at the risk of

  • na.冒着…的危险
  • 网络冒险;冒……的风险;冒着…风险

at the risk ofat the risk of

at the risk of


【资源】英语常用短语 ... at the price of 以……为代价 at the risk of 冒着……的危险 at the same time 同时 ...


英语四级中的介词搭配_百度文库 ... lie in 在于 at the risk of 冒险 in ruins 荒废 ...


初中介词固定搭配_百度文库 ... at present 现在,目前 at the risk of 冒…的风险 at the start 一开头 ...


考研高频固定搭配总结_百度文库 ... and so on 等等 at the risk of 冒着…风险 all at once 突然 ...


英语—医学 ... at the expense of[ 以……为代价] · at the risk of[ 冒……的危险] · beware of[ 注意] · ...


考研--基础英语词汇考点精炼... ... at the mercy of 受……支配 at the risk of 冒……之危险 at the root of …… 的核心;……的实 …


六级通过必备——六级高频词组汇总_新东方网 ... at random 随机地,任意地 at the risk of 冒……危险 because of 由于 ...

But football-crazy Chinese are ready to put the World Cup before their work at the risk of getting sacked. 但狂热的中国球迷们完全不顾被炒的危险,做好了“世界杯第一,工作第二”的准备。
Just as a mother would protect her only child, at the risk of her own life, even so let him cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings. 愿他能像一个不顾自身安危、保护著她的独子的母亲一样,培养到对一切众生的无限慈爱。
At the risk of sounding too simplistic, it seems to me that the main propositions can be summarized in one saying. 这个原因可能较简单,不过,我认为可以用一句谚语来概括,
At the risk of sounding like I'm beating the company drum, too often e-business is viewed in terms of the "e" rather than the "business" . 冒着听起来好象是在鼓吹公司的危险,人们常常把电子商务看成是“电子”而非“商务”。
He saved the child at the risk of his own life which put all those who crowded on to shame. 他冒着生命危险救了那个孩子,使所有的旁观者都相形见绌。
But at the risk of looking silly in a few days (or weeks or months or years), I'm going to ignore the obvious pitfalls and forge ahead. 承担着名声受损几天(或者几星期、几月甚至几年)的风险,我决定无视这一明显的陷阱,毅然要趟这条浑水。
What he has done put his parents to shame. He saved the child at the risk of his own life and put all those who looked on to shame. 他冒着生命危险救了那个孩子,使所有旁观者都相形见绌。
What do you think of those people who try to help other people at the risk of their lives? 你对那些冒着生命危险去帮助别人的人怎么看?
Scientists warn that global warming could put the magnificent birds at the risk of extinction by the end of the next century. 科学家警告说,全球变暖使帝企鹅面临着到下世纪结束时灭绝的危险。
Those robbers broke into the bank at the risk of being caught by the police. 那些抢匪冒著被警察抓的危险闯入银行。
They are going to kill you. But I will try to save you at the risk of my own life. 他们会杀掉你们,但我却会不惜自己的生命来拯救你们。
At the risk of appearing irreparably nostalgic, let me answer with a qualified yes. 冒着显得怀旧得不可救药的危险,让我用一个限定的“是”来回答这个问题。
At the risk of tooting my own horn, can I just say that we professors aren't entirely without certain conversational abilities? 冒着被大家以为是我自我吹嘘的危险,我想说教授并不都是不具备某种谈话能力的人。
If he is right, Chinese authorities may slam on the brakes, even at the risk of putting the economy into a skid. 如果他的判断准确,届时中国政府可能会猛踩刹车,甚至不惜让经济减速。
The Reserve Bank of India acted the part of the anti-currency warrior recently, raising interest rates even at the risk of a stronger rupee. 印度央行最近承担了汇率“反斗士”的角色,冒着卢比升值的风险提高利率。
At the risk of sounding too much like a commercial, tailoring RUP is now easier than ever with the use of the Rational Process Workbench. 冒着太多像广告一样的测探,裁剪Rational统一过程现在比以前使用Rational过程工作台的任何时候都更容易了。
He saved the little girl at the risk of his own life and set a good example to us. 他冒着生命危险救了那个小女孩,为我们树立了一个好榜样。
Let me say, at the risk of seeming ridiculous, that the true revolutionary si guided by great feelings of love. 我想说,尽管这很有可能很荒谬,但真正的革命是由伟大的爱所引导的。
Let me say, at the risk of seeing ridiculous, that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love. 尽管这听起来可能很荒谬,但我要说的是,真正的革命是由伟大的爱引导的。
At the risk of being bankrupt, he invested all his money in the company. 冒着破产的危险,他把所有的钱都投到公司去了。
But sometimes it's far more effective for a woman to assert herself, even at the risk of conflict. 但有时,女人坚持自己要有效得多,即使存在产生冲突的风险。
What happened next was a blur, but at the risk of sounding corny, I'd say there was something miraculous about it. 后来发生的事情一团模糊,不过我打算冒陈词滥调的风险,想说那有点妙不可言。
At the risk of irking its SCO partners, it has said it will keep open, for the foreseeable future, the American air base near its capital. 冒着让其“上合组织”伙伴厌烦的风险,该国表示,在可预见的未来将会继续开放靠近其首都的美军空军基地。
At the risk of using a word that disturbs many in the field of software engineering, requirements management is just a process. 冒险使用的这个可能会搅乱软件工程,需求管理领域的单词其实就是过程。
At the risk of oversimplifying things, all this oversight has the same ultimate objective: To get organizations to do the right thing. 所有这些监管措施的终极目标就是:让公司做正确的事。
First off, at the risk of being redundant (many of you have no doubt done this before), we will create a sample C++ application. 首先,尽管可能有存在冗余的风险(很多人肯定之前已经进行过此工作了),我们将创建一个示例C++应用程序。
At the risk of repeating this too often, let me say again: We can no longer afford to be passive consumers. 虽然说了很多次,但是我还要说:我们再也不能做一个消极的消费者了。
Negative stakeholders are often overlooked by the project team at the risk of failing to bring their projects to a successful end. 项目团队时常纰漏消极短长瓜葛者的好处,其后果是没有办法使项目达到乐成的终点。
At the risk of repetition, there is little sign that the political will exists in Beijing to make such a change. 尽管这么说有老生常谈的嫌疑,但几乎没有迹象表明,中国政府具备做出这一改变的政治意愿。
"We ignore this warning at the risk of a rapid demise of ACTs that are currently just being tested and deployed, " they add. “如果我们忽略了这个警告,就可能冒险让目前正在被测试和布置的青蒿素结合疗法快速消亡,”他们补充说。