with respect to

  • na.〈正式〉考虑到
  • 网络关于;至于;有关

with respect towith respect to

with respect to


介词短语_百度百科 ... as regards 关于,至于 with respect to 关于 as a result 结果,因此 ...


4级英语词汇表_百度知道 ... 257. what about 怎么样 258. with respect to 关于,至于 259. with regard to 关于,至于 ...


...下面的示意图来描述(depicted). 它显示了有关(with respect to)时间的3个任务的执行模式. 任务名用颜色标注出来,写在左手边.


在线背单词 短语精选2 ... wipe out 消除 with respect to 考虑到 make way for 让步于 ...


词组_百度文库 ... on the contrary 与之相反 with respect to 相对于;关于,至于 hold…liable for 让…对…负责 ...


新视野5词汇unit1_小喆喆_新浪博客 ... in the absence of 缺乏,没有 with respect to 关于,就……而言,在……方面 call for 需 …


考研英语一词多义... ... • relevant:“ 有关的,相关的”。 • with respect to:“ 关于,谈到”。 • be rude about:“ 挑剔,对 … 很苛刻”。 ...


by 和on 的用法_百度知道 ... According to: 按照,根据: With respect to: 相关,就…来说: In the name of: 以…的名义: ...

One of the goals of RDFa is to allow portions of a document to be self-contained with respect to metadata. RDFa的目的之一就是让文档的各个部分从元数据的角度看是自包含的。
The interpretation that we give is always brought to bear on the greater or lesser dependence of desires with respect to one another. 我们给予的这个解释,总是跟欲望彼此之间,或大或小的依赖有关。
And the healthy stomach ought to be with respect to all food just as the mill with respect to all things which it is formed to grind. 健全的胃应当像磨子对待所有它天生要磨的东西一样对待所有食物。
With respect to cardiovascular safety of the DPP-4 inhibitors, I believe we need much more study on the matter. 至于DPP-4抑制剂的心血管安全性,我认为还有待更多的研究来验证。
Unicom yesterday insisted that it had not started any negotiations with respect to any substantive and legally binding agreements. 中国联通昨日坚称,尚未与相关方就任何具体且有法律约束力的协议开始谈判。
The safety (or soundness ) of each type system must be judged with respect to its own set of run-time errors. 一种语言的安全性体现在其类型系统对运行时错误的可控制性上。
In this usage, the name associated with the id attribute must be unique with respect to all other style IDs within the current document. 这样用时,id属性的值必须与当前文档中所有其他样式ID的名称都不同。
I much prefer that to any other form, since code is where the "rubber meets the road" with respect to performance. 比起其他形式我更喜欢这种,因为代码是关系到性能“出现偏差”的地方。
And with respect to the question of 'Why do they have to spend that amount of money? ' we would like to continue to seek answers from China. 对于“中国为何需要如此高的军事开支”这一问题,我们希望继续从中国方面寻求答案。
With respect to a person released after serving his sentence, the local people's government shall assist him in resettling down. 第三十七条对刑满释放人员,当地人民政府帮助其安置生活。
with respect to continuous stationery, it is often four line spaces below the perforation line. 对于多页文书来说,通常在穿孔页缝以下空四行的位置。
We have seen no evidence at this point that we are close to a dangerous point with respect to deflation. 我们目前还没有看到任何征兆显示,我们已经接近通货紧缩的危险临界点。
When a template is instantiated, it is always instantiated with respect to a current node and a current node list. 当一个模板被实例化时,它通常是相对于一个当前节点和一个当前节点list而被实例化。
Due to its slightly tilted orbit with respect to Earth's, Venus crosses between Earth and the sun on an oddly spaced cycle. 由于其稍微倾斜的轨道就地球、金星穿越地球和太阳之间在一种奇怪的间隔周期。
With respect to the summit, obviously we are going to be very busy over the next day and a half. 关于此次峰会,显然我们会在接下来的一天半中会非常繁忙。
The other Contracting Parties shall not be bound by this Article with respect to any Contracting Party having made such a reservation. 其他缔约国对作出这一保留的任何缔约国之间的关系上应不受该条的约束。
The Provider shall notify us of any decision made by an Administrative Panel with respect to a domain name you have registered with us. 服务提供方应向我方通报管理陪审团关于你方在我方注册的域名的所有决议。
If the Contracting State is a Multi-unit State, it may make such a declaration with respect to any of its territorial units. 如果缔约国是多单元国家,它可就其任何一个领土单元作出这样的声明。
These messages can be used to help you understand the current state of your cell with respect to cross process communication. 这些消息可帮助您理解关于跨进程通信的单元的当前状态。
High and moderate performers did not differ with respect to length of experience. 高,中等表演并无不同长度方面的经验。
divided into a few dozen plates of various sizes and shapes, in general the plates are in motion with respect to one another. 岩石圈被划分为几十个大小不同形状各异的板块,一般而言这些板块都处于相对运动之中。
It said it had "honoured its commitments to its own people and to the whole world with respect to universal values" . 称中国政府以“对普世价值的尊重履行了其对人民与世界的承诺。”
On the whole, the sequence of midspan to pylons seems to be more favorable with respect to the wind stability. 从总体抗风稳定性而言,主梁采用从中跨跨中向两侧桥塔对称拼装的施工顺序则比较有利。
And with respect to you . . . we cannot speak with you of things that are above and beyond that which you are capable of understanding. 也带着对你的尊重…我们不能与你谈论更多的事情,那些超越你们所能理解范畴的。
With respect to the question of style this book has not much to say. 关于这本书的格式问题没有什么可说的。动词
With respect to the suppliers, the general objective was to have them as close as possible, provided that they were competitively priced. 关于供应商的总目标是让尽可能地接近他们,只要他们竞争力的价格。
This type of service is often referred to as being stateless with respect to its interaction with its requestors. 这种类型的服务,就它与它的请求者之间的交互来说,通常被称为是无状态的(stateless)。
In that way, the FSF is trying to ensure that users have broad patent rights with respect to any modified GPL-governed code. 通过这种方式,FSF试图确保用户拥有任何已被修改的GPL监管代码的广泛专利版权。
Make it, I believe a week adduction is recorded with respect to it doesn't matter too big question. 做成一个,我相信一周内收录就没什么太大问题了。
How much more, then, is this the case with respect to all the technological, artistic, scientific, and moral achievements of humanity! 那么,对于人类一切技术、艺术、科学和道德的成就来说,那就更需要教导了!