pay attention

  • v.注意
  • 网络专心;集中注意力;关注

pay attentionpay attention

pay attention


新概念英语第二册_百度百科 ... seat sb 让某人就坐 pay attention 注意 pay attention to 对……注意 ...


英语常考短语 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 6. set fire to=set…on fire 放火,烧着 • pay attention 专心。 • pay attention to 注意。 ...


牛津英语8B词组短语 - 豆丁网 ... 轮流 take turns 26. 集中注意力 pay attention 27. 一场大雨 a heavy rain 28. ...


intermediate Chinese Flashcards - ProProfs ... 制约 restrict 关注 pay attention 可持续 sustainable ...


注意对手(Pay Attention)注意对手都玩什么样的窝牌,对你下注很有帮助,但不要被对手的某些伎俩所欺骗,因此要多观察多注 …


新东方... ... None of your silly remarks! 别说傻话了! pay attention: 从思想上注意、在意,如交通安全应注意. behind: 在……


2008高三复习学案 SBII Units5-6 ... 2. be made ____ of 由……组成 7. pay attention ____ 注意;留意 2. advantage n. 优势, …


初三英语题_百度知道 ... gums, “口香糖” pay attention请注意” have amusement, “玩乐”考词汇的 ...

Children who forget easily and never seem to finish tasks or pay attention might be found to have ADD. 易健忘、似乎从未完成过或专心于什么任务的孩子被发现一般都患有ADD。
Some of you may be tempted to put your newspaper down and pretend to pay attention. 你们当中一些人或许放下报纸,假装看安全短片。
Explore every corner of the Web, and pay attention to which sites seem to be popular. 探索Web中的每个角落,并留意有哪些流行站点。
Every host pay attention pls, extend the practice time of every participant as long as possible. 各位主持人请注意,请尽量延长参与者的锻炼口语的时间。
Test it out first to make sure that the alarm goes off loud enough for you to hear and pay attention to. 先试一试倒计时器,确定闹铃足够响,能让你听到并注意。
His principles forbade him to pay attention to a girl if he thought any man was present whom it might suit her to marry. 他的操守不允许他去垂涎一个姑娘,要是他认为有一个适合她下嫁的男人在场的话。
How much times should I tell you that you can pay attention to your writtings? 我要对你说多少次你才能注意你的书写?
he did not pay attention to the theater, and the woman he was chatting, but it is a private conversation, none of your business. 他并灭有注意看戏,他正在和那女人聊天,但是这是个私人的谈话,不关你的事。
The rule I set for myself 10 years ago was that if the press calls it a bubble then I'd pay attention. 十年前我为自己定下了一个规矩:如果媒体说有泡沫,我就会留心。
You will be surprised how much the size of your structures and classes can be reduced if you pay attention. 如果您予以关注的话,您会对结构和类的大小可以降低的幅度感到惊讶。
"He worked really hard to get Costco to pay attention to him, and when they did, it put him on the map, " she said. “他做了很多努力想得到Costco的重视,他做到了,因此一战成名。”她说。
Continue to make friend with him or remind him? Oh, remind him---but pay attention to how long will it take for him to call you back. 是要继续做朋友还是提醒他一下?那就提醒一下吧——但是要关注一下在你提醒之后他有多久才给你回电话。
Because there's a limit to how much visual information the brain can process, it tends to pay attention to one thing at a time. 因为大脑处理视觉信息的能力有限,因此每次只能注意一个东西。
As you listen, pay attention to the language they use to ask about vehicle types, standard features, extras and insurance options. 大家在听的时候要注意他们怎样运用语言来谈论车型、标准性能、配件以及保险事宜。
That suggests there is some kind of upper limit to how much people can or should pay attention. 这儿有些建议说,在人们所能或者所应该得到的注意力集中程度是有上限的。
It is understood that the writers of very hot abroad, the domestic these two years is beginning to pay attention this issue. 据了解,隐身衣的研究在国外非常热,国内这两年也开始关注这个问题。
The solution: Runners need to pay attention to what and how much they're drinkingbefore, during and after exercise. 解决方法:跑步者需要注意在他们锻炼之前,当中和之后喝了什么和多少。
Pay attention to what you think, feel, want, and prefer. You need to be aware of these things before you can communicate them to others. 注意并优先关注自己的所想、所感、所需,在与他人就此进行沟通之前,你首先应当对其了如指掌。
But the malpractice is the people can always pay attention, sometimes also can be injured, and not easy to hand over the sincerity friend. 但弊端是人们会一直关注,有时还会受伤,并且不容易交到真心朋友。
She walked back and forth on the path. She has racked her brain. But she did not seem to pay attention to. 她在小路上来回走着。她已经绞尽了脑汁。但她好象还是没注意。
Business card printing and membership card making business-to-pay attention to these areas, to do everything, do not deal with the matter. 制卡和会员卡制作企业对这些环节都要重视,要做好每件事,不要应付了事。
Wang version of the game, pay attention to the shooting when your mouse do not out-of-bounds, as it is difficult to see death. 游戏为横版,注意射击的时候你的鼠标不要出界,否则会死的很难看得。
When people blog about me, one of the surest ways I know whether to pay attention is to see how they spelled my name. 当人们在博客中提到我,其中一个最确切的方式知道他们是否用心就是他们会不会拼错我的名字。
Just trying to get boys to sit still and pay attention is a real challenge for any parent or teacher. 只是让男孩子安安静静地坐下来专心,就让父母和老师头疼了。
Suddenly, is bewildered the man stared at his vehicle, worked as the girl not to pay attention, that man stole away his bicycle. 突然,一个莫名其妙的男人盯上了他的车,当着女孩不注意的时候,那男人偷走了他的自行车。
then I pay attention to the story, as if it were really happening somewhere, not just in my head, and in its own way, not mine. 然后,我注意起故事来,仿佛事情是真的在什么地方发生了一样,而不是发生在我的头脑里,不以我设计的方式发生,而是以它自己的方式发生了。
I started to pay attention to other things like how much water I was drinking, my breathing, and my form on the hills. 我开始把注意力集中在诸如我的饮水量、呼吸的节奏以及我在这座小山上的形象此类事情上。
Some dude tries to hold up a store but nobody cares to pay attention to him. In the end he walks away with just a couple of bucks. 世上最糟糕的犯罪某个家伙试图打劫一家商店,但是没有人愿意搭理他。最后他仅拿走了几美元。
Many women don't pay attention to the price of proper clothes. Although these clothes can take a real bite out of the bank account. 许多女同胞并不在意她们中意的衣服价格,尽管这些衣服可能会花掉银行存款的好一部分。
Hey, sit down! As I said before, if you're not careful, you'll get your head taken off in this factory. Now, try to pay attention. 嘿,坐下!正如我之前说的,你必须要仔细,不然你的脑袋就可能会搬家。现在试着集中注意力。