long for

  • v.渴望
  • 网络盼望;思慕;思念

long forlong for

long for


大学英语四级常用词组 ... long before 在…以前很久 long for 渴望 long since 很久以前;很久以来 ...


英语介词用法_百度知道 ... look for 寻找, long for 盼望, mistake for 误认为, ...


字典中 思 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ think;consider] (4) 思慕;想念[ long for] (6) 悲伤,哀愁[ lament] ...


Sing Persian Cat/波斯猫,S.H.E/S.H.E ... 他 危险 danger;dangerous 他 思念 long for;miss;think of 他 总是 always ...


...ered by...高考结束之后,很多人是不是非常憧憬long for)自己的大学生活了呢?


Sinograma « 想 » - Diccionario de Sinogramas ... 想念[ long to see again;miss] 想望[ desire;long for] 想想[ see] ...


字典中 思 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ think;consider] (4) 思慕;想念[ long for] (6) 悲伤,哀愁[ lament] ...

I long for staying with you even if for just a moment. 我只想好好和你在一起,即使是短暂的一瞬。
The management knows exactly how much credit it could take, for how long (for which maturities) and in which interest rate. 管理确切知道有多少信贷可能需要多久(这些到期)和利息率。
And I cannot see the glory, though I long for word of Him. 我虽渴望听祂的福音,但看不到祂的荣光。
After seeing the advertisement, I began to long for a journey, I hope it's a good start of a new lifestyle that helps me keep healthy. 看到这个广告后,我开始期待一次旅行,我希望这是一个好的开始,一个能让我拥有健康的生活方式的开始。
You may be very romantic and long for your "soul mate" some day but patience may need to be your current virtue. 你可能非常浪漫,渴望有一天能找到自己的“灵魂伴侣”,但现在你可能需要耐心。
It did not take long for Barack Obama to crave the wind in his hair again. 没过多长时间,巴拉克-奥巴马(BarackObama)就开始向往曾经无忧无虑的生活。
It didn't take long for me to encounter the dark side of this revolutionary device: it's too good. 没过多久我就发现了这个革命性玩意儿不好的一面:那就是它真的太好了。
But she adds, "when I calmed down, I thought, if I was the buyer, and I needed to wait for so long for the products, I would be angry too" . 然而,她补充说道,“等我安静下来时,我想如果我是买家,我等了很久也会不高兴的。”
Wealth has always been what some people long for. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor. 财富一直是有些人所渴望的对象。确实,大多数人努力通过诚实的劳动来获得财富。
The company insisted it had taken this long for it to realise the seriousness of the threat. 索尼坚持认为它已经用了足够长的时间来认识到这次危机的严重性。
Fran? ois Goulard, from Mr Sarkozy's ruling UMP party asked why it had taken so long for the president to realise his error. 来自萨科奇先生领导的人民运动联盟的弗朗西斯·古拉德质问道,作为一名总统,他为什么花了那么久才意识到自己的错误。
It would not take long for word of that to filter back. So I made it clear to them that I was talking off the record. 那一类的话不要多久就会传回去,所以我明确地向他们表示,我的谈话是非正式的。
You long for that state of awareness in which you know that all is well and you can be just who you are. 你们渴望那种觉悟状态,在其中你知道一切都好,你可以只做你自己。
It is in the very nature of Christ, in His Divine omnipresence and love, to long for the heart to dwell in. 这是说,在基督的本性里,在祂神圣的无所不在和祂神圣的爱里,祂渴望要住在我们的心里。
If Greece were to restructure its debt, it would not take long for greed to trump fear and for capital to start flowing again. 假如希腊真的重组了它的债务,那要不了多长时间,贪婪的本性就又会战胜恐慌,资本会再次顺畅地流动起来。
I know that "life is full of waiting" , while what I did not know is that I had to wait so long for it! “人生有许多时光是在等中度过的”,只是我不知道,这一站,我竟等了这么久!
And what was the cruel blow was that Sylvia was found to be ill badly and not long for this world. 而最残酷的打击是西尔维娅生了很严重的病,活不了多久了。
But it did not take long for the company to make a mark in the global oil M&A field. 但没过多久,该公司就在全球石油业并购领域留下了印记。
Why has it taken so long for hip arthroscopy to catch up to its shoulder and knee counterparts? 为什么髋关节的关节镜手术需要花费更多的时间来赶上肩关节和膝关节的关节镜手术的发展呢?
Zheng E revealed below that the deceased there in Australia said that they had waited so long for salvation, so she did it soon. 峥峨以下所说的是在澳洲的亡者说他们等待超渡已经等很久了,所以她才赶快将之做出来。
We long for days when we would be able to be openly with you, dear friends. 亲爱的朋友,我们都渴望公开与你们接触的那天到来。
It won't take long for you to exhaust all the money you inherited if you do not change your extravagant habits. 如果你不改变你奢侈浪费的习惯,用不了多长时间你就把你继承的钱全部花光了。
For contacts of the eye and the heart, our yearly encounter is too long for me to wait and too short for you to last. 打开心灵的眼睛与你对视,一年一度的邂逅,似乎太漫长,却又那么短暂。
the long for your love, was so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of your love. 我渴望得到你的爱,这种渴望是如此有力,以至于我愿意牺牲生命中的其他一切来享受你的爱,哪怕只有几个小时。
To the east, Soviet forces also were marching into Germany. It did not take long for the American and Soviet forces to meet in victory. 在东面,苏联军队也进入到德国,不久,美军和苏军胜利会师,在欧洲的战争就要结束了!
Do not cry? As long for tin live your tears, I don't idea mash for a when my picture. 不哭了?只要能止住你的眼泪,我不介意牺牲一下我的形象。
My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to harm me have been put to shame and confusion. 并且我的舌头,必终日讲论你的公义,因为那些谋害我的人,已经蒙羞受辱了。
Trying to tell me you long for me to be alright. 想要告诉我你只想我好
If the old things to mention today, whether by not long for her guidance, at least on her so long to filter sediment, think she is. 若,旧事提至今日,不管按不按长姐的导向所为,起码会对长姐的话加以过滤沉淀,三思方为。
Indicate that you would be willing to negotiate the date, but it cannot exceed whatever time feels too long for you to wait. 暗示她你们愿意和她商量日期,但是不能超过某个期限而让你们无限期的等待。