work at

  • na.从事;用功读
  • 网络致力于;在某处工作;钻研

第三人称单数:works at 现在分词:working at 过去式:worked at

work atwork at

work at


大学英语四级常用词组 ... out of work 失业;(机器)有毛病 work at 从事于,致力于 work off 排除;清理;卖掉 ...


考博英语词汇 ... without exception 一概;全部;无一例外 work at 从事;在...用功 work out 努力做好;刻苦完成;创立(理论)…


中考英语重点词汇句型 ... 278 visit to… 参观某个地方 294 work at在某处工作 237 send +sb sth 送给某人某物 ...


works是不是work变的_百度知道 ... shoot the works 不遗余力 work at 从事, 致力于, 钻研 work away 继续干 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... out of work 失业;(机器)有毛病 work at 从事于,致力于 work off 排除;清理;卖掉 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... run at 冲向,向……攻击 work at 干……活动(研究) tear at 用力撕 ...


新概念英语二册An exciting trip ... work in 强调地点(在哪个地方上班) work at 上班 a lot of 可加可数名词也可加不可数名词 ...

Paul Turner, a tanker driver who had arrived for work at the depot, said the blast lifted him off his feet. 油罐车驾驶员保罗·特纳(PaulTurner)当时已到油库上班,他说爆炸将他掀离地面。
While these ideas may not work at least scientists, politicians and other innovators are beginning to explore alternatives. 科学家们自然对这些想法不感冒,所以那些政治家和其它发明家们就开始另辟蹊径。
That's not bad for a week of work at a time of great, intense international concern. 面临重大而紧迫的国际关切,在一个星期内就完成了上述工作,这种进展应当是令人满意的。
"I applied for work at a jail facility, and they were naturally fingerprinting people who were going to be employees, " she said. 我申请过一家监狱里的工作,他们对求职者会很自然留下指纹。
My ex-girlfriend said that when she would work at the public library and open hers, people would back away as if it might have bed bugs. 我的前女友说,当她在图书馆打开她的电脑工作时时,人们会像它有臭虫一样离她远远的。
Instead, work at a steady pace, allowing for breaks and opportunities to get out of your office chair. 相反,你只需以一个很稳定的速度去工作,允许自己有休息和出去透透气的机会。
It is converting a fermentation plant in Florida into a test facility to see if what works in the laboratory will work at scale. 它在弗罗里达州的发酵厂被改造成一个实验场所用以检验在实验室奏效的方法是否能投入到大规模生产中去。
We will continue to work at it and I look forward to having a more competitive car and being able to mix it where we want to be. 整个车队将继续努力,我十分期待不久能打造出一辆富有竞争力的赛车并将其潜能完全发挥。
You lack the experience, the field work, at least that is what you think of your mission. 你们缺少体验、缺少实地工作,而实地工作至少是你认为你使命的所在。
Whatever you wear should accent the fact that you're a professional who's ready to get to work at a new job. 无论你穿什么,都要突出你是准备好开始一个新工作的专业人士这一事实。
It sounds as though your husband is prepared to abandon his affair and work at the marriage. 听起来似乎是丈夫打算不再和其他女人有什么瓜葛,重新努力经营婚姻。
It is possible for you to work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information you need. 为你这是可能在家里工作,一个电脑面前,让寄给你所需要的信息。
Stephen tried to make up to the boss as soon as he began to work at the office. 史蒂芬一开始在办公室工作,就试图讨好老板。
I'm not one of those people. I'm gonna have to work at it. 我不是其中的一个,我必须努力。
Although some do not want to come home, we are glad to see that there are more overseas learners chosen to work at home than before. 虽然有些人不想回家,但是使我们高兴的是现在选择回国的留学生比以前多了。
Talking of a time when he would be long gone, he said he was still tap-dancing to work at the end of his eighth decade. 在谈及何时退休时,他说自己在80岁结束时还会跳着踢踏舞上班。
I work at a daycare and my boss just had a baby, and I now have to feed my boss's bottled breast milk to her baby four times a day. 我在护理公司上班,老板刚刚生孩子了,所以我要拿老板装在奶瓶里的母乳喂她孩子,一天四次。
He said several dozen workers have rejected the offer and are trying to disrupt work at the factory. 他说,有几十名工人拒绝了这套方案,并试图扰乱工厂的工作。
If somebody yanked you out of that to go work at the post office all day, you'd barricade yourself in with a shotgun. 要是某人叫你离开,去邮局上一天班,你自己就会拿把鸟枪拦住你自己。
"I realized I'd have to get married if I stayed, " she said, shortly after beginning work at a branch of the restaurant in Beijing. “我要是留在家里,肯定就要‘被结婚’了,”武孜说,她刚刚在一家北京餐馆的分店开始工作。
He said the reason was that Chinese do not have much time off work at Christmas and the New Year so they cannot travel too far. 他说,这主要是因为中国人的圣诞和元旦假期较短,所以不能选择太远的出游地。
The children began to work at the age of seven or eight. 孩子们七八岁时就开始劳动了。
If you want to get ahead in an organization, dress as if you work at the level you hope to reach next. 如果你想在公司中获得晋升,那么你希望达到哪个层次,你的着装就得符合那个层次的特点。
That if you were doing what you loved, you might be able to stay closer to home or work at home. 如果你做你喜爱的事情,你也许可以呆在离家很近的地方工作。
At night the indirect lighting reflected off the curved ceiling, which added light and made it comfortable to work at home. 夜晚,灯光从曲面天花板反射下来,亮度更亮了,使在家里工作变得舒适。
Even at home, Sandra was on call and was ready to work at any time. 即使是在家里,珊德拉也随时待命准备上工。
One of the biggest reasons I originally wanted to work at home was to get rid of my old alarm clock, I hate them. 我原先想在家上班的最大理由之一就是为了摆脱我那个旧闹钟。我讨厌闹钟。
I can understand that some people like to leave their work at the office and finish it the next day. 我能理解一些人喜欢将工作留在办公室并在第二天完成。
Deep within you know that success will be yours, but you still have to work at it by bringing to Earth as much Light as possible. 在心灵最深处你都知道胜利是属于你们的,但是你们还要继续工作把更多的“光”尽可能的带到地球。
Unless you are the owner of a business, there is always a chance that you can be let go from work at any time. 除非你自己当老板,不然总有不知什么时候工作被打发掉的可能。