sit up

  • na.【体】仰卧起坐
  • 网络熬夜;坐直;坐正

第三人称单数:sits up 现在分词:sitting up 过去式:sat up

sit upsit up

sit up


介词短语_百度百科 ... sit in 列席,旁听 sit up 迟睡,熬夜 speed up 使加速 ...


英语词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... sit in on 列席(会议),旁听 sit up 不睡,熬皮;坐直 speed up (使)加快速度 ...


仰卧起坐(Sit up)Seated Leg Curl(坐式后腿肌屈接)Squat(深蹲)Toe Raise(小腿伸展)Inner Thigh Kick(腿内侧拉力)Up…


大学英语四级常用词组 ... sit on 为…的成员;压制 sit up 迟睡,熬夜;坐正 size up 打量;估计(情况) ...


热瑜伽_百度百科 ... 14. wind removing pose( 风吹式) 15. sit up( 仰卧式) 16. cobra pose( 眼镜蛇式) ...


up 前面可以加什么 表示什么意思_百度知道 ... look up 往上看;查询 sit up 坐起来 turn up 出现 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... sit in 列席,旁听 sit up 迟睡,熬夜 speed up 使加速 ...


sit 的词组有哪些,中文各是什么?_百度知道 ... sit still 安静地坐着 sit up 熬夜;端坐 sit with 临时替人照看 ...

Tired? She tired! Oh, hear the man! Joe, you know she'd sit up six weeks to please any one of you! 疲倦?她会感到疲倦?哼,听他说的!乔,你知道,不管你们当中的谁,只要你们高兴,她愿意一连六个星期不睡觉的!
Now, children, I want you all to sit up just as straight and pretty as you can and give me all your attention for a minute or two. 孩子们,现在我要你们都尽量地、端端正正地坐起来,集中注意力听我讲一两分钟的话。
One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. 其中一个每天都可以坐在自己的床上一小时来帮助排空肺里的积水。
During one of these waking windows, you may move around, sit up to look at the clock, then drift quickly back to sleep. 在这段时间内,你可能会辗转反侧,坐起来看看钟,然后就很快重回梦乡。
You could sit up as late as you pleased, and, whenever you got up, go abroad without any landlord or house-lord dogging you for rent. 你可以随心所欲,长夜坐而不寐;起身出外时,也不会有什么大房东二房东拦住你要房租。
If I am watching such a scene in a movie, I am affected so much that I need to sit up and take a few deep breaths. 如果我正看在电影里看到这一幕,我将会受到影响以至于需要坐直然后深吸几口气。
There's no medical backing to the claim that heartburn sufferers must sit up in bed to avoid the symptoms of heartburn the next morning. 据说烧心患者必须坐着睡觉才能避免第二天早上起来烧心,而这一说法并没有医学依据。
I sit up in bed and said: What is the name of your name? 我从床上坐起来,说:你叫什么名字?
His roommate was allowed to sit up in bed because some medical instruments would take some liquid out of his lung every afternoon. 同室病友在治疗中,每天下午,将有仪器从他肺中抽取液体,因此,他被允许坐在床上。
You saw him suddenly sit up straight and the light of battle, the battle of words, came into his eyes. 你看到他突然坐直了身子,战斗的光芒——语言上的战斗——出现在他的眼睛里。
As he continued to talk, the public began to sit up and take notice. 他一直不停的在谈论,终于引起了大家的注意。
"I'm fine. " My voice sounded strange. I tried to sit up, and realized he was holding me against the side of his body in an iron grasp. “我没事。”我的声音听起来怪怪的。我想要坐起来,然后发觉他紧紧地抓着我,把我护在身下。
There is no doubt that other banks will sit up and take notice, as will multinational corporations that are targeting China for expansion. 毫无疑问其他银行和将中国作为发展目标的跨国集团都将对此关注。
Kim then called her boyfriend and made him come over to sit up and watch TV with her since she couldn't sleep after that. 然后金就给她的男朋友打电话,叫他来和自己一起看电视,因为她已经无法入睡了。
The captain opened his eyes and tried to sit up. 'Where's Black Dog? ' he asked. 老船长睁开眼,试着坐起来。“黑狗在哪?”他问。
As I sit up in bed staring into the darkness, my feet making small circles to start my daily calorie burn, I feel depressed and defeated. 我从床上爬起,目光游离在黑暗中,脚下已然开始通过划圈圈的方式开始了“燃烧卡路里”这一日常任务。
I'm afraid some of my answers made people sit up a bit. They got quite nervous as to what was coming next. 我的一些回答令人们正襟危坐起来,他们紧张下一刻将发生什么。
"No, pee, " she answered. She opened her eyes and blinked . She was on the floor of some ground vehicle. She started to sit up. “不!我要上厕所!”她回答着睁开了眼睛发现自己在一辆车的地板上,她开始坐起来。
The lamb was allowed to sit up in hissed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. 小羊每天可以从床上坐起来一个小时,用来排出他肺里的液体。
In a few days he was able to sit up in his bunk. With tears streaming down his cheeks, he told how he had almost lost his life in the wilds. 几天后,他能在床上坐起来了,流着泪,哭诉自己差点在荒野中丢掉性命的经过。
If in his room found the hidden thing, don't angry, generous tolerant attitude to treat, make a man of you sit up and take notice. 如果在他的房间里发现了这些被隐藏起来的东西,先不要动怒,以宽大包容的姿态来对待,让男人对你刮目相看。
He began to try to sit up, which showed us that the effects of the drug were wearing off. 他开始试图坐起身来,这向我们表明药力正在消退。
What a wonderful thing it would be to visit your own funeral, to sit up at the front, and hear what was said. 能参加自己的葬礼是多么美妙的事情,坐在最前面,洗耳恭听。
He is overcome with sickness and indigestion, does not want to be alone and asks his wife, Catherine, to sit up with him. 恶心和消化不良折磨着他,他不想一个人呆着,便叫醒妻子凯瑟琳与他一起坐着。
Now Linda has her own key, we don't have to sit up for her any more. 现在琳达已有钥匙了,我们用不着再坐等她回家了。
Late at night, he would sit up with his tape recorder, hearing a voice that certainly wasn't Polish and was sounding a little less Scottish. 深夜,他通宵达旦地聆听录音机,播放的声音当然不会是波兰语可也不像苏格兰话。
When his father gave him a compass he would just sit up night after night watching the needle pointing northward. 当父亲给了他一个指南针,他就整晚熬夜看指针指向北方。
I see nothing today. I cannot sit up to look out of the window. 我今天没能看见风景,因为我不能坐起来往窗外看。
From such broken slumbers, I would be aroused in the gloaming, to sit up in the same puddle where I had slept. 这样一类时断时续的瞌睡,会使我在黄昏时惊醒,在我睡觉的水坑上坐起来。
Before Jacob could do more than sit up, his wife had stepped forward and sunk her hands into his forehead. 雅各布刚坐起来,还未来得及做其他事,他妻子就已经走过去,把手按在他的额头上。