sort out

  • na.清理
  • 网络分类;整理;解决

第三人称单数:sorts out 现在分词:sorting out 过去式:sorted out

sort outsort out

sort out


梳理_百度百科 ... [Explain] 阐明义理,分辨事理 [Sort out] 整理;清理 [Comb] 用梳子整理(须、发等) ...


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... in addition 另外;也 sort out 分类 excitement n. 兴奋;刺激 ...


高一英语必修一词组归纳 ... 163.write down 写下;记下 164.sort out 整理;归类 4. be concerned about … 关心……;挂 …


新世纪高一词汇及用法 - 豆丁网 ... 被列为: be rated as 27、 解决,(从一批中)挑出: sort out 29、 单程票: one-way ticke…


《疯狂英语2003合集全部文本》(一) ... ) hunch n. 基于直觉的想法 ) sort out 挑选出 ) in terms of 根据,按照,在……方面 ...


【Summary】介词搭配 ... sob out 呜咽地说…… sort out 整理出……;拣出…… speak of 听说…… ...


高一英语必修一词组归纳 ... 163.write down 写下;记下 164.sort out 整理;归类 4. be concerned about … 关心……;挂 …


高一英语期末复习 - 英语学习乐园 ... 对…有信心 be confident of 有信心 分类整理 sort out 最重要, 最重要,首先 above all ...

But, if the attempt to tame China goes horribly awry , make sure America is still around to help sort out the mess. 不过,如果驯化中国的企图走上歧途,要确保美国仍在附近,以帮助清理混乱的局面。
Truth on this scale will put some of you into states of near catatonia as you try to sort out what is happening. 基于这个规模的真相将让你们一些人导致紧张症状,因为你们尝试弄明白正在发生的正确情况。
Mr Obama may well be called on to help sort out that mess if conflict breaks out again, as many fear, within the next year or so. 许多人担心明年冲突再次出现,这样的话,奥巴马就得帮助解决混乱的局势。
Other large-scale trends have paralleled the decline in violence and cruelty, but it is not easy to sort out cause and effect here. 野蛮和暴力减少的同时也出现了其他一些大趋势,但是很难简单地分清哪些是原因哪些是结果。
In this regard, the North Island have been trying to sort out, but the results are often inconsistent, ended in failure. 对此,北岛曾试图进行过梳理,但结果常常前后不一,以失败告终。
Even the banks themselves will remain reluctant to lend until they know how much capital they will need to sort out the mortgage mess. 就算作为银行来讲,直到当他们知道需要多少资金能解决次贷危机之后,它们才会愿意放贷。
We're still trying to sort out fact from fiction when it comes to Dracula. Turning into mist? Kinda doubt it. General shape-shifting? Maybe. 我们正把现实从传闻中剥离出来。说他能化成一缕烟嘛,尚有疑问。能随意变形吗?那大有可能。
Just think how much more exciting and fulfilling life would be if you were able to sort out unfounded fears instead of giving into them. 想一想如果你能弄清楚这些不明的恐惧的原因而不是向它们妥协,生活将会多么让人振奋和有意义啊。
The statistics are a very relevant followup to my post on Wednesday trying to sort out what platforms developers will ultimately pick. 这个统计是和我周三试图整理出开发者们到底会选择什么操作平台的文章有着很深的相关性。
It did not neglect to sort out the categories of the influenced factors of the conceptual tourism planning, and concluded six factors. 文章没有忽视对旅游概念规划影响因素的分类探析,归纳和总结了六类因素。
There was never any question that I was going to leave, but there was just one or two things I needed to sort out. 我从来没有想过离开这里,但是同样还是有一两件事要和球队沟通。
You could find yourself having to sort out a few conflicts or misunderstandings with your loved ones right now. 你也许发现你不得不和你爱的人产生一些冲突或者误解。
Sort out the car you would like to buy and how much it would cost you. 梳理你想买汽车、多少钱你。
The European Union, another traditional global leader, will need at least another year or two to sort out the euro mess. 另一个传统意义上的全球领袖——欧盟(EU)至少还需要一两年时间,才能厘清欧元区的乱局。
According to Saturno, the writing looks like someone's attempt to sort out a very long math problem, as if on a blackboard. 萨图诺表示,书写痕迹看起来像是有人试图在黑板上整理出很长的数学问题。
Therefore, exercises should not be done is to fling trouble, but should sort out on a regular basis, as a review when the reference. 因此就是做过的习题也不应一扔了事,而应当定期进行分类整理,作为复习时的参考资料。
If there was any consolation, it was that the glacial pace of nature would give us decades or even centuries to sort out the problem. 如果能有解决办法的话,那就是自然的缓慢速度给我们几十年甚至是几百年去解决这个问题。
It's just I've got some important things to sort out next week and I'm afraid the only time I'm available is Friday evening. 只是我有几件重要的事情要处理,我恐怕只有礼拜五晚上才能帮你。
It was nice but all the reassurance wasn't doing much to help me sort out my conflicted feelings about Giorgio Armani. 这很好,但所有保证都无助于我摆脱对乔治•阿玛尼充满矛盾的感觉。
He needs to get away and sort out his personal life and when he has done that we will sit down and talk about his future in football. 他需要远离一切流言,处理好自己的事情,在这之后我们俩会坐下来谈谈未来,关于足球的未来。
Conflict is often how we sort out what we really want from what we're willing to compromise on. 冲突通常是我们真正想从愿意妥协中获得些东西的方式。
Later, she was the collection of the birds, feel the words in the poem has little value, and then sort out the two books of poetry. 后来,她受到泰戈尔《飞鸟集》的启发,觉得自己那些三言两语的小杂感里也有着诗的因子,进而整理出这两本诗集。
The doctors wisely decided to sort out the cartilages first and I will return for my cruciate operation at the start of August. 医生们明智地决定他们要先修复软骨,并在八月初我将接受韧带手术。
So if you need that piece of music but forgot who has it, it's online for you and your group of friends to check out and sort out. 这样一来,如果你需要那张唱片,可是又忘记谁借走了它,你和你的朋友们可以上线查询,把它找出来。
Claiming that if America does not sort out the flaws in its financial system it could turn out like Argentina looks like a stretch. 他声称如果美国不整顿财政系统的缺陷,美国可能阿根廷有相同的结局,这似乎也脱离了主题。
"The clubs are yet to sort out his future, but I don't think Genoa will sign him, " Sandro Gedda said in Tuttosport. “热那亚还没有决定他的未来,但我不认为他们会签下他,”桑德罗。戈达告诉全体育报。
The writer of this article attempts to sort out their researching achievements and work out the general laws of them. 本文力图对这些研究成果进行梳理,归纳整理出这些研究的一般规律。
These problems are easy to sort out: Check the website of the university. 其实这个问题很好解决,到这个大学的网站查一查。
"Besides that, we are in big financial trouble and the trademarks are a valuable asset that could help us sort out part of that trouble. " “除此之外,我们正陷于巨大的财务困境,商标是一项宝贵的资产,有望帮助我们解决一部分麻烦。”
But in the end China's leaders believe it is up to Europe and its own people and governments to sort out their problems themselves. 但归根结底,中国领导人相信,欧洲的问题要靠它自己——靠它的人民和政府来解决。