separate from

  • 网络分离;分开;分离开来

separate fromseparate from

separate from


高中英语词组大全 ... sentence sb. to death 判处某人死刑 separate from 分离 set an example to sb. 给某人树立一个榜样 ...


高中英语常考词组短语大全[S][嘉兴英语网] ... send to 送到, 送进, 把…送到…去 separate from 分离,分开 serve as 充当; …


英语介词用法 - Mainz - 博客园 ... save from 保全;拯救, separate from 分离开来, stop from 阻止。 ...


新概念2册22课关键句型的短语_余光_新浪博客 ... receive from 接到 separate from 把……分开 suffer from 受难 ...


英语介词搭配一览表[旺旺英语论坛] ... distant from 离…远 separate from 与…分离 recovery from 从…中复原 ...


单词辨析~ ?_百度知道 ... alone 一个人,单独 separate from 分离;把…和…分开 separate out 析出;分出 ...


选词填空_百度知道 ... 7. 4 compete against 竞争 8. 8 separate from 和……分开 9. 2 come to an end 结束 ...


2006全国高校四六级巡回讲座(3) ... range over( 论及,涉及) separate from( 分开,隔离) take up( 开始从事;把```继 …

I had no need to be rejected by my friends or my family, or to feel separate from others. 我不想被我的朋友、我的家人拒绝、或者感觉和其他人有分隔。
In the case of a Java applet, a CSS-rendering library separate from Mozilla's library is required if stylesheet support is to be available. 对于Javaapplet而言,如果要支持样式表的话,则需要一个独立于Mozilla的CSS渲染库。
Google said the operating system was a new project, separate from its Android mobile operating software found in some smartphones. 谷歌表示,Chrome操作系统是一个新项目,独立于智能手机所使用的Android移动操作系统项目。
not to the point of estrangement, but enough so that your identity is separate from that of your parents and siblings. 不要到产生隔阂的地步,但要足以使你的身份独立于你的父母和兄弟姐妹。
At the times when you are wanting to be separate from your partner and your partner wants to be together with you, there is no problem. 有时,当你想与伴侣分开的时候,你的伴侣想与你在一起,这不会有问题。
"It's always been a car that I've kept separate from other cars, " she said, adding that she has owned other Packards. “这车我一直和别的车分开放的,”她补充说他还有别的帕卡德车。
The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him: yet she got chided more than any of us on his account. 我们能施于她最大的惩罚莫过于把她和他分开,因为他的原因,她挨的骂比我们都多。
When it comes to reducing carbon emissions, the question "How much? " is separate from the equally important question "How? " 在谈到削减碳排放时,“削减多少”与同等重要的“如何削减”是不同的问题。
Through my work I'm trying to articulate that humans are not separate from nature and that everything is interconnected. 通过我的艺术作品我试着阐明人类不是与自然分隔开而是每一件事都是互相联系的。
Note that this name is separate from the name used to identify the key in the key container specified in step 1. 请注意,此名称不同于用来标识步骤1中指定的密钥容器中的密钥的名称。
Number consecutively any equations that have to be displayed separate from the text (if referred to explicitly in the text). 人数连续任何方程都必须表现出有别于文(如果中明确地提到了文本)。
Each thread's output is separate from the others, because at the moment there is nothing to split up the timing during execution. 每个线程的输出独立于其他线程的输出,因为在执行期间没有可用于分割时间选择的办法。
They want full rights to participate in the voting or political process, or to be considered as wholly separate from another country. 他们想要得到参与选举活动或政治程序的各项权利,或是承认其国家从另一个国家中完全独立出来。
For seniors with difficulty getting in and out of a tub, it was a nice touch that the shower stall was separate from the tub. 对于那些进出浴缸比较困难的老年人来说,这里的淋浴设计的跟浴缸是相隔离的,这一点还是非常棒的。
His mouth felt like an instrument that was separate from the rest of him. 他感觉自己的嘴就是个工具,和身体的其他部位分开了。
Some universities in a large number of research funds, do not start on opening more schools to separate from his alma mater. 部分大学为了大批的研究经费,开始做不开放的研究,更有学校设法脱离母校独立。
An abstract is often presented separate from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. 一个抽象的,是常常被分开的文章,那么它必须能够单独存在。
Krishnamurti: During our waking hours, there is always the observer, different from the observed, the actor, separate from his action. 克:我们在醒着的时候,总是有不同于被观察者的观察者,与他的行为分离的行为者。
By the early 1800s, natural philosophy had begun to separate from philosophy, though it often retained a very broad meaning. 1800年代初期,自然哲学已开始独立于哲学,但它往往保留了非常广泛的含义。
Separate from the pleasure of your company, I don't care if I never see another mountain in my life. 没有你相伴的欢愉,我不怎么在乎自己此生是否能游历另一座山。
In his mind, this is just part of his sexual journey, and separate from how he feels about you, but I understand your discomfort. 在他的想法里,这不过是他性旅程的一部分,而且这和他对你的感觉是两码事,但我理解你的苦恼。
reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities. 使变得精细无杂质或处于纯状态;从异物中分离或使混杂物纯净。
Documentation kept separate from the schema is more likely to get out of date than documentation inside the schema. 维护独立于模式的文档则比写在模式内部的文档更容易脱离实际情况。
Because the data is now separate from the user interface, it is possible to manipulate the data in a document without starting Office. 由于现在数据与用户界面是分离的,因此可以在不启动Office的情况下操作文档中的数据。
While being prepared and eaten, the food is separate from you and your mind is on it; once swallowed, you become totally unconscious of it. 正当煮食时食物与你分开而你的头脑则放在食物上;一但吞咽,你便完全没意识到它。
If a profit center is totally separate from all other parts of the organization, its profits can be uniquely identified with it. 如果利润中心是一个完全独立于企业其他部门的利润中心,其利润就可以独一无二地确定。
Of course you are separate from me physically, you are a woman, I am a man, or I am taller, you are shorter and all the rest of it. 在身体上你和我当然是分离的,你是个女人,我是个男人,或者我高一些,你矮一些,以及等等其他的。
One may need to separate from others in one's life that wish you to manifest their vision for you instead of your own. 你可能需要与你生活中的那些希望你去显化他们的展望、而不是显化你自己(愿望)的人分开。
It was good to see my dear friend, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, explain consciousness, which is quite separate from the mind. 我的爱,能见到这样的情形真好,RupertSheldrake博士,解释了意识结构已经完全从思维中分裂了。
Solutions are either to reduce die-exit stress or to reduce the tendency for components to separate from the melt. 解决方法要么是减少口模出口应力,要么是减少组分从熔体中分离的倾向。