nobel prize

美 [noʊˌbel ˈpraɪz]英 [nəʊˌbel ˈpraɪz]
  • n.诺贝尔奖
  • 网络诺贝尔奖金;诺贝尔奖项;荣获诺贝尔奖

复数:Nobel Prizes

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nobel prize



一些翻译~(转的~) ... meteorology 气象学 Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖金 Nobel Prize laureate 诺贝尔奖金获得者 ...


...80多年光辉历史的英国曼彻斯特大学,曾培养出17名诺贝尔奖项Nobel Prize)得奖者,是欧洲以至世界主流大学中的佼佼 …


...和德里克•沃尔科特(Derek Walcott)在荣获诺贝尔奖(Nobel Prize)后发表的感人演讲。


...基金、校产基金及民间基金会等,值得注意的是连著名的诺贝尔基金(Nobel Prize)也是福斯特.佛莱斯的重要客户之一,但由 …

I was one of three lucky ones in the category "outstanding person" ; so was the Canadian Nobel Prize winner Robert Mendell. 我是三位被幸运地归类为“杰出人士”之中的一个,三人中还有一个是加拿大诺贝尔奖获得者罗伯特·门德尔;
He figures finding a magnetic monopole would put him on the fast track for a Nobel Prize. And he would be right. 他幻想着找到一个磁单极子而把他送上获得诺贝尔奖的快车道:他是对的。
If somebody made the breakthrough that led to the prevention of breast cancer, it would win a Nobel Prize, she said. 她说,只要有人在乳房癌预防方面取得突破,他肯定能得诺贝尔奖。
But, regrettably, he never received the Nobel Prize, because his theory has no scientific basis. 但是很遗憾,他从没有获得诺贝尔奖,因为他的理论还没有科学依据。
"If he took down the Wall, " Reagan told an aide after returning from Berlin, "he'd win the Nobel Prize. " 从柏林回来的路上,里根对助手说,“若戈尔巴乔夫能推倒掉柏林墙,那诺贝尔和平就是他的了。”
Whether the Nobel prize panel in Stockholm take this into account remains to be seen. Still, Japan is quietly, but robustly cheering him on. 还不知道斯德哥尔摩的诺贝尔评审委员会是否考虑了这一点,但日本国内却在悄然而热烈地为他喝彩。
So far, none of these kids had grown up to win the Nobel Prize either. 迄今为止,这些孩子长大后也没有一个赢得过诺贝尔奖。
Really? I can't believe it. It's like a dream come true. I never expected that, you know, I would win the Nobel Prize! 真的?简直不敢相信。这就像做梦一样。我从没想到会获得诺贝尔奖!
That Cui Qi received the 1998 Nobel Prize did not come as a surprise to physicists, but I was still elated by the news. 崔琦获得1998年诺贝尔奖的消息,虽然不出乎物理学界的意料,仍然给我带来了极大的欢欣。
There was no guarantee that Mittag-Leffler would have been a recipient of a Nobel Prize in mathematics. 如果有这个奖项的话,毫无疑问,米塔格-莱弗勒将是诺贝尔数学奖得主。
It's not until 1922 that they finally announced the Nobel Prize and one of the ironies he never gets it from the theory of relativity. 之后直到1922年,他们终于宣布诺贝尔奖,他从来没有从相对论中得到过任何嘲讽。
He is a Nobel Prize Laureate, as you know, and an internationally recognised religious and cultural leader. 他是诺贝尔获得者,如你所知,是国际认可的宗教和文化领袖。
Although a Nobel prize is awarded to no more than three individuals, fundamental physics is often done as teamwork. 尽管一次诺贝尔奖最多只能授予三人,基础物理学却常常以团队研究完成。
After giving away so much credit, Yunus finally won some for himself in 2006 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. 送出这么多的信贷之后,尤纳斯终于在2006年为自己赢得了一些回报:他被授予诺贝尔经济学奖。
She was having lunch with him in Paris in 1957 when he received the news that he had won the Nobel Prize. 1957年,当加缪收到他获得诺贝尔文学奖的消息时,布莱克正在巴黎和他共进午餐。
Most American parents do not push their children to get a doctorate or to be a Nobel Prize winner as the top goal in life. 多半老美父母不要求他们的孩子去取得博士学位或成为诺贝尔得主,作为人生最高目标。
NO Nobel prize has yet been awarded for the invention of an elixir of life, but the prize itself seems to be one. 尽管诺贝尔奖还没有颁发给过能将生命延续两年的长生不老药发明者,但是这个奖项本身却似乎恰恰是这样一剂长生不老药。
Did this year's awarding of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Mo Yan come as a surprise to him, or to you? 今年莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖,这对莫言本人而言或对你,是一个惊喜吗?
Fortunately, the team that won the Nobel prize was able to provide Dr Maitland with a version of the protein that emits red light. 幸运的是,荣获诺贝尔奖的团队能够为梅特兰博士提供发出红光的蛋白质。
Probably she or he is out there today, working on the equations, getting ready to publish the paper that will win the Nobel Prize. 也许他或她就在今天这个时代,正在解决一些方程式,准备发表论文并因此获得诺贝尔奖。
Generations of children have been heartened by the thought that this Nobel Prize winner did badly at school, but they're sadly mistaken. 这位诺贝尔奖获得者读书成绩不好,一代代的孩子们都对这个想法感到欣慰,但他们大错特错了。
The foundation claimed Ms Wang had wanted to leave her fortune to a charity and establish a Chinese Nobel prize. 该基金会称,龚如心曾希望把自己的财产留给一家慈善机构,并设立一个中国式的诺贝尔奖(NobelPrize)。
Madame Curie was an illustrious woman scientist who won the Nobel Prize twice for the discovery of two chemical elements. 居里夫人是一位杰出女科学家,她因为发现两种化学元素而两度荣获诺贝尔奖。
What he achieved in his early 20's formed the basis on which the Nobel Foundation awarded him the Nobel Prize in 1933 at the age of 31. 狄拉克在他人生最初的二十多年里取得的成就成为了诺贝尔基金会在1933年他31岁时授予他诺贝尔奖的依据。
That this year's Nobel prize for chemistry has been awarded for a better way of synthesising organic compounds is thus appropriate. 因此,今年的诺贝尔化学奖授予人工合成有机物更好的方法是适当的。
I BElieve that there will BE a Chinese NoBEl Prize winner in biology and medicine within the next decade. 相信十年内会有华裔科学家获生物医学奖。
The invention of the body scanner won a deserved Nobel Prize for EMI's Geoffrey Houndsfield, but almost destroyed the company. 对百代(EMI)公司的GeoffreyHoundsfield而言,他发明人体扫描仪理所当然地赢得了诺贝尔奖,但却几乎毁掉了百代公司。
To honor his role in resolving Maoist conflict in Nepal, the Nepali government has recently nominated him for the Nobel Prize. 为了表彰他解决尼泊尔的毛派冲突,尼泊尔政府最近已为他提名诺贝尔奖。
Araujo was thrilled to win. "There is no Nobel Prize for archaeology, so an Ig Nobel is a good thing, " he said in ane-mail. 赢得这个奖项阿罗约非常激动。他在一封电子邮件中写到:“诺贝尔奖里没有考古学这一项,所以能得一个另类诺贝尔奖也是件好事。”
Besides, he points out with a smile, there is no Nobel Prize in marketing. 此外,他微笑着指出,营销学也不设诺贝尔奖。