
美 [ˈæˌlaɪ]英 [ˈælaɪ]
  • n.联盟;同盟国;朋友;同类的动植物
  • v.联合;(使)结盟;(使)联姻
  • 网络同盟者;伙伴;盟友

复数:allies 过去分词:allied 现在分词:allying

close ally,strong ally,staunch ally,firm ally


n. v.

2.[c](尤指从政者的)盟友,支持者a person who helps and supports sb who is in a difficult situation, especially a politician


英语专业八级词汇表_百度文库 ... allurement n. 诱惑物 ally n. 同盟国;同盟者 almanac n. 年鉴,历书 ...


英语专业八级词汇表_百度文库 ... allurement n. 诱惑物 ally n. 同盟国;同盟者 almanac n. 年鉴,历书 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(一)|联想记忆法背单词 ... allusion n. 引述;暗指 ally n. 同盟;v.结盟 alter v. 改变 ...


大学英语四级词汇 a_在线英语听力室 ... allowance n.津贴;零用钱 ally n.同盟者;伙伴;同类 alphabet n.字母表 ...


公共英语四级大纲词汇[1]_百度文库 ... alloy n. 合金 ally v. 结盟 n.盟友 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 ...


BEC中级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... anguished a. 痛苦的 ally n. 伙伴,联盟 animted a. 活泼的,有生气的 ...

The marquis was an ally in the British Parliament during the American Revolution. 美国解放时期这位侯爵是英国议会中的支持者。
At the beginning of the WWI, the U. S. was impartial neither in action, nor in thought. It pursued a policy of pro-Ally partiality. 第一次世界大战开始时,美国宣布保持中立,但在行动和思想上都没有做到中立,美国真正奉行的是支持同盟国的政策。
She looks the same as she did back in the Ally McBeal days. 她看上去像她一样回到《甜心俏佳人》的日子。
However, the head of the constitutional council, who's a close ally of Mr said the commission's announcement had been invalid. 但是,LaurentGbagbo的亲密盟友,宪法委员会的领导人宣布选举结果无效。
Ally Bank and Bank of America rank last with a little over one percent of the total amount of phishing messages. 针对Ally银行和美国银行的网络钓鱼信息仅占所有总数的百分之一点几。
Mr Obama was notably silent about Saudi Arabia, as though unable to chide so vital an ally for its patent lack of reforming zeal. 但奥巴马总统似乎无法对沙特阿拉伯——这个缺乏改革热情的重要盟友疾言厉色,就沙特他向来一言不发。
It's also very compact, though not as compact as the HTC Aria, since the Ally has the slider keyboard that makes it a little more bulky. 同时它非常紧凑,尽管不如HTCAria小巧,因为Ally的滑盖键盘令其有点笨重。
To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the Prayer and must believe in the Seven. 受到影响的众人必须是能够听到祈祷的声音,且必须信仰七神。
China, which hosted the six-party talks and is North Korea's closest ally, said the discussions yielded 'positive results. ' 作为六方会谈的东道国,也是朝鲜关系最为密切的盟友,中国称相关讨论取得了积极成果。
China, a close ally of Pyongyang, said the exercises - initially planned for the Yellow Sea - were a threat to regional security. 朝鲜亲密盟友中国表示:这次演习最初计划在黄海举行,这对地区安全局势构成威胁。
This simple vibratory realm will be a great ally to you as you pass through the current planetary transition state. 在你们通过当前这个行星过渡状态的过程中,这个简单的振动领域将成为你们的一个伟大盟友。
To many adults, a sweater can be your greatest ally, just as long as it's not the exact same sweater that you were forced into as a child. 对很多成年人来说,毛衣是他们最理想的助手,只要它不是小时候被迫要穿的那一件。
With some fast networking among the Lahore elite, Ms. Chiu found a new ally in a patron of the arts, Nusrat Jamil, who opened doors to Mr. 通过拉合尔的一些上层社会关系,邱女士找到一个新的合作伙伴,一名艺术赞助者,NusratJamil。
Saudi Arabia, the biggest power in OPEC, is a close U. S. ally and is loath to see the group used as a forum to take shots at the West. 身为欧佩克中最具影响力的国家,沙特阿拉伯是美国的亲密盟友,它不会愿意看到这个组织变成一个针对西方国家的场所。
America needed Europe as a political ally and a trading partner able to hold its own. 美国需要欧洲这个能抗衡的政治盟友和贸易伙伴。
So what prompted Mr Bush to come out with such a tough response against his erstwhile ally, after six days of dithering? 布什在不知所措了6天之后,发出如此强硬的回应,这究竟是什么原因呢?
Nature, and the need to regard it as an ally rather than an antagonist, was one of his constant preoccupations. 把自然当做盟友而不是对手,是马克思最重视的观点之一。
Turkey was a NATO ally and was hoping to be admitted to the European Union, a development I had been strongly supporting for years. 土耳其是北约成员,并希望得到批准,加入欧盟,我多年来对此事一直非常支持。
That ally gets a +2 bonus to his or her next attack roll against the target or to all defenses against the target's next attack. 这名友方对目标的下次攻击骰获得+2加值,或者在所有防御上对目标的下次攻击获得+2加值。
After he was fired from his spot on "Ally McBeal, " the bottom finally came, at a Burger King of all places. 他被〈〈甜心俏佳人〉〉片场解雇后,他人生的最低谷来临了——在各地汉堡王快餐店上班。
Since Japan had become an ally of Germany a year earlier, Rabe hoped this would give weight to his protests to the Japanese government. 自从日本在一年前成为纳粹德国的同盟国之后,他就希望这能使他的抗议足以引起日本政府的重视。
He had been a loyal ally of the coup leader and military chief, Frank Bainimarama. 他过去曾是政变领导人与武装部队总司令弗兰克•姆拜尼马拉马(FrankBainimarama)的忠实朋友和坚定支持者。
We have seen it happening again over the last few days since our earth ally setup a green light situation for you! 自从我们的地球盟友为你们启动了一个绿灯的情形,我们已经看到它在最近几天又一次发生。
"Why is Pakistan so important an ally to America [that] America has never called it a terrorist state? , " asked one student. 她说:“巴基斯坦为什么是美国如此重要的盟友,以至于美国从来不将它称之为一个恐怖主义国家?”
He took a swipe at his Bahraini ally, which hosts the American fifth fleet, urging dialogue with protesters rather than repression. 他也回击了他的盟友巴林——美第五舰队司令部所在地——敦促其与进行抗议人员进行对话而不是单纯的镇压。
Merely swatting him away is no longer an option as the U. S. , South Korea and United Nations demand that China rein in its ally. 随着美国、韩国和联合国要求中国对朝鲜实施更紧密的控制,仅仅把这只蚊子催赶走已经不再是一个可能的选择。
To be affected, the ally must be able to hear the song and must believe in the Seven. 只有能够听到歌曲且信仰七神的人才能得到祝福。
But they do not stage joint live-fire drills like those the U. S. has with its ally South Korea. 但是他们还没有进行过类似的与盟国韩国进行的实弹演习。
2[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and until the end of your next turn, the target is [[marked]] by an ally within 5 squares of you. 魅力调整伤害,而且目标被距离你5格内的一名友方[[标记]]到你下回结束。
"[A]ny would-be aggressor" would be made to understand "that targeting one ally means invoking the ire of the rest. " “[任]何潜在侵略者”必须明白“瞄准某一个盟国意味着挑起其他国家的怒火。”