move on to

  • 网络继续;移到;转向

move on tomove on to

move on to


四级考试听力场景词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... keep the change 不用找零了 move on to 继续 the next item 下一议题个 ...


lie to me 别对我说谎 第二季 第一集... ... suggest: 建议 move on to: 移到 cheat on: 对…不忠 ...


TOEIC 多益讯息分享家 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ... .wrongdoing n. 违法,犯罪 .move on to 转向 .reclaim v. 重得,取回 ...


托福听力常见短语词汇列表终极版 - 豆丁网 ... move off the campus 搬出学校 move on to 进一步讨论... move out 搬出去 ...


六级考试技巧 词汇与听力... ... M. make ends meet( 收支相抵) move on to进一步讨论某事) O. on earth( 究竟) ...


intergrated course ... military 军事的,军队的 move on to 更换(工作,话题等) movers and shakers 有权有势的人们 ...


高一下 L3 flashcards | Quizlet ... on the right track 依循正确的方式 move on to 接著进行(不同的事) cut down 减少 ...


2005专四试卷语法词汇精讲(4)_红茶时光_新浪博客 ... at the end of the earth 在天涯海角 move on to 转移 move off 离开, 出 …

Before I move on to the next iteration example, you should know about one other bit of syntactic sugar regarding Maps in Groovy. 在继续研究下一个迭代例子前,应当了解Groovy中有关Map的另一个语法。
Once you can keep your level of self-discipline, you will be ready to move on to the next level by stretching yourself. 一旦你可以保持你自律的水平,你就可以通过自我扩展进行到下一个阶段。
Just crank it out on a spreadsheet or whiteboard, show the boss, and move on to the next problem. 其实,只需要在电子表格或者白板上写写算算,然后交给老板,就可以进入下一个话题。
"She said, 'You're going to need a companion. ' She was giving me permission to move on, to love and to be happy. " “他说‘你需要一个伴侣。’她给我去别人的许可,去继续寻找爱,继续寻找快乐。”
Although your current job may require you to be a specialist, you will always be able to move on to new areas and new challenges. 虽然你现在的工作要求你是某方面的专家,你总是能够转变到其它领域、接受新的挑战。
The Listing 9 output is what I wanted to see, so it's time to leave Fibonacci behind and move on to a real application. 清单9输出正是我想要看到的,因此现在可以抛开斐波纳契,转向真正的应用程序了。
It was his way of signaling that he was finished with the issue at hand and ready to move on to other concerns. 这就表示他要结束手上这个议题,进到下个主题了。
Now that you're all wired up, you're ready to move on to your first use case. 既然已经准备就绪,就可以继续研究第一个用例。
Once you've examined its code, you'll be ready to move on to the next section. 一旦研究过其代码后,您就可以继续进行下一部分了。
What were western workers going to move on to this time, once they had been priced out of the services sector? 一旦服务业定价过高,这时西方的工人们又要转移去何处呢?
With these libraries and tools in place, you're ready to move on to the core Snort configuration and installation. 有了这些库和工具,您就可以转向核心的Snort配置和安装了。
When the new life structure has been established, we are ready to move on to the next period. 当新的人生阶段构建起来时,我们又要准备走入下一个时期。
Rejection is just one way of knowing that this piece of the puzzle does not fit. Time to move on to the next piece. 拒绝是让你了解是否适合这道谜题的方法之一,而时间总会前进到下一个谜题。
But I would like to say just a couple of things about the center and its goals before we move on to Norm's talk. 但我想讲一讲,关于这个中心的一些事情,先讲中心的目标再开始Norm的讲话。
It's when you move on to the next and much harder step that it helps most to be in a place where you can find peers and encouragement. 当你开始面对这些棘手的问题时,身处一个四周都是同党的令人振奋的环境就可令你受益匪浅。
Before we move on to the next point, let me just ask (name) to tell us about . . . 在我们继续下一点前,我先请(姓名)告诉我们有关。
If you can hear an electronic piano tone, you are ready to move on to the next step. 如果可以听到电子钢琴声,那么您就已经准备好继续执行下一步。
First, an enduring one from my mother, Eve, who always taught me never to look back in regret but to move on to the next thing. 首先是我母亲伊芙常常教育我,永远不要遗憾地回顾过往,而要开始做下一件事。
Devote all of your energy to that habit change, and once it's on autopilot, move on to the next one. Knock 'em down one at a time. 投入你全部的精力去改变这个习惯,并且当它进入自动运行状态,再转移至下一个,每次只击倒一个。
Your contributions will be evaluated when you acquire the necessary skills and ready to move on to the next role. 当你已经获取必要的技能并准备好进入下一个职业角色的时候,我们将评估你对公司的贡献。
Now that the models are defined and the database is ready to go we can move on to the next step generating and defining the controllers. 现在模型已定义完了并且数据库也存在了,我们可以继续下一步生成并定义控制器。
Download the equivalent layers and radar return image for your area, and you'll be ready to move on to the next step. 下载适用于您所在地区的等效图层和雷达返回图像,然后就可以继续进行下一步。
Declined men will then move on to the next girl, or if he totally fails, sit on his own. 被拒绝的男生会走向下一个女生,如果没有人选择,他就只能独自坐在一边了。
"We have been unable to overcome the flow from the well, so we now believe it's time to move on to the next of our options, " he said. “我们还是不能阻止石油在井中流动,所以我们认为应该换一种补救方案,”他说。
Make a mental note for yourself of that image and associated sounds and background feelings, and move on to the next step. 记住这个图像和声音和背景的感觉,然后我们做下一步。
Now you know why women cheat. But we say, if you're thinking about cheating, just break up with the guy, before you move on to a new one. 现在你明白了为什么女性会出轨。但是如果你也正打算出轨,先去和另一半分手吧,然后再去找下一位。
Lately, though, I've come to believe he'd want me to move on to what comes next: to be proud of and believe in, somebody else. 尽管后来,我已经相信他希望我一步一步走下去:信任他人和为他人感到自豪。
You get a passing grade on the test if the hackers give up and move on to an easier target whose grasp of these concepts is insufficient. 如果那些黑客放弃了攻击或者转向其他更容易攻击的对象,那么你就通过了考试。
It's a great opportunity, all too rare for a design firm, to be able to start with naming, and move on to identity design. 这是一个很好的机会,太罕见了设计公司,能够开始命名,并转移到形象设计。
I thought at $89, 000 it would be a steal and I could move on to Baltimore much sooner than I did. 我认为在8万9千美金的价格是拣个大便宜,我能比我想的还快的搬到巴尔的摩去。