sink in

  • un.晕倒;西斜;渗入;打进心坎
  • 网络被理解;被了解;被完全理解

第三人称单数:sinks in 现在分词:sinking in 过去式:sank in 过去分词:sunk in

sink insink in

sink in


《实用高中英语用法详解词典》... ... The wind has sunk down. 风势已弱。 sink in 渗入;被理解 This way,sir. 先生,这边请。/ ...


自考英语综合英语课文(1) ... start sb. off 使某人开始(某项活动) sink in 被理解 in…circumstance 在……情况下 ...


《综合英语二》整理资料[旺旺英语论坛] ... go through a test 经受考验 sink in 沉入,渗透,深入;被了解 cope with 处理,对付 ...


奥运英语资料|文章|介绍 ... Walk of Life: 社会阶层 Sink in被完全理解 Springboard: 跳板,起点 ...


sink into... ... sink difference 消除分歧,摒弃歧见 sink in 沉入,渗入;深深感到,充分认识到 sink in the scale 降格,降级 ...


Caractère - Dictionnaire de sinogrammes... ... 稀落[ sparse] 陷落[ subside;sink in;cave in] 院落[ compound] ...


小栋英语:第十五讲、考研英语阅读必备词组613... ... sign up 签约雇佣 sink in 完全被理解 slices of 片 ...

Maybe it will take a while for the news to sink in, and at the actual ceremony, it might be a blast. 也许需要一段时间我才会(因为这个新闻)慢慢兴奋起来,也许到了颁奖典礼现场,我会真正兴奋起来。
But for Chinese investors brought up in a system where state control was the norm for so long, the shift might take some time to sink in. 但对成长于长期以国家控制为规范的制度下的中国投资者而言,可能需要一些时间来了解这种转变。
He said several U. S. airports use the material that allows a points plane's wheels to sink in, and slow the air craft down. 他说几个美国的机场用这种材料来使得飞机的轮子陷入来使飞机减慢。
Think about this for a moment. . . allow the monumental impact of that statement to sink in and all that encompasses. 想一会儿……允许这个具有重大意义的观点以及所有的包含内容所带来的影响消失。
Steve Kroft: When was the first moment that it began to sink in that you were President of the United States? Do you remember? 记:你是从什么时候开始意识到自己已经成了美国总统了?还记得吗?。
The simplest consist of a single room with a sink in the corner and a toilet behind a partition. 最简单的户型只有一个单间,在角落里有一个洗脸台,厕所在隔墙后面。
It take a week for it to sink in that his mother have die. 大约过了一个星期,他才会意过来他母亲已经死了。
It was really nice to relax with my friends and let it sink in and to get some sun and just do nothing for a few days. 能和朋友一起放松的感觉很棒,享受阳光,什么事都不做了几天。
"I think I saw a can of cleanser by the sink in the coat room, " I said as I raced to find it. Precious minutes were ticking away. “我想我在更衣室的水槽边看到过一罐清洁剂,”我一边说一边跑过去找到了这罐清洁剂。珍贵的时间一分一分地溜走。
The Bible has a lot to say about procrastination. Just take a minute to read today's verse and really let it sink in. 圣经中有许多讲到人的拖拉。只需要花一分钟读读今天的诗句,让自己真正沉入进去。
He paused long enough to allow that to sink in -give Clyde the feeling that he was an interloper indeed. 他停顿了相当时间,好让这句话打进心坎,让克莱德感觉到自己实在是个没有一点能耐的人。
Haizi think death is inevitable, survival is nothingness, but he did not sink in the realm of nothingness. 海子认为死是必然的,生存是虚无的,但他并没有沉沦在虚无的境界中。
Sink in stainless steel; hygienic, durable, resistant and easy to clean. 不锈钢洗涤槽;卫生、耐用、坚固、容易清洁。
But other implications of those changes are beginning to sink in among investors and other market watchers . 但投资者等市场观察者正在开始明白这些调整的其他潜在影响。
The sun begun to sink in the west, the shadows fell around us. It grew chilly, we turned, and started home. . . . . . 太阳开始西沉,夜影笼罩在我们四周,天渐渐转凉,我们转过身,启程回家了…………
Questioner: May I stop here? I think I've got the feeling of it, but I must let it sink in. May I come again tomorrow? 发问者:到这里我能停一下吗?我想我对此有所感觉,但是我必须完全领会吸收这一点。我可以明天再来吗?
To realize its nature, the meditator should be able to hook on, sink in, adhere, or penetrate into the sensation. 为瞭解它的实相,禅修者应该要能紧跟、浸入、黏著、或透入感觉之中去。
The warning failed to sink in, and he got into trouble as a consequence. 他不能理解那个警告,因此惹上麻烦。
When you left us, it took a little while for it to sink in that I would never see you again . 当你离开了我们,花了一些时间,它下沉,因为我再也看不到你了。
Everybody laughed at the joke but Job; it took a moment for the joke to sink in before he laughed too. 除了乔布,每一个人都被这个笑话逗笑了,守了一会儿他完全了解这个笑话的意思才笑。
Nothingcomplicated --- going out to your garden, sitting on your front porch swing, standing at the sink in your kitchen. Things like that. 没什么复杂的事-不外乎到你的园子里去,坐在前廊的秋千上,站在你厨房洗涤池前之类的事。
I built the tension, used the pause to enhance the tension before the punchline, and then used the pause again to let the punchline sink in. 我制造紧张感,在笑点之前利用停顿增强紧张感,然后再利用停顿使听众理解笑点。
Each sink in each chain receives the object, performs a specific operation, and passes it on to the next sink in the chain. 每个链中的每个接收器接收该对象;执行特定操作,然后将其继续传递给链中的下一个接收器。
Imagine a chair on which you could sink in comfort and style. 想象一把既具时尚风格又可以让你舒舒服服窝在里面的椅子。
Even this minimal interest in the environmentalists' message could fall further as the implications of this week's news start to sink in. 随着本周新闻产生的效应逐渐深入民心,民众对环保人士呼声的那点低微关注度甚至会进一步降低。
You had a devil on your shoulder even back then. All right, now, let it all sink in. 在那个时候,你的肩膀上就已经站着个恶魔。好好好,让我们都来仔细想想。
The hope now is that the cost of all this is beginning to sink in. 现在所有这些的做法的代价已开始了然,于是事情有了新希望。
The students were very receptive , did not slough the comments off but let them sit around and sink in. 学生们是非常善于接纳的,他们并没有排斥这些话而是坐成一圈沉浸思考。
The implications of this did not at first sink in. 这句话的含意起先并没有被领会。
Pritchett paused before his next question, allowing the impact of her words to sink in. 普里切特在提出下一个问题前停了一下,让她的话渗入人心。