
美 [meɪ]英 [meɪ]
  • modalv.可能;(转折前所述情况属实)也许;(征求同意或表示允许)可以
  • n.山楂花




1.(有可能但不肯定)也许,可能used to say that sth is possible

2.(转折前所述情况属实)也许,可能used when admitting that sth is true before introducing another point, argument, etc.

3.(征求同意或表示允许)可以used to ask for or give permission

4.(礼貌地评价或提问等)可以used as a polite way of making a comment, asking a question, etc.

5.(表示愿望)但愿used to express wishes and hopes

6.(表明目的)可以,能够used to say what the purpose of sth is


be that as it may

尽管如此despite that

Firms that provide these things may be prepared to chip in towards the cost of the music service in return for customer loyalty. 销售以上产品的公司或许可以考虑插手音乐服务的定价以报答消费者的信任。
Now, a new study coming out in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology suggests that sex with your ex may not be as bad as you think. 最近在《社会与临床心理学》杂志中发表的新研究表明,和前任发生性关系并没有你想的那么糟糕。
Emilia. If he say so, may his pernicious soul Rot half a grain a day! he lies to the heart: She was too fond of her most filthy bargain. 爱米利娅要是他果然说了这样的话,愿他恶毒的灵魂每天一分一寸地糜烂!他全然胡说;她对于她的最卑鄙的男人是太痴心了。
For all of you sitting at a coffee shop all day, using its unsecured wireless network, Google may have saved you some serious headaches. 如果你喜欢坐在咖啡馆里用不太安全的无线网络上网,Google此举可能让你省去了一些烦恼。
Children are usually easy to move, and the nurse may be able to simply raise a child to the sitting position. 儿童通常容易移动,护士也许能够轻易地将儿童扶至坐位。
Unilateral osseous reconstruction of a dentate mandible after tumor ablation may be restored with implants and a removable partial denture. 单侧骨重建一个齿状颌骨肿瘤切除后可能会恢复种植体和可摘局部义齿。
I do not know whether the right honorable gentleman may not yet possess some of his old prejudices on the subject. 我不知道这位可敬的议员对这个问题会不会还保留原有的一些偏见。
Although you are focusing on a single moment in the text, you may draw on what you know about the author and his or her choices elsewhere. 你虽然把焦点放在文本的某一刹那,但可以发挥你所知道的作者资料,还有作者在其他地方选择描述的特定时刻。
SHE MEANS: I may be blowing this out of proportion, but I'm overwhelmed and, yes, I'm taking it out on you. 她的意思是:我可能在这个时候爆发了,但是我已经不知所措了,是的,我请你出去。
Finally, we may note that the guilt of an offender is usually held to decrease with extenuating circumstances. 最后,我们可以记住行为人的罪过可能因为可恕的环境而通常被减轻。
I think you may have understood. What I meant was that I accept your suggestion completely. 我想你们可能误解了,我的意思是我完全接受你们的建议。
They do have tools to try to ward off deflation, and should use them. However, they may not be able to live up to expectations. 他们有工具试图抵御通缩,也确实应该使用它们。
Sometimes if the partied work together some form of contact may be necessary but it cannot continue to be on an emotional level. 有时候出于某种工作上的合作关系,一些接触在所难免,但是这些接触绝不可以掺杂情感成分。
Outraged as they may be with BP, rivals so far have done little to unwind the business partnerships that bind the industry. 虽然各家石油公司对BP的作为十分愤慨,但迄今他们还没有解除与BP的行业合作伙伴关系。
Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have. 如今就当办成这事。既有愿作的心,也当照你们所有的去办成。
To put it mildly, like the other two conflicts, getting in may be a lot easier than getting out, despite all rhetoric to the contrary. 说得委婉些,像其他两场冲突,陷入要比脱离更容易,尽管许多动听之言来自反面。
The day may not be far off, then, when a dicky heart can be serviced in mid-life and made good for a few more years. 这样一来,距离患病的心脏可以在中年接受维修、并在接下来的一些年里保持健康的那一天就不远了。
Ominously for Beijing, the value of the RMB may be one of the few things the fractious American political class seems to agree on. 对于北京来说很不利的是,人民币价值是乖张的美国政界一致认为应该改变的少数问题之一。
Some people may regard the sixth Disney theme park in Shanghai as the cultural invasion or to be more serious, cultural crusher. 一些人可能会把上海的第六个迪斯尼乐园视之为文化侵略或更严重地说,文化粉碎机。
Poverty may be miserable. But being able to feel a bit better-off than someone else makes it a bit more bearable. 贫困可能很悲催.但是只要感觉还有人比自己差就能继续忍受。
The system each operation station is entire transparent, between them may realize mutually substitutes. 系统各操作站是全透明的,它们之间可以实现互相替代。
But today details emerged of a woman who may confound the popular view that everyone in the industry is in it for themselves. 然而今天,一名女银行家却挑战了公众认为这一行业“人人为己”的普遍观点。
If you try different tactics and nothing seems to work, you may want to consider a medical check-up for irritable bowel syndrome. 如果你尝试不同的战术,好像没去上班,你可能想考虑进行体检,肠易激综合症。
Some phone messages may have been deleted to make room for more messages, giving her family false hope that she was still alive. 一些电话信息可能被删除,为更多信息腾出空间,这给了她的家人虚假的希望,认为她还活着。
It may be a question of being in the right place at the right time. It could be accidental. 如何在合适的地点,合适的时间发生,这可能是个问题。它可能是个意外。
'But it is a real shame to see that some may not achieve lifelong ambitions because of a lack of faith in their own ability. 不过,看到有些人可能因为对自己没信心而未能实现终身愿望,也着实让人感到惭愧。
If it was, they may have learned a lesson in good neighbourliness, at least. 如果真是如此,那么中国人至少在他们的好邻居那上了一课。
The council may be preparing for a modest revision of the results, giving Mr Mousavi a few more votes, probably in a few days' time. 可能也就在数天时间内,委员会就已经做好了对选票数量稍微进行调整的准备,象征性地给穆萨维增加些许选票。
As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. 可能您已经注意到了,隐形操作系统看起来是安装到原始操作系统所在的分区。
Besides, he may be socked for damages if he omits a test that a lawyer subsequently convinces a jury might have been useful. 其次,如果他漏了哪一项,可能成为今后律师说服陪审团的有力武器,使得他要赔款。