛:此时,人们靠打猎为生,不识五谷、不知耕种。
They argue that this would allow workers to earn enough to make a living without having to do overtime. 他们称,这个幅度能够让工人在不加班的情况下,也能挣足够多的钱以维持生计。
He seems to make a living. He is no idler, lollygagger or bum. He can look with condescentsion upon the states to which men fall. 他似乎可以以此谋生。他不再是懒惰者、消磨时间者或者是游荡者。他可以带着超然的态度看待他人的没落。