美 [ækts]英 [ækts]
  • n.“act”的复数;【圣】《使徒行传》
  • v.“act”的第三人称单数
  • 网络行为;宗徒大事录;行动




〖约拿的家〗圣经搜索引擎 ... 约翰福音- John 使徒行传- Acts 罗马书- Romans ...


研究应该介于行为(acts)研究与行动(actions)研究之间,探讨行为背后的意向以及价值观。这种研究表面上看具有较高的生态效 …


基督教*天主教*英文圣经卷名对照表 ... 若望福音 John 宗徒大事录 Acts 罗马书 Romans ...


这三者是不同的祈祷方式,各有其目标与方法,不再是同一祈祷时段内不同的行动acts)而已。这种分割法使三者各自独立, …

先进的通信技术卫星(advanced communications technology satellite)

Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS): Four-year system performance知识产权声明| 服务承诺| 联系我们| …

炬力(Actions Semiconductor)

珠海炬力(ACTS) 国人通信(GRRF) 九城关贸(NINE) 侨兴移动(QXM)  新东方(EDU)   如家快捷(HMIN)� 巨人网络(GA)  华视传媒(VI…

It also seems to be haunted by the potential consequences for its credibility if it acts and fails. 似乎它也担心如果采取行动失败后会对其信誉产生潜在的影响。
PLN, the state power company, has been trying to encourage private-sector investment, but subsidised electricity acts as a disincentive. 印尼国有电力公司PLN一直鼓励私人投资发电产业,但政府电力补贴政策却扯着后腿。
A woman dissatisfy at her husband's social duties every night, with her being left lonely . she decides to take a chain of vindictive acts. 女人不满丈夫婚后每晚都出去应酬,把她一个人留在家里。她决定采取一连串报复行动。
Mrs Merkel speaks often of the need to save the euro, but she acts as if there were no imminent danger. 默克尔经常提到要拯救欧元,但是她却表现地似乎没有感觉到危机的临近。
He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. 他使摩西知道他的法则,叫以色列人晓得他的作为。
Whenever the question of bailouts is mentioned, Merkel acts out a pantomime of reluctance to dish out more cash. 任何时候提到紧急救援问题,默克尔表现的都像哑剧演员一样不情愿掷出更多的钱。
The leaf springs acts as an important part of the automobile suspension system have been used widely. 钢板弹簧作为汽车悬架系统中的重要部件一直被广泛应用。
And she said to the king, It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom. 对王说,我在本国里所听见论到你的事和你的智慧实在是真的。
Characteristics of these acts already common in preschool children, sometimes extended to the point that the young people and adults. 这些行为特点在学龄前儿童即已常见,有时会延续到此时,以致到青少年和成人。
However, in reality, social life, emotional organ of these acts is often a subjective one in many of the price paid. 然而,在现实的社会生活中,情感器官产生这些行为,通常都需要人在主观上付出许多代价。
All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries , acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching. 在此之后,一切反党罪行、颠覆行径、阴谋破坏、异端邪说、离经叛道,都直接源自他的唆使。
Wang Jiazhi is obviously not a good spy, nor is she trained to be a spy, but she acts as one simply out of passion to save her country. 王佳芝显然不是一个好的特工,至少她没有被训练成一个合格的特工,她的所作所为全部是出于单纯的爱国热情。
Still be on your guard as the final acts of the dark Ones play themselves out, and as we so often implore you, do not give in to fear. 请依旧保持警觉,因为黑暗势力在做最后的挣扎而依旧是出局的结局,并且作为我们这么经常的“恳求”你们,不要跌入“恐惧”中。
'If we keep ignoring such acts, the place is going to turn into a lawless area, ' he said. 加藤说,如果我们继续放任这样的行为,这个地方会变成一个“法外之地”。
Let us hope that from his first acts as President he accepts and lives up to this beautiful responsibility. 我们希望当他正式作为美国总统后,他能履行这个美丽的职责。
It has grown in strength in a matter of just a few years, and acts through powerful beacons of Light at the nodal points. 它不断的壮大,在未来的时间,通过光建立强大的结点。
resolved from the crime of hooligan in criminal law since 1979, it was one of more common criminal acts in judicial practice. 聚众斗殴罪是司法实践中较常见的一种犯罪行为,脱胎于1979年刑法中的流氓罪。
At the end of the introduction, the article states the research methods used for the verification on the acts of Commercial Bribery. 在导言的最后,表述了本文对商业贿赂行为认定进行研究所使用的主要方法。
Sometimes he acts as if he had no brain in his head. 他有时的表现就好象没有脑子一样。
Acts as the direct line of authority over all Reservations Sales agents within the Hotel and acts as a liaison with all other departments. 既是酒店所有预定销售代理的直接上司,也是与其它部门合作的协调人。
Court, as final arbiter of the Constitution, can overturn legislative ACTS or executive orders if it finds them to be unconstitutional. 身为宪法最后仲裁者的最高法院,如果发现法令或是行政命令违宪,可以将其推翻。
Although Jian'an writers generally had a strong sense of hero complex, nobody but Cao Cao truly had heroic temperament and made heroic acts. 建安文人虽然有着强烈的英雄情结,但是真正具备英雄气质并作出英雄行为的,除了曹操再无他人。
This espionage is not only an enormous threat, but it also suggests that serious acts of cyber warfare would be easy to carry out. 这种间谍行为不仅仅是一种巨大的威胁,而且还表明,真正的网络大战很容易爆发。
As it turned out, the best of these foolish acts, and the best told, was the one recounted by the tall, large man. 结果,这些愚蠢行为中最为愚蠢的人,最为值得大书特书的人,当属那个身材高大的人所讲述的故事了。
To see why, consider that the existence of two tracks acts as an excuse to leave important issues unresolved in America. 原因是这样的,两条途径的存在可能会被当做是一个借口,从而导致美国国内许多重要的问题无法解决。
Separate punishments may be meted out on two or more of the above-mentioned acts. 有上述两种或者两种以上行为的,可以分别处罚。
"Shortly government will have to take stark measure to put an end to this type of activities and acts of terrors, " he said. 穆克吉说:“政府必须采取严厉措施,杜绝这类恐怖活动和行为。”
And because walking was one of the first things I lost, I spent most of that year thinking about this most elemental of human acts. 因为我失去了行走的能力,那一年我把大部分时间都花在了对这件最基本人类活动的思考上。
Over the past seven years it has turned into a mega-event hosting big acts like the Flaming Lips and a crowd exceeding 50, 000. 而在过去的7年中,它已经逐渐成长为一举办大型音乐会的活动。如“烈焰红舌”乐队的音乐会人数就超过5万。
Yeah? When you accuse the suspect, and he acts surprised, is there a way to tell if it's real or if he's just trying to look innocent? 请讲?当你指控这个嫌疑犯的时候他表现的很惊讶.有没有办法去判断他是真的吃惊还是假装无辜呢?