美 [ebi'ju]
  • abbr.(=Asian Broadcasting Union)亚洲广播联盟
  • 网络亚太广播联盟;广联;空军作战服(Airman Battle Uniform)




2008年第45届亚太广播联盟(ABU)青少年电视剧最优秀奖2008年第8届亚洲导演论坛优秀奖 海扬波 版本 雨音雪子 版本 EMONI…


由亚广联ABU)倡导举办的机器人电视大赛在中国赛区的主题是鹊桥相会。本文根据大赛规则, 对大赛的自动机器人的任务进 …

空军作战服(Airman Battle Uniform)

...中士阿德里安娜·桑托斯”图中她穿的是空军的作战斗服ABUAirman Battle Uniform),右臂上是缝在作战服上的空军的袖标...

亚洲广播联盟(Asian Broadcasting Union)

根据亚洲广播联盟ABU)估算,如果覆盖1000万平方公里的面积与微波中继线路相比,总投资要节约60%,我国只需要一颗 …

Masdar would be a living lab for a greener, cleaner future and a bridge for Abu Dhabi as it prepared for a day when the oil ran out. 马斯达将是一个更环保,更清洁的未来生活的实验室和阿布扎比的桥梁,因为它准备了一天,当油跑了出来。
I'm very pleased to be getting another taste of summer and will be flying out to Abu Dhabi a few days early with my family. 对于我来说,夏天的味道实在是一种不错的享受。而我也将在比赛前几天和家人一起飞往阿布扎比。
So we took a room downstairs in the basement that had been used as sort of an Abu Ghraib annex. 所以我们就启用了地下室的一个房间,以前是用来虐待人的。
Tristan Cooper, of Moody's, a rating agency, had expected Abu Dhabi to be "a bit more fussy" about how the funds were used. 来自一家评级机构穆迪公司的特里斯坦•库珀称,阿布扎比在关于资金是如何使用方面“有点大惊小怪”。
Dubai City was just a small village until Dubai, along with Abu Dhabi and four other emirates , formed the United Arab Emirates in 1971. 杜拜过去只是一个小村子,直到1971年阿布达比和另外四个酋长成立了阿拉伯联合酋长国之后,这里才成为了一个城市。
Abu Dhabi's move appeared to restore what had been perceived as an implicit state guarantee of Dubai World's debts. 阿布扎比此举似乎重新肯定了迪拜世界债务受到隐性政府担保的看法。
Now Dubai seems to have acknowledged reality: the UAE is one country, dependent on Abu Dhabi and its vast oil wealth. 如今,迪拜看来已经承认了现实,即阿联酋是一个国家,依赖于阿布扎比及其丰富的石油财富。
At the beginning of this year Abu Dhabi followed suit with a 2030 vision document of its own. 今年年初,阿布扎比也出台了它自己的2030年经济愿景文件。
The bank had been owned by Sheik Zayed, the father of the current ruler of Abu Dhabi, the Journal reported. 据报导称,这家银行的控股人是SheikZayed,为现任阿布扎比统治者的父亲。
It wasn't immediately clear who Abu Yahya was, or what role he might have played in the extremist group. 目前尚不清楚叶海亚是谁,也不清楚他在这一极端组织中可能扮演的角色。
The president said one of his greatest "disappointments" was the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. 布什说他最大的失望之一是在伊拉克AbuGhraib监狱发生的虐囚事件。
We did go over to Abu Dhabi to try and get a deal done, but the distraction of the weekend meant that it was not the right time. 在阿比扎比我们谈了很多,也取得了共识。当然周末会谈时的分歧也说明现在还不是签订合同的时候。
Abu Dhabi was willing to help when crisis hit, but it is tightening its purse-strings and some of its own property companies are struggling. 阿布扎比王国愿意在危机来临时施与援手,但也在收紧钱袋子,况且他自己的一些物业也不景气。
The next day Abu Muhammad al-Madani (q) told the Sultan, "Send me to Yalova. Between Yalova and Bursa is the place I am going. " 第二天导师指示苏丹,“将我带到雅鲁巴,我要去雅鲁巴和布萨之间的一个地方。”
