nothing more than

  • un.只有;跟…迥然不同;只不过
  • 网络仅仅;只不过是;无非是

nothing more thannothing more than

nothing more than


BBC news 2010-01-23 加文本|BBC world news ... bound for 驶往 nothing more than 仅仅,只不过 hand out 分发, 发给, 散发 ...


Argument写作必备词汇 - 小马过河 ... 不足: scant; 仅仅: mere;only;nothing more than; 足够的: sufficient; ...


GRE填空及类反题关键词总结_新东方网 ... Anything more than 不仅仅是 Nothing more than 只不过是 at best 至多,充其量 ...


Heroes 英雄 第三季 第十五集... ... rage: 狂怒,盛怒 nothing more than: 无非是,正是,仅仅,不过是 all over: 到处 ...


intergrated course ... moderate 适中的;适度的 nothing more than 无异于;只不过,仅仅 organism 生物体,有机体 ...


原因不外乎(Nothing more than):根本不喜欢,阴谋,泪水和汗水的化学成分相似,但前者只能为你换来同情,后者却可以为你 …

The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner. 这么多的依赖的结果,往往只不过是一些匿名考官的主观评估。
He took from his pocket two small objects which were nothing more than two quills wrapped in cotton, and thrust one up each of his nostrils. 他从衣袋里掏出两件小东西,两根裹了棉花的鹅翎管,在每个鼻孔里塞了一根。
Most believe the footprints are nothing more than ordinary animal tracks, which had been made larger as they melted and refroze in the snow. 大多数人相信这些脚印只是普通动物的足迹,这些足迹由于在雪里融化再结冰而变大了。
So this seems to be nothing more than to add a little foreign glamour to a bland shoe-sale sign. 因此,这似乎只是为了给枯燥乏味的卖鞋招牌增添些许的域外情调而已。
China has the Buddhism but Buddha was an Indian Prince and Buddhism is nothing more than a split end of the Vedas. 中国有佛教,但菩萨是位印度王子,而佛教不过是维达斯的一个末节。
However, in General's eye, she was nothing more than a little girl something wrong with her eyes. 然而,将军眼中她就是一个患有眼疾的小女孩儿罢了。
Some of the women are dressed in grass skirts, and one of the men wears nothing more than a traditional penis quiver and a woollen cap. 一些妇女穿着草裙,而一名男子除了戴上传统的阴茎护套和羊毛帽外,几乎赤身裸体。
UK scientists claim speed dating is nothing more than a beauty contest, and is all about looks and not personality. 英国科学家称,“速配”只不过是一场选美比赛,相貌起主导地位,与性格无关。
A basic composite service is nothing more than a commonly used set of service requests wrapped up into a single service request. 一种是基本的复合服务,即一个被包装成单个服务请求的常用服务请求的集合。
At this point, many of your items are going to be nothing more than estimates, but do the best you can. 在准备阶段,很多数字可能都是估算的,但请做到尽你所能的精确。
She told me at the other end of the telephone line that she wanted nothing more than to listen to my voice again. 她在电话的那一端告诉我她只想再听听我的声音。目前,我只想把英语学好,通过四级考试。
"Israel has no intention of giving the flu any new names. It was nothing more than a slip of the tongue , " the official said. 这位官员说:「以色列无意为这种流感冠上任何新名称,这只是一时失言罢了。」
And yet take heart, for a lack of courage is nothing more than a state of mind. It can be overcome. 鼓起勇气,缺乏勇气只不过是一种心智状态,恐惧是能够克服的。
But books that set out to be nothing more than a reading experience must be allowed to exist. 但如果一本书写来仅仅为了读着好玩也是应该允许存在的。
But evening began to close in, and the luggage did not arrive, and they had brought nothing more than they stood in. 但是已经到了晚上了,行李还没有送到,而他们除了身上穿的衣服外什么也没有带。
He shouldn't have been angry with me for what I said, for it was nothing more than a joke. 他不应该对我说的话感到生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。
As you can see, the Channel class is nothing more than a straightforward JavaBean that describes information contained in the stanza. 如上所示,Channel类无非是一个直观的JavaBean,它描述包含在节中的信息。
Saying that, she diverted the shrine maiden. From nothing more than simple curiosity, she decided to search for the great fairy here. 这样说着,她支走了巫女。仅仅是因为简单的好奇心,她决定开始在这里寻找那个大妖怪。
For the inquisitive reader the entire topic of Dynamic e-business is nothing more than another form of distributive computing. 对于好奇的读者来说,动态电子商务的整个课题只是分布式计算的另一种形式。
Liberals want nothing more than to see a small population of American overran by billions of Asians. 自由党希望的事情莫过于看到一个人口不多的美国占领的数十亿亚洲人。
But even then, to the naked eye Mars appeared as nothing more than an extremely bright yellowish-orange star, not at all like the full moon. 可即便如此,在肉眼下当夜的火星也不过就是茫茫苍穹之间一颗颇为明亮的橘红色小点,和满月丁点可比性没有啦。
The child looked terrified and it was a relief to see him let free with nothing more than a warning not to return. 男孩吓坏了,当看到站长只是警告他不要再来后就放走他,我松了一口气。
Once linked, you can read and write to any part of the file as if it were nothing more than just an array of unmanaged memory. 一旦连接起来,你就能读写文件的任意部分,就像它已经不再是非托管内存数组了。
I do not care if it is nothing more than putting your sneakers on and walking around the block to start. 只要是穿上运动鞋。到街区到处行走开始,我才不管你是什么方式。
I never stick around quite long enough to make it, well I deserve nothing more than I get. 我也没有坚持足够长的时间去使它成为现实,那么我只配得到这么一点。
While I would like nothing more than to see the Federal Reserve abolished, it is not absolutely necessary to do so with direct legislation. 尽管我更愿意看到联邦储备系统被废除,但也不是绝对有必要通过立法来这样做。
He should have been angry at what I said. It was nothing more than a joke. 他不应该对我说的话表示生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。
As an American, I would love nothing more than to see us repeat our epic 1950 World Cup upset of those smug inventors of the game. 作为一个美国人,我当然是最希望看到我们美国队重现1950年世界杯的雄风,让那些自大的比赛投资者不安。
Government price regulation should be a multi-objective system, refined oil price regulation is nothing more than such a system. 政府的价格规制应该是一个多目标的系统,成品油价格规制也不外如此。
I am afraid that the concept of scientific development and become nothing more than another political slogan will not be able to implement. 而科学发展观恐怕仍将沦为另一个政治口号无法落实。