cut into

  • na.插入话头;多嘴;打断(话头)突然加入
  • 网络侵犯;切成;削减

第三人称单数:cuts into 现在分词:cutting into

cut intocut into

cut into


职称英语考试大纲答案 ... cut off 切断,隔绝;切掉,剪下; cut into 侵犯,打断; cut down 砍倒,删节; ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... cut in (汽车)超车,抢挡 cut into 侵犯(利益等);削减 cut off 切掉;切断;阻隔 ...


上海中学预初英语下册知识点|快乐学习(上海站) ... )cut off 切除;中断 )cut into 切成 )use sth. for sth. 同义:用某物做某事 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... cut in (汽车)超车,抢挡 cut into 侵犯(利益等);削减 cut off 切掉;切断;阻隔 ...


UNIT 1. Big Bucks the Easy Way_旺旺英语教学网 ... pull up (使)停下 cut into 减少 be done with 做完,不再使用 ...


高中英语常用短语必记_百度文库 ... on 快点,赶快 cut into 切入 cut back 减少 ...


固定词组(1)_kiko_新浪博客 ... clean out 把 ... 清理干净 cut into 切开 cut in line 插队 ...


大学英语 ... cut in . 突然插入。 cut into 插入话头;多嘴,干涉;打断(话头)突然加入。 cut lots 抽签。 ...

It was a rasping nervous wind, and the dust particles cut into a man's skin and burned his eyes. 大风让人们烦躁焦虑,尘土的微粒剐着人的脸,刺痛人的眼睛。
He was illiterate and did not read the book one day, but it can cut into a variety of full spiritual works of art. 他是个文盲,没读过一天书,却能剪出各种充满灵性的艺术作品。
It might be very fancy, made of pink and red paper cut into heart shapes. 用红色或粉红色的纸张剪成心形形状也许是很别致的。
Each piece of moss is cut into a foam frame, which prevents the moss from spreading or growing out of control. 每一块苔藓都被嵌入了泡沫框架中,以防止其过分生长或者四处散布。
Tyrant held on. A plastic fork cut into the cake just above his head. A bite-sized piece of cake disappeared. 泰伦紧抓着盘子,一支塑胶叉插进蛋糕里,正好插到他头上不远处,然后一口大小的蛋糕不翼而飞。
Today, I woke up from sleeping at my friends house with a bunch of other people, with my waist long hair cut into chunks on my pillow. FML. 今天我醒来时发现睡在朋友家里,旁边还有一堆人,我原来长到腰的头发被剪得乱糟糟地丢在枕头上。FML。
When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, "Four. I don't think I can eat eight. " 服务员问我披萨要切成4份还是8份,我说:“4份,8份的话我就吃不下了。”
To get a bit of light, windows are cut into the exterior walls, as well as regular doors. 为了能够亮一点,他们把向外的墙劈开成了窗,当然也造了日常的门。
Since any human utterance is a continuous speech flow made up of at least one syllable, it cannot be cut into independent units. 人的话语是一个连续的语流,由至少一个音节组成,不能被切分为若干独立的单位。
So from a legal point of view trying to cut into the beginning of the research strategy. 本文试图从法律的角度切入来作初略的研究。
Surely objects cut into such shapes must have especially significant place in a subject profession to deal with simple things. 当然物体切割成这种形状是因为它在同类中相对于那些简单的事物有其特别重要的地位。
'But now it is at a stage where people mistake him for a girl and he wants it cut into a boy's haircut. 不过现在头发已经长到人们会把他误认为是女孩的程度了,所以他想要去理一个小男孩的头发。
Peaches washed in boiling water in a little hot, peel, core and cut into the size of the small green bean, into a small basin. 鲜桃洗净,在开水中略烫,去皮、核后切成绿豆大小的丁,放入小盆内。
Professor Wei said the legitimate sales would cut into the smugglers' profits but would not wipe them out. 魏教授说,苹果专卖店的正品货会削薄走私商的利润,但无法将他们赶出市场。
In a way, the image of Mo Yan's Red Sorghum to cut into the discussion is to understand and grasp the best angle of Mo Yan. 在某种程度上讲,对莫言红高粱的意象进行切入探讨,会是理解、把握莫言小说的最佳角度。
The straw which must be straight and of good quality, is first softened in the warmth of the sauna, then cut into sections of equal length. 草材须直挺结实。先在桑拿室内烘软,然后截成等长的段儿,用线穿起来作成三角型,方型和和八角型。
showing Earth's interior as it would look if you cut into it with a large knife and carefully removed about a quarter of its bulk. 它是一个例子,他着迷-一剖图显示,地球的内部,因为如果你想看看它切割成一个大刀,仔细思考其散装季度删除。
When she said that she'd like a medium pizza, the clerk asked her how many pieces she'd like to have it cut into: six or twelve. 当她说她要一个中等披萨时,店员问她想把披萨切成几块:六块还是十二块。
The buildings will feature glass rectangular faces that seems to cut into the more solid portion of the structure. 建筑的立面特征是矩形的玻璃插入更“结实”的部分中。
If you look at the map, the US seems to be cut into three parts by the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. 如果你看一看地图,美国就象是被密西西比河与落矶山脉切成了3部分。
The sheet, moving at a speed of up to 120 metres per minute, is cooled and cut into smaller sheets of a thick, porous, paper-like card. 这时板面,在高达每分钟120米的速度移动,被冷却成一个厚厚的,多孔的,像纸卡片似的小片。
The network is doing, which seems to be the focus and the ability of thought I cut into pieces. 网络在做的事,似乎就是把我专注和沉思的能力切成碎片。
To carry out the fermentation, the tofu curd is cut into small chunks and dipped into a solution of salt and citric acid. 为了进行发酵,豆腐被切成小块,并且浸入盐和柠檬酸溶液中。
A light well void is cut into the centre of the plan, creating a surprisingly generous sense of volume within the core of the dwelling. 设计将一个天井空洞切进中心,奇迹般地增加了体量的开阔感。
lotus leaves are easy to cut into into shreds, adapt to the cigarette making technique. 荷叶便于切成丝状,适合香烟的制造工艺。
Carefully tip the marshmallow out on to the prepared board and cut into squares, using a sharp knife. 小心地倒出棉花糖,放在准备好的台面上,用刀切成块状。
In this paper, the angle cut into the sense of tragedy, a study of the fictions in the nineties. 本文从悲剧意识的角度切入,对九十年代的小说展开研究。
The auditorium originated in the theaters of ancient Greece, as a semicircular seating area cut into a hillside. 观众厅起源于古希腊的剧院,为嵌入山坡的半圆形座位区。
Even though it had been cut into two, the snake could still bite! 被割成两段的蛇竟然还可以咬人啊!
Next time you order a pizza, ask to have it cut into a heart shape before it is delivered to your home. 下次在点比萨饼的时候,在送上门之前先要求将之切为心型。