Abu Bakr said the two defendants were also convicted of kidnapping, damage of property and criminal conspiracy. 阿卜・巴克尔称,两名被告还被控告犯有绑架罪、损害财产罪及同谋罪。
Dead bodies, some that appeared to be victims of executions, lie dumped in a yard at the abandoned Abu Slim hospital, August 27, 2011. 8月27日,在废弃的AbuSlim医院的空地上,数具尸体横七竖八地躺着。其中一些死者生前被疑受到了酷刑。
The tape is said to be from Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, head of the Islamic State of Iraq, The claim could not be verified. 据说,录音带来自伊拉克伊斯兰国组织领导人阿布.奥马尔.巴格达迪。上述宣言未能得到证实。
In an odd but real way, my five-mile runs up Abu Nawas Street made me wonder what the war in Iraq was all about. 在AbuNawas大街这五公里的路程中,我忍不住去想伊拉克的战争为何而打,这种想法很奇怪却很真实。
The cheetah, which had suffered a broken left front paw, was taken to the Abu Dhabi Wildlife Center for medical treatment. 这头猎豹前左爪受了伤,被送往阿联酋动物救护中心进行救治。
Abu Sayyaf claims responsibility, saying a suicide bomber sabotaged the boat to protest ill treatment of Muslim communities. 阿布萨耶夫(AbuSayyaf)武装组织称对此事负责,表示该自杀性爆炸行为是为了抗议对穆斯林的不公正对待。
That, at least, is an opinion prominently aired in the National, an English-language newspaper in Abu Dhabi. 这一观点至少已经在阿布扎比的英语报纸——《国民报》上昭示天下。
After his brother was jailed and killed, Mister Abu Sarah was filled with hatred and publicly acted out his anger. 之后,他的兄弟被关进监狱,打死了,先生,阿布莎拉充满了仇恨,并公开演出了他的愤怒。
The debt announcement appeared to open a fresh rift between Dubai and U. A. E. capital Abu Dhabi . 迪拜债务事件似乎为迪拜和阿联酋首都阿布扎比之间撕开了一道新裂痕。
Its hopes for a soft landing have always rested with its wealthy neighbour, Abu Dhabi, which sits on over 90% of the UAE's oil reserves. 它始终把实现软着陆的希望寄托于其富有的邻国阿布扎比。阿联酋90%以上的石油储量%都在阿布扎比境内。
Hebron resident Mufid Sharabti said the speech by Abbas, often called Abu Mazen, was an important step. 希布伦居民穆菲德·沙拉布提说,阿巴斯(又名阿布·马赞)的演讲是个重要的步骤。
A speech in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, was touted as the keynote of his seven-country tour. 在阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比的一次讲话被宣传为是布什这次7国之行的基调。
He had been kicking a ball along Abu Nawas, and as I came running, he left his friends and started running next to me in his bare feet. 当时他在AbuNawas街上踢球,我跑过来后,他就离开他的朋友,光着脚在我身边跑起来。
The Fillon family had been housed by the Egyptian government, which also offered a Nile cruise and a flight to the temple of Abu Simbel. 埃及政府为菲永一家提供了住宿,并安排了游览尼罗河和前往阿布辛贝神殿(AbuSimbel)的飞机。
A relative said Abu Rahmeh had suffered from asthma since childhood and a family doctor said she had a weak immune system. 拉赫梅的一位亲戚说,她从小就患有哮喘病,而且一名家庭医生说她的免疫系统也很薄弱。
The office is the hub of an enterprise that now extends from skyscrapers in New York to a new city in Abu Dhabi. 这间事务所是一家企业的核心所在,而这家企业目前正在从纽约摩天大楼扩张到阿布扎比的新建城市。