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参与水青庭(A-SELECT)网上团购,您将在第一时间获的楼盘价格信息珍***[135****2320]我想详细了解该楼盘情... 张***[139****9…


水青庭水青庭(A-SELECT) 上京新航线 荣上居 时代国际 世丰国际大厦 水岸三坡假日别墅 双阳南区 团购咨询及活动 跳蚤市场

By the time the end of the year arrived, losses piled up on my pad and my job security was at the mercy of a select few I barely knew. 到年底时,自己组合上的亏损堆积起来,饭碗能否保住,完全要看那几个我几乎一无所知的人做出的决定。
White House officials and a select group of lawmakers have been meeting over the past several days in an attempt to forge a compromise. 白宫官员和一组特定立法人员过去几天来一直在举行会议,以求达成妥协。
CONTAINSTABLE can be referenced in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement as if it were a regular table name. CONTAINSTABLE可以像一个常规的表名称一样,在SELECT语句的FROM子句中引用。
To create a Delete or a Select button column, you had to add a generic button column and give it a predefined command name. 如果要创建一个Delete或Select按钮列,则必须添加通用的按钮列并预定义一个命令名。
Deming was one of a select group of thought leaders who have shaped modern management over the last century. Deming是上世纪对现代管理学形成有重大影响的思想领袖之一。
He said the revised privacy settings would be offered first to a select group of users over the next few weeks. 他说,“修改隐私设置将会在未来的几个星期先提供给一组用户试用。”
And a select few warlords, who have sat down and figured out how to profit off the anarchy, make a fortune. 而一些地方军阀看到了利用这种无政府状态谋取暴利的机会,于是发家致富。
Such a SELECT statement is sometimes difficult to understand because there is nothing to indicate the table that provided each column. 由于没有指明提供每个列的表,因此这样的SELECT语句有时会难以理解。
The result with a select attribute is not automatically converted to a string; as such, a Boolean value remains a Boolean. 带有select属性的结果不被自动转换成字符串;因此,Boolean值保持为Boolean值。
A view can be created that uses more than one table or other views with a SELECT clause of any complexity. 可以使用多个表或带任意复杂性的SELECT子句的其他视图创建视图。
If you are thinking that moving from a select field to a text field requires a little more work, I agree with you. 如果您觉得将选择字段转换为文本字段需要更多的工作,我同意您的观点。
A select number of larger online game providers have created proprietary game architectures dedicated to a select set of their game titles. 大型联网游戏的提供者中的一大部分已经创建了专用的游戏体系结构,用于他们的游戏名称集合的一部分。
They were the kind of car that most people dreamed about but only a select few could afford. 这些都是大多数人梦想得到的,而只有少数人买得起汽车。
Only a select number of financial institutions around the region have received commendations under the Transaction Banking Awards. 只有选择一些金融机构在该地区获得嘉奖的交易银行。
To get this information , use the name of the queue as the source table of a SELECT statement . 若要获取此信息,请将队列的名称用作SELECT语句的源表。
Only a select group of CIA officers knew he had been whisked to a secret prison for interrogation in Afghanistan. 只有一小撮中情局高官知道他被关到阿富汗的一座秘密监狱接受审讯。
However, consider what's been laid out here: Support is no longer the primary domain of a select few paid individuals. 不过,有一点值得考虑:支持已经不再局限于屈指可数的几个工作人员了。
It is now possible for the Developers to implement the pilot system ready for a select set of customers to use. 现在开发人员能够实现准备由客户使用的试验系统。
The free publication of information that was the privilege of a select few to own until a few years ago is a Very Good Thing. 直到几年前把个别所有的特权免费发表出来还是一件很好的事呢。
This means it is possible for a SELECT statement using NOLOCK to be blocked. 这意味着可能会阻止使用NOLOCK的SELECT语句。
Shared Locks: Used for operations that do not change or update data (read-only operations), such as a SELECT statement. 共享锁:用于不更改或不更新数据的操作(只读操作),比如SELECT语句。
Getting involved in a sport or club allows you to become part of a select group or team. 参加一项体育活动或俱乐部球队会让你成为某个团队的一份子。
Allianz and AmEx didn't specify the terms of the sale, saying that they sold to 'a select group of investors' through a private placement. 安联和美国运通并未透露具体出售条款,但称它们是通过私募方式向慎重选择的一组投资者出售这部分股份的。
You're about to discover the secret sweets that only a select group of people have known about for a number of years. 你将会找到由一群精挑细选的达人“刨”了好几年的神秘甜点。
The value in this column can be used in a WHERE clause of a SELECT statement querying for rows that violate the constraint . 该列中的值可以用于SELECT语句(用于查询违反约束的行)的WHERE子句中。
Must be syntactically the same as an OPTION clause in a SELECT statement , and can contain any valid sequence of query hints . 必须与SELECT语句中的OPTION子句采用相同的语法,并且可以包含任何有效的查询提示序列。
He was professor of physics in the high school, possessor of a large family, a meagre salary, and a select fund of parrot-learned knowledge. 他是中学的物理老师,养着一大家人,薪水微薄,有一肚子精挑细选的人云亦云的知识。
Before now, Siri was limited to a select number of categories and information types that it could answer questions or provide services for. 此前,Siri能够回答的问题目录和信息类型十分有限。
In such a scenario, the connector executes a SELECT statement with a WHERE clause. 在这种场景中,连接器执行带有WHERE子句的SELECT语句。
In this simple example, the variable is not necessary and, even if used, could have been defined with a select attribute. 在这个简单的例子中,不必使用变量,若使用的话,应该定义为具有select属性。