at once

美 [ætwʌns]英 [ætwʌns]
  • na.立刻;同时
  • 网络马上;立即;即刻

at onceat once

at once


初中英语介词有哪些_爱问知识人 ... )by the end of… 到……底为止 )at once 立刻 )at last 最后 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... fetch 拿来;青来 at once 立即;马上 suppor 支持;帮组 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... fetch 拿来;青来 at once 立即;马上 suppor 支持;帮组 ...


[英语语法] 介词 ... at length 最后,详细地 at once 立即,同时 at random 随意地,胡乱地 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... all at once 突然,同时,一起 776. at once 立刻,马上 777. once for all 一劳永逸,限此一次 778. ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... omit 省略,删节;遗漏,疏忽 at once 马上,立刻;同时,一起 onion 洋葱, …


字典中 登 字的解释 ... (1) 高[ high] (1) 即刻[ at once] (2) 同本义[ get on a car] ...


英语互译_百度知道 ... 3stay in bed 呆在床上 4at once 赶快 5 an interesting lesson 一节有意思的课 ...

He began to talk and laugh, in happy, thoughtless, boyish fashion, as we walked along, and made himself old friend with me at once. 我跟他一起走着,他就谈笑起来,高高兴兴,无忧无虑,非常孩子气,还真是跟我一见如故。
What's the matter with you? --I've got a headache. --Oh, you'd better see a doctor at once. 你怎麽了?--我头疼。--噢,你最好马上去看医生。
He began to think at once what he must do, how he must act to carry on his business, to rehabilitate himself. 他立即开始想到他应该怎么对付,怎么采取行动继续做生意,重建事业。
similar to Eclipse the user is able to dock window to any side of its parent, making it easy to view multiple editors at once. Docking框架——与Eclipse相似,用户能够使窗口停靠(dock)在其父控件的任何一侧,以便于能够同时浏览多个编辑器。
This position allows the two of you to be completely wrapped up in one another, stimulating all your body parts at once, and his! 这种体位允许你们俩完全关注于对方,即时地刺激你所有的身体部位,还有他的!
when i said to molly the man at the corner of cuffed street was goodlooking , thought she might like , twigged at once he had a false arm. 当我对摩莉说,卡夫街拐角那儿的男子长得英俊,她想必喜欢这样的,她却马上发现他有一只胳膊是假的。
I could see at once that it was the effect of the evening which had come within me; its shades had obliterated my self. 我立刻能够看出这是夜晚在我内心的效果,它的光影把我的“自我”消灭了。
It may be difficult for some heavy smokers to stop smoking at once, but at least they should first of all quit it in public places. 对于一些有很大烟瘾的人来说立刻戒烟可能会很困难,但是至少他们可以不在公共场合吸烟。
Ask the young in Iran, who seem capable of holding on to the idea that the US is at once threatening and a model to be emulated. 问一问伊朗的年轻人就会知道,他们心目中的观念是:美国既是一种威胁,同时也是一个可以仿效的榜样。
But without grouping, you might not be able to see all of your taskbar buttons at once. 但是如果不进行分组,则可能无法同时看到所有任务栏按钮。
Tang Lu Er smiled at once and said the true, her lair so several daytime, oneself also felt to presently become mildewed. 唐芦儿马上笑了起来,说实在的,她窝了这么多天,自己也感觉快要发霉了。
Those wanting to ask three different friends at once what they're doing tonight should go ahead and throw them in a group. 假如你想同时问三个朋友晚上打算干嘛,那你赶紧把他们加进一个群里吧。
You might also be able to close some of the projects in your workspace if you do not require all of them to be open at once. 如果不需要同时打开工作空间中的所有项目,那么可以关闭其中一些项目。
We wish to say at once how much we value your generous offer of a reduced commission rate until conditions improve. 我们想立刻来谈谈在情况改善之前如何采取合适的调价比率。
He knew it would be gone in a few minutes as Jesus passed on by. He had to act at once. And that is what he did. 耶稣在他附近经过,只有短短几分钟时间,他若不立即呼叫,机会就转瞬即逝了。
Go grocery shopping once a week. You'll save money and time if you make the effort to plan for a week and to shop for it all at once. 一周去一次杂货店。在去购物前如果你能列出计划,在购物时一次买清将为你节省时间和钱。
The matter is pressing [urgent] and must be dealt with at once. 事情很急,必须立即处理。
The enemy came quickly, making allies your fortress at once, numeral hint on all sides can fix a few walls, can't have indentation! 敌人都快来了,赶快修好您的城堡,数字提示四周可以修几堵墙,不能有缺口哟!
It is how much page file space would be used if all the private committed virtual memory in the system had to be paged out all at once. 换言之,如果系统中所有的私有提交虚拟内存不得不一次性全部被换出去的话,将用到多少页面文件空间。
All at once sky was covered with dark clouds and less than a minute we were in a terrible storm. 突然天空乌云笼罩,不到一分钟,我们就被卷入了可怕的暴风雨中。
To me it sounds like doing lots of things all at once, only doing them all very badly and feeling like an exhausted failure when it's over. 对我来说,它听起来就像是要同时干很多件事情,只不过全都完成得不怎么样,而且做完之后只觉得筋疲力尽,失败透顶。
The layout settings can be controlled for each field individually but it is very easy to set them for all fields at once. 在布局设置里可以控制每一个字段,而且很容易调整各个字段的位置。
Shortcomings of others can be spotted at once as if stains on white paper, but those of our own can be barely found by ourselves. 他人身上的缺点就像白纸上的黑点,一眼就能看出来;而自己身上的缺点却很难发现。
The shoe saleswoman was frantically huffing and puffing as she tried to help several customers at once. 那时女售货员正忙着帮顾客选鞋,十分卖力,气喘吁吁。
But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket, looked at it, and hurried on. At once Alice jumped to her feet. 然后兔子从自己的口袋里掏出一块表,看了看,赶紧走了。爱丽丝立刻跳了起来。
At once he felt a stab of pain in his heart, and with a cry spat out a mouthful of blood. 只觉心中似戳了一刀的不忍,哇的一声,直奔出一口血来。
Picture thousands of drones disseminating a killer virus with aerosols "to every nook and cranny" of the planet at once, she said. 她说道,想象成千上万的无人驾驶机迅速通过喷雾剂“向每一个角落和缝隙”散布致命病毒。
It is not easy to get the information about that country which is at once up-to-date, concise and accurate. 要得到有关这个国家既是最新的,又是简明准确的信息是不容易的。
Just a minute, I 'll ask him(her) to get it at once. 请您稍等一下,我去叫他(她)接电话。
The size of a hole determines how much air could rush out of a plane at once -- and how dangerous the situation will become. 洞的大小决定了有多少空气可以立刻流出飞机--及情况会变得多危险。