leave behind

  • na.遗留;留下;追过;留在后头
  • 网络超过;落后;丢弃

第三人称单数:leaves behind 现在分词:leaving behind 过去式:left behind

leave behindleave behind

leave behind


大学英语四级常用词组 ... leave alone 不管,不理会;不打扰 leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带 leave off (使)停止;停下来 ...


高考必备词组 - 豆丁网 ... leave alone 不要管(某人),不要碰(某物) leave behind 遗留,遗志 leave off (使)停止;中断 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... leave a message 留言,留口信 leave behind 留下;遗留;超过 leave home 离开家 ...


GCT词组表 - 豆丁网 ... leave alone 听其自然, 不要去管 leave behind 落后; 把…留下; 忘带 leave out 省略, 遗漏 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... leave alone 不管,不理会;不打扰 leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带 leave off (使)停止;停下来 ...


星火... ... lead to 领;带;导向;通向;通往;导致;造成 leave behind 抛弃;忘记带;把…拉下;落后 leave out 遗漏;省去…


... Unit 3 词的搭配练习(五) leave behind 不带,忘了带;把。。。撇在后面;遗留,留下 keep out of 置身于外 ...


专升本英语—常用词组-... ... leave alone 听其自然,不要去管 leave behind 落后,把……留下,忘带 leave out 省略,遗漏 ...

If say in a mess is temptation What leave behind from her eyes, Is elegant demeanour and have power to make a man crazy . 如果说在一个混乱的诱惑中有什么让她留下了她的眼睛,是一种优雅的风度以及那能够令人疯狂的力量,就像一幅冷色调的画。
To leave is to die a little; to die to what we love. We leave behind a bit of ourselves, wherever we have been. 离别意味着一部分的死亡;那是为我们所爱而死。无论我们到过什么地方,都把生命的一部分留下。
Moreover by the means of her I shall have immortality: and shall leave behind me an everlasting memory to them that come after me. 藉着她,我将永垂不朽,且为我以后的人,留下永恒的记念。
These data showed fully that respects honors the clean education to leave behind the brand mark inexpensively in the child mind. 这些数据充分说明,敬廉崇洁教育已在孩子心灵留下烙印。
If Britain's Tory party were ever to leave behind its European nightmare, there would also be a case to revive the old entente. 如果有朝一日英国的保守党决定摆脱自己在欧陆的噩梦,或许法国也可以与其恢复以往的同盟关系。
If you'er brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, whic can be anything. 如果你有足夠的勇氣,放棄所有熟悉安心的事物,这些可以是任何事物。
If you'er brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything. 如果你有足够的勇气,放弃所有熟悉安心的事物,这些可以是任何事物。
Through ascension to another dimension the Sirians would simply leave behind all of the warmongers trying to take of the Sirian resources. 透过提升到另一个密度,天狼星人可将把所有试图攫取天狼星资源的好战分子留在身后。
As the boat slid across the river, Parker watched helplessly as the pursuers closed in around the men he was forced to leave behind. 小船徐徐驶向对岸,帕克眼睁睁地看着追捕者把他被迫留下的两个男人围住。
We want you to see change as an opportunity to leave behind all that is undesirable, and enjoy the emerging benefits that will lift you up. 我们希望你们把转变看作是一次很好的机会,把那些不好的心态都留在身后,享受这将把你们整体提升的崭新的益处。
No matter what was going on at work, I was always able to leave behind the concerns of the office. 不管公司的事情如何,我回到家里,总可以把工作上的事抛诸脑后。
Buddhist temples throughout Japan tolled bells 108 times, symbolizing a desire to leave behind earthly desires and prepare for the new year. 日本的佛教寺庙鸣钟108下,表示遗弃世俗的欲望并准备迎接新的一年。
We would like to have in old time, to leave an eternal spring, is able to leave behind the old one is not warm! 愿我们在纷纷老去的时光中,能够留下一轮永恒的春日,能够留下一枚不老的温馨!
is, I thought that because both may give the child like this a lesson and not to leave behind the bad record. 是,我觉得,因为这样既可以给孩子一个教训又不会留下不良纪录。
We know how you long to leave behind these conditions of skyrocketing turmoil while the dark works all out to prevent your release. 我们知道你是多么渴望的愿望,以及黑暗势力是怎么在一直的阻止你得到解放。
When he first met with prospective clients, he never used PowerPoint presentations nor prepared brochures to leave behind after he left. 当他第一次见客户的时候,他既没有使用PPT做演示,也没有准备产品手册留给客户。
The sale of drugs in the use of notes during the transaction, the powdered drug is also very easy to leave behind evidence in the notes. 而在买卖毒品过程中使用纸币交易时,粉状毒品也很容易在纸币上留下证据。
That could lead to a resumption of the profitless growth that China is trying to leave behind. 这可能会导致中国一直在努力摆脱的“无利润增长”重现。
Mr. Obama has also said he plans to leave behind enough troops in Iraq to hunt terrorists and train the country's security forces. 奥巴马还曾经说,他计划在伊拉克留下足够的军力来追踪恐怖分子,训练伊拉克的安全部队。
The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: if you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting. 探索的物理性原则大致可以这样说,如果你能够勇敢到可以放下所有你感到舒适又熟悉的一切。
But maybe that would never happen, and the only things that she regretted to leave behind were here friends. 也许这一切都不会发生,而她唯一懊悔的事情将是她丢下了她的朋友。
Like the bayonet charge, operational art will become a relic-but one that some will not want to leave behind. 正比如刺刀冲锋一样,作战艺术将成为历史——成为某些人不愿抛弃的东西。
in a friend's house guest when the long-distance calls to go through the master agreement , left, to leave behind a telephone charges. 在朋友家做客时,打长途电话要经过主人同意,离开的时候,要留下电话费。
Shot a turn, Sam and his wife out of the hospital, Sam's wife, Desperate to leave, leave behind do not know how Sam and small Lucy. 镜头一转,山姆和妻子从医院出来,山姆的妻子绝情离去,留下什么也不懂的山姆和小露西。
Now Obama merely wants Iraq to be the sort of place the U. S. can safely leave behind. 现在奥巴马仅想使伊拉克成为一个可以让美国放心地撤走的地方。
An airline hijacker might be caught on video or leave behind a ticket or other telltale clue to his identity. 一个客机挟持者可能被录像捕捉到,或者有机票和其它告密者,让我们找出他的身份。
"He lost hope, " Ms. Ran said. "He said, 'If I die, I don't care. ' I said, 'You can't leave behind your parents and your daughter. ' " “他失去了信心,”阮和平说,“他说‘死了就死了’我说‘你不能就这样抛下爸妈和女儿。’”
It's not easy to leave behind the people you love, especially a boyfriend. 抛下你所爱的人,特别是男朋友,是很不容易的。
He might not leave behind any sizable inheritance, but at least he would be taken care of, for which Tengo was tremendously grateful. 他可能不会留下任何规模的遗产,但令天吾高兴的是父亲至少可以被照料的很好。
At the same time, they're looking back and trying to understand the significance of their experience and what they'll leave behind. 同时,他们会回顾自己的一生,去理解他们经历的重要意义,去回想他们留下了什么。