stay out

  • na.不干涉;(在外头)不回家;不在家;坚持到
  • 网络呆在户外;外出;呆在外面

第三人称单数:stays out 现在分词:staying out 过去式:stayed out

stay outstay out

stay out


stay是什么意思呀!_百度知道 ... stay on 继续呆下去 stay out 呆在外, 不在家 stay out of 不参与...; 不插手; 置身于...之外 ...


雅思口语高分必备词汇:房屋与旅馆_普特英语听力 ... Stay in 呆在家里 Stay out 不回家 See sb. home 送…回家 ...


各类英语词汇_百度文库 ... Stay on 继续停留,保持 Stay out 呆在户外 2. bring about 引起,导致 ...


几个英语单词的意思和翻译_百度知道 ... 给朋友礼物( give present to friend) 外出stay out) 顺便问一下( by the way) ...


外研版九年级英语下册短语、重点句子和语法 ... go mountains climbing 去攀岩 stay out 呆在外面 sign in (使)签到,(使)登记 ...


欧盟拯救欧元的新政策_恒星英语 ... a large number of 很多 stay out 避开, 不插手 as a result 结果,因此 ...


欧盟拯救欧元的新政策_恒星英语 ... a large number of 很多 stay out 避开, 不插手 as a result 结果,因此 ...


U11_heitoukitty_新浪博客 ... 扫地 sweep the floor 待在外面 stay out 搭车 get a ride ...

'Chinese people don't like the sun and they want to stay out of it, ' she added. 她说,中国人不喜欢阳光,他们想避开它。
I'd like to say bye if you have nothing else to ask me. I am afraid my girlfriend will be angry with me if I stay out too long. 要是没别的事儿,我想告辞了,我怕她会怨我在外边呆得时间太长。
Abductions by car: If someone orders you or tries to force you into a car, you must do whatever you can to stay out of that vehicle. 汽车劫持:如果有人命令你或企图强迫你上一辆车,你一定要不惜一切方式不上那辆车。
The biggest strength of the MVC framework is the fact that it is a web ui framework that can stay out of your way as a developer. MVC最大的优点在于它不是一个会影响开发人员开发方式的WebUI框架。
The children don't do much at their youth club, but at least they stay out of harm's way. 孩子们在青年俱乐部没有什么大的业绩,但至少是平平安安的。
We would advise they stay out of the city centre while we assess the scale of any disorder and report any concerns they have to us. 当我们评估混乱程度并汇报其后果时,建议他们避免进入市中心区域。
It may well help former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the perceived front-runner, by allowing him to stay out of the line of fire longer. 它很有可能使最被看好的前马萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼(MittRomney)能够在更长时间内身处战火之外,从而给他带来帮助。
"Mixing up in this ain't going to get you anywhere, " the cook said. "You stay out of it. " “牵连在这件事里面对你不会有什么好结果的,”厨子说。“你还是离远点。”
He'll get more done in a weekend than 10 years of your courts, so just stay out of his way. 比起你们十年的法庭工作他会带来更多的(正义),所以不要档着他的去路。
Carlo Ancelotti has tried to stay out of the matter and focus on Thursday's Coppa Italia quarter-final. 卡尔洛·安切洛蒂试图置身事外,全力以赴周四意大利杯的四分之一决赛。
"We spent the last four years trying to stay out of the spotlight, " Jenna Bush said to laughter from the delegates. 詹纳·布什说:“在过去的四年里,我们尽力避开公众的注意。有时我们会比别人表现得好一点。”
He likes to run in the woods and stay out all night. He was just a good old country boy. 他喜欢在树林中运行,并留出整夜,他只是一个很好的老乡村男孩。
The best way to avoid heatstroke is to stay out of the sun (or any hot confined place) and drink fluids regularly. 防止中暑最好的办法就是不要呆在太阳底下(或任何炎热狭窄的空间)并且经常饮用一些液体。
Gina : I try to always think about and experiment with new ideas, post spins, publishing formats, and coverage areas to stay out of a rut. 吉娜:我常常在尝试着去思考实验新的想法,编辑些新的东西,在出版格式和覆盖范围上做些调整来避免枯燥乏味。
Speaking by phone to the Guardian, he said he was intending to stay out of the country until "things calmed down" . 他用电话和《卫报》通话时说,“事态平息”之前他打算远离这个国家。
No, but I figured it'd be a good idea if I were to just stay out of it. 不知道,不过如果能不沾染上官司我觉得会更好
I've tried to stay out of their relationship, but I don't want either of them to be unhappy. 我曾经试过不介入她俩的关系,但我不想他们任何一方不高兴。
Lane took me by phone, the corners of his eyes began to wet, damp things have to stay out of passion. 我受里拿着手机,眼角开始湿润,有湿湿的东西情不自禁的留了出来。
More importantly, you might have expected a goddess of wisdom to stay out of a silly disagreement like that. 更为重要的是,作为智慧女神,她本不该介入到如此无聊的争执之中的。
In the end Uriah Heep and his mother left Canterbury, but we all thought he was too evil to stay out of trouble for long. 最后,尤赖亚·希普和他母亲离开了坎特伯雷,可我们都认为他那么恶毒,不惹祸的日子长不了。
Sorry, I did not give you much to stay out of their own time, even the quiet moments to think and dream are not. 真的对不起,我没有给你留出多少属于自己的时间,甚至连安静地思考和做梦的时刻都没有。
On the boat, stay out of the wind, bundle up and wear a hat. 坐船的时候不要吹风,注意保暖及戴帽子。
Tell them as much as you can about what you want to do and where you'll be and why it's important for you to stay out late. 告诉他们尽可能多地了解你想做的事,你会和它为什么重要你晚回家。
And in this case, it had a good outcome: He's been promoted several times since then, and I stay out of the software programming. 而且这件事情的结果很不错:他多次被提升,而我从编代码的繁琐工作中脱离出来,专心从事公司的运营。
A lone police officer is seen for a moment then, perhaps wisely deciding for his own sake to stay out the fray. 一名警察看了一会,可能是认为躲开人群才是明智的选择。
Prior to the sixth edition, he had tried to stay out of that fray and rely on his network of friends to defend his ideas. 在第六版之前,他一直都在试图避免这些争论,依靠自己的朋友圈来捍卫自己的思想。
But as the months of my son's treatment dragged on, he was able to stay out of the hospital for longer periods. 但儿子的治疗挨过了一个月又一个月,他可以出院在外待较长时间了。
But one day she asked if she could stay out the whole day, and away she went on her little pony, with her two dogs running behind. 但有一天她问能不能到外面呆一整天,然后骑上她的小马,后面跟着两条狗就走了。
Almost the entire world is trying to mind their own business and stay out of trouble and find their way to heaven in their own way. 几乎整个世界都在试着去专心于他们自己的工作并且不卷入麻烦之中,以他们自己的方式找到他们通往天堂的路。
Even if you make a conscious effort to stay out of the fray, it's almost impossible not to be sucked in. 即使你有意识地努力避开冲突,但要完全不卷入其中几乎是不可能的。