net profit

  • na.纯利润
  • 网络净利润;净收益;净收入

net profitnet profit

net profit


完整英文版资产负债表、利润表及现金流量表英文版 ... 减:所得税 Less:Income tax 净利润 Net profit 资产负债表 Balance Sh…


会计科目中英文对照_百度文库 ... 个别 several 纯利 net profit 纯利率 net profit ratio ...


'纯利润'等的英文缩写是什么_百度知道 ... profit 利润' net profit 纯(净)利润' gross profit 毛利润' ...


财会术语表 - MBA智库百科 ... Net operation income 净营业收入 Net profit 净收益 Net realizable value 可实现净值 ...


合伙人 之间应分配净收入net profit),以体现普通合伙企业共享利 润,共担风险的宗旨。 普通合伙在美国服务领域内是传统 …


Financial Highlights ... Share Capital 股本 Net Profit 净盈利 Total Net Tangible Assets 净资产总值 ...

For the fourth quarter, net profit was down as the company took a charge tied to a restructuring plan. 第四季度,公司由于在重组计划上的开支,净利润有所下滑。
Profit is the operating result of an enterprise for a specific accounting period, including operating profit, total profit and net profit. 利润,是指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果,包括营业利润、利润总额和净利润。
SAIC Motor Corp. , China's largest car maker by sales volume, said its first-half net profit more than quadrupled from a year earlier. 中国销量最大的汽车生产商上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAICMotorCorp.)说,今年上半年净利润同比增长了三倍以上。
ST flowers, said net profit increase over the same period as an operating cost , financial costs due to a decrease over the same period. ST百花称,净利润较上年同期增加主要是营业费用、财务费用较上年同期减少所致。
HTC's net profit and revenues more than doubled in the second quarter compared with a year earlier. HTC在今年第二季度的净利润和营收是去年同期的两倍有余。
Jet eked out a net profit in its latest quarter by selling assets, slashing costs and booking tax credits, but the outlook remains tough. 在最新财季,Jet通过出售资产、削减成本和计入退税勉强维护了净利润,但前景依然艰难。
Take care to look at the gross and net profit figures for at least the last three years. 要留心至少最近3年此公司总利润和纯利润的情况。
Despite the cut-throat competition the financial planning and wealth management team was able to deliver a modest net profit for the period. 虽然面对割喉式竞争,集团在回顾期内的个人理财和财富管理部门仍能取得温和纯利。
Distribution of part of a company's net profit to shareholders . Usually expressed as a number of cents per share. 股东所获得的公司部分净利润分配。通常,红利表示为每股一定金额数。
For those who want to understand the real operating conditions of the people business, net profit is likely to be a beautiful lie. 对于那些想要了解实际运行条件的人业务的人,可能是一个美丽的谎言的净利润。
Meanwhile, Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. said its first-half net profit rose 35% from a year earlier. 与此同时,吉利汽车控股有限公司(GeelyAutomobileHoldingsLtd.)说,上半年净利润同比增长35%。
Due largely to variations in shipping cost, the net profit per unit sold varies depending on which plant supplies which customer. 主要是由于运输成本的差异,销售一个产品得到的净利润也不同,很大程度上取决于哪个工厂供应哪个客户。
Bank of America posted a net profit for the first quarter of $3. 2 billion, a drop of 24% compared with a year earlier. 美国银行公布其第一季度净盈利为32亿美元,与去年相比下降了24%。
The Company published a positive profit alert and expected to record an increase of approximately 50% yoy in its 2010 unaudited net profit. 公司此前公告业绩预增,预期2010年未经审核净利润同比增长约50%左右。
in view of the company ' s development and the expansion of marketing channels , the annual net profit of the company is rapidly increasing. 随着企业发展和经营销售市场渠道的拓宽,公司每年净利润逐年快速提高。
Li Ning's fundamentals in the run-up to the Olympics looked good: Net profit rose 68% year to year in the six months ended June. 奥运会之前,李宁公司的基本面看起来良好:截至6月份的上半年该公司净利润较去年同期增长了68%。
In the first quarter, net profit at Chinese listed firms fell 26% from a year before, J. P. Morgan says. 摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)提供的数据显示,今年第一季度中国上市公司的净利润较上年同期下降了26%。
injection of high-quality chemical assets, and its annual net profit to 1. 6 billion yuan, becoming the company's new profit growth point. 高质量的化工资产注入,年净利润1.6亿元,成为公司新的利润增长点。
Net profit in the three months to March 31, the company's fiscal fourth quarter, was $12. 78m, reversing a $263m loss a year earlier. 在截至3月31日的三个月里,即该公司的第四财务季度,净利润为1278万美元,扭转了上一年度同期2.63亿美元亏损的局面。
To tell you the truth, we make an eight million net profit this time. 给你交个实底,这次净赚了八百万。
Swiss Re's quarterly net profit fell by 87%, compared with a year ago, because of subprime losses. 瑞士再保险公司(SwissRe)因信贷损失而致使季度净利润比去年同期下降了87%。
The company reported a net profit of $97 million, after a year ago loss of $118 million. 该公司净利为9,700万美元,上年同期为净损1.18亿美元。
Similarly, Geely's 2007 net profit rose 51% on strong export demand, despite the company's failure to meet its annual sales target. 同样,由于出口强劲,吉利汽车2007年的净利润增长了51%,但公司并未完成年度销售目标。
A firm's size can be measured in different ways: through its turnover, net profit, and number of employees. 商号的大小可用不同的方法进行估量,如,通过相关的营业额,净利润和职工人数。
Net profit is income (also called revenue) less all of the company expenses. 纯利润是用收入(也叫收益)减去所有公司支出。
Still, Dangdang's prospectus shows that the company was operating at a loss until 2009, when it achieved a net profit of $2. 5 million. 然而,当当网的募股说明书显示,公司直至2009年才获得250万美元的净利润,此前一直处于亏损状态。
The intriguing idea behind EVA is to express in a single number two concepts: net profit and rate of return. 这个耐人寻味的背后的想法是长荣表示在一个单一的数目两个概念:纯利润和回报率。
After several bruising quarters, Intel reported that net profit surged in the last three months of 2009; revenue was also up. 英特尔受挫几个季度之后,2009年最后一季度净利润飞涨,总收入也提高了。
A majority of the dot-coms ceased trading after burning through their venture capital, many having never made a net profit. 大多数网络公司在把风投资金烧光后停止了交易,许多甚至还没有盈利过。
During the negotiations because of the time, sometimes only a few seconds, but it can be for the interests of all net profit. 因为在谈判的时候,有时只是几秒钟的时间,但是它能够获得争取的利益都是纯利润。