willing to

  • 网络愿意;愿意去;愿意是

willing towilling to

willing to


英翻中调查报告_百度知道 ... Smokers = 吸烟者 willing to = 愿意 pay price = 付出代价, 付费 ...


...个法令排列在次等位置的多数瘾君子, 并无法从根本上愿意去(willing to)理解或信服这个法令其实已经被尽力地(_也许_但说真 …


What's Up?:器官捐赠 遗爱人间 - 香港文汇报 ... 「甚少人」是 very few people; 「愿意」是 willing to; 「死者」常说 the de…


...seriously)告诉我:如果愿意出国深造,她将非常乐意willing to)做我的导师。


理想, 需要有能力(able to)及意愿(willing to)改变的人, 才能达成.看到你的回应, 就明白, 你不但清楚我的意思, 也同意这种想法.一 …


新东方新概念英语第二册课后... ... b. not ready to( 没准备好的); c. willing to( 情愿的); b. It is well know( 它是著名的); ...

How much are they willing to pay? 他们愿意付多少钱?
My "bonus" was that I could find some clients who were willing to pay more than I'd normally charge. 我的“奖金”是我找到的客户愿意付给我比我的正常收费更多的钱。
There's no doubt that hot tubs are luxuriously soothing, and if you're willing to take a slight chance, go ahead and plunge in. 没有热水缸奢侈抚慰的怀疑,而且如果你愿意利用一个微小的机会,前进而且倒下在。
Can you please indicate which of these statements best describe how much you would be willing to pay for Appolo? 请指出以下哪个描述最符合你购买或选择“阿波罗”的意愿程度?
Women care about a man sent them off her gift, not a care about how much money a man is a man willing to care for her money. 女人在意男人送不送她礼物,不是在意男人花多少钱,是在意男人愿不愿意为她花钱。
How much longer if it is Ni, Ni is willing to talk to me about a love? 还要多久如果是伱,伱愿意和我谈一场恋爱吗?
If this is so, do what your employer wants you to do, but make it clear that you are willing to help in any way needed. 如果是这样的话,你还是得按老板的意愿行事,不过要让你老板知道在任何时候需要你时,你都乐意随叫随到。
Therefore, we were a bit more willing to confess our activities to Anne and sometimes benefited from her sisterly advice. 因此,我们更愿意向安妮坦白我们的所作所为,并且有时还会得益于她从姐姐角度所给出的建议。
Oh, good. You're an excellent student. I'd be very willing to help you with that. 喔,好的。你是一个很好的学生。我非常愿意帮你。
It all began because Philip had found Christ and was willing to serve Him in any capacity and anywhere. 腓利一生的转捩点,在于他认识基督之后,决意在任何境况、任何地方事奉祂。
You know that I'm your ardent fan as well, but I'm willing to let go. 您知道我也是您的影迷,不过我愿意忍痛割爱。
Indians and Chinese were once willing to put up with any humiliation for a chance of a career in the United States. 印度人和中国人曾愿为在美国工作做出任何牺牲。
One can measure the utility of a movie ticket by asking how much of some other commodity (like hamburgers)you are willing to give up for it. 你可以通过询问为看场电影愿意放弃多少其他商品(如汉堡)来测量电影的效用。
The company had sought to sell off major assets to help repay the United States. But it has struggled to find buyers willing to pay enough. AIG一直在试图出售主要资产,以帮助偿还政府援助资金,但难于找到原意支付足够资金的买家。
But he said he is willing to be patient and he remains optimistic about the future. 但是他说,他愿意对未来保持耐心和乐观的态度。
The question is: to what extent is the Bank of Japan willing to run with this activity? 问题是:日本银行到底愿意玩到什么程度?
The President must now decide how much horse-trading he's willing to engage in on his top domestic priority. 总统现在必须决定他愿意在自己最重要的国内优先目标上接受多大程度的讨价还价。
According to the Corriere dello Sport, AC Milan are ready to take Andriy Shevchenko back on loan, if Chelsea are willing to let him go. 根据《罗马体育报》的报道,如果切尔西准许舍瓦离开的话,AC米兰将通过租借的形式将他带回圣西罗。
The company is willing to work with business enterprises around the world to cooperate in good faith, exploring the market. 公司愿与世界各地的企业商家诚意合作,拓展市场。
In some respects, he is ready to help others, so I am willing to make friends with him. 在有些方面,他是乐于助人的,所以我愿意和他交朋友。
But if nobody sees you, I might be willing to try it with a handsome boy, but just for a few hours. 如果没人看,我愿意和一个英俊的男孩子试一下,但只是几个小时。
Travis: I know you're trying to help, but I'm not willing to sell out. 我知道你是想帮助我,但是我不想为了钱出卖我的事业。
I was told I could make $5000 to $10000 on a tow-day shoot, depending on how much of my body I was willing to bare. 我获告知拍摄两天可赚五千至一万元,视乎我的裸露程度。
Kitten deeply in love with a small plaque cats are willing to do anything for her strong love. But she is not so easy to Zhuidao Shou Oh! 小猫深深地爱上了小斑猫,愿意做任何事情来向她表达强烈的爱意。可是她不是这么容易能追到手哦!
If your advertising idea is targeted at a startup firm that really needs the creative help, the CEO might be more willing to talk to you. 如果你的广告创意瞄准的是真的需要创意帮助的初创企业,它的CEO也许更愿意跟你谈。
I only know if I find one guy that I love if he also love me, I am willing to try my best and dump all that I own to protect my love. 我只知道如果若我找到两情相悦的那一位,我愿意尽我所能,倾我所有,拼命保护我的爱情。
While people sending money don't need PayPal accounts, people receiving moola do -- or, at least, they must be willing to create one. 转出方不必拥有贝宝账户,收款方才要---或者,至少,他们愿意开一个贝宝账户。
How much open space are Americans willing to abandon in the drive to create new jobs? 在这场争相创造新的就业机会的运动中美国人愿意放弃多少空地?
When you feel you've had enough of the emotion, ask yourself if you're willing to carry that negativity with you for the rest of the day. 当你感受了足够长的时候以后,问问你自己在剩余的时间是否还想带着这种情绪。
Dr. Greeve: Good! I'm glad to see that you are willing to take an active approach to a healthy lifestyle. 很好!很高兴你能为健康的生活方式采取积极的措施。