fell down

  • na.(向下游)流下;〔美俚〕失败;跌倒;同“fall”
  • 网络摔倒了;倒下跌倒;感到闷闷不乐

第三人称单数:falls down 现在分词:falling down 过去式:fell down 过去分词:fallen down

fell downfell down

fell down


初三 英语_百度知道 ... absent for 缺席 fell down 跌倒 have passed 日子过了 ...


七年级英语下册各课短语 仁爱版 ... 20. Missed the chair 没坐到椅子 21. Fell down 摔倒了 22. Poor Michael 可怜的迈克尔 ...


fell短语的区别与解释_百度知道 ... 4.fell over 翻倒 1. fell down 倒下跌倒 2. fell to 倒向。。。落到。。。 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... occur to sb 使某人突然想到 fell down 感到闷闷不乐 in a hurry 匆忙地 ...


摔倒翻译成英文fell down) 现在时fall down 过去时 fell down评论| 是fall down评论| 2012-01-20 英语论文摘要怎么写,谢谢~ 15


一到英语选择题,有高分_百度知道 ... fell off 指从。。。掉下 fell down 指摔倒 B fall off 从。。。。。。上摔下来 ...


桑兰1_+足迹+_百度空间 ... 它挣扎着,挣扎着, It is struggling,is struggling 跌了下来Fell down; ...

Every girl was a tearless angel, but for her lover, her tears fell down, she gave up the whole no-sorrow paradise for him. 每一个女孩原本都是无泪的天使,但为了她心爱的人,她落泪了,她为了他,放弃了整个无忧的天堂。
We fell down in the heather, and lay without moving for a long time. My legs hurt, my head was aching, and I thought I was dead. 我们倒在石南丛里,一动不动地躺了很长一段时间。我的腿疼,头也疼,我想我要死了。
He took aim, hit it precisely, and the bird fell down into a thorn hedge. 他的目标,击中确切地说,和禽流下降到索恩博对冲。
I tried to run outside, but pieces of glass and bricks fell down , and the walls began to come down. 我试图往外跑,但玻璃碎片和砖头砸了下来,墙开始坍塌;
tripped Having tripped over another athlete's foot, he fell down on the track, but he soon rose to his feet and limped to the finish line. 绊到另一选手的脚,他摔倒在跑道上,但他很快爬起来,一瘸一拐地走到终点。拐地走到终点。
The airplane crashed and fell down on what appeared to be a desolate village. 飞机坠毁了,落到一个看来很荒凉的小村庄里。
Once he kicked so hard and screamed so loudly that when he fell down on his face in the undergrowth he could not get up for a long time. 有一次,他踹得太猛了,叫得太响了,结果,他脸朝下倒在地上,很长时间爬不起来。
Over the past six months, many enterprises fell down in the financial crisis, especially some of the famous companies. 过去的一年中,许多企业,尤其是一些久负盛名的巨头,倒在了金融危机中。
When he was talking to himself, an exhausted wild goose fell down in front of him. 话还未完,一只耗尽体力的大雁坠落在他面前。
The worst thing that's happened in the cave so far was one of the robots fell down ten meters. 迄今为止那个洞穴里发生的最糟糕的事情就是这些机器人中的一个从十米高的地方摔了下去。
Methinks I can remember my last glance at it, just as the iron-plated lid fell down. 我还记得那最后一眼,就在铁皮盖关上的一瞬间。
During a dressage lesson, my beloved horse tripped, fell down, panicked, jumped up and launched me into a wall all in a matter of seconds. 在花式骑马训练课程中,我的爱马失足摔倒,因为惊恐突然立起,霎那间我就被抛到了一面墙上。
I would like to come. but I can't attend, because my mom was in the hospital, because she was fell down off the bike on her work way. 我想来。但我不能去,因为我的妈妈在医院里住了,因为她是放下了自行车放在工作上。
He never climbed trees because he once fell down from a tree when he was a little boy. 他从不敢爬树,因为小时侯他有一次从树上摔下来了。
As she pecked her feathers, one of her white feathers fell down to the ground suddenly. 在她梳理羽毛的时候,突然有根羽毛落到了地上。
It was raining and dark, we started to walk through the high grass, and I continued to fell down. 天黑了,又下起雨来,我们又一次穿过高草往外走,我则继续不停地摔倒。
And this was one issue: to build it that lightweight that no one would be hurt if it fell down. 但这曾是一个问题:怎么把它造得非常轻轻到如果它掉下来不会伤到人。
And Ananias hearing these words, fell down, and gave up the ghost. And there came great fear upon all that heard it. 阿纳尼雅一听这话,就跌倒断了气。凡听见的人,都十分害怕。
Even if someone fell down, and that also doesn't affect their appetite, climb from the ground up, and began to mess up. 即使有人摔倒了,那也丝毫不会影响他们的兴致,从地上爬起来,又开始乱蹦了。
The initial report issued by the police said he fell down when playing a hide-and-seek game during the custody along with other prisoners. 警方出具的最早的报告称他是在拘留所里和其他犯玩“躲猫猫”游戏时意外身亡。
When he started telling everybody about the time I fell down in the middle of the love scene in the school play, I could have died. 当他告诉大家说,我在学校里演出的那场爱情剧中摔了一跤时,我真窘得要命。
After a while, one of the exhausted frogs took heed to what the others were saying, and fell down and died. 过了一会儿,这两只精疲力竭的青蛙其中一只听到其它青蛙所说的话,它就倒下来死了。
They turned their pinafores back to front, and went up with a skip and a jump; Moppet's white tucker fell down into the road. 他们把自己的无袖连衫裙前后倒反穿,然后蹦一下,跳一下就上去了;毛胚的白色领布掉落到路上。
but suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard. 然而,就在他向拉博德特走过去时,他的脸变得灰白,一下栽倒在碗橱前面。
"If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, " Siebert says. “如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。
But I know this man called Madison fell down in a meeting to stand up in court once again run times. 但我知道这个叫麦迪的男人在一次次倒下又一次次站起在场上飞奔。
The dream came to me night after night until one day, I felt debilitated and fell down in the washroom with a shock and much sweating. 这个梦重复了许多个夜晚,终于有一天,我病倒了,流了一身的虚汗,休克倒在了卫生间。
He had not gone far when he ran into a large cow and fell down. 没走多远,他撞到了一只大母牛,摔倒了。
Today, my girlfriend fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. She also had a bruise on her leg due to her friend biting her. 今天女朋友摔下楼梯摔折了脚腕,她腿上还有一块被朋友咬伤的淤青。
The child slipped and fell down, hitting his head against the door. 那孩子滑了一跤,头碰到了门上。