my story

  • 网络我的故事;这就是我的经历;我的故事书

my storymy story

my story


... They can terminate my process like this 他们可以这样中止我的程序进程 我的故事 My story 关于电脑和网络 About PC N net ...


- Stereopony - SOLO的日志 - 网易博客... ... My heart my story( 这就是我的内心、我的经历) My story这就是我的经历) ...


...想过比起固有形式,由自己或者孩子创造的内容会更有吸引力呢?这款有趣的应用《我的故事书》(My Story)就是帮你完成 …


中国大陆 | MicroFilm | 微电瘾,微电影 ... Alive 活着 My Story 这是我的故事 Here,Bear 来了!熊 ...


塞班 经营-... ... 实况足球经理2010( Real Football 疯狂蛋糕店-我的故事( Cake Mania: My Story) 农场日记( Farm Diaries) ...

After hearing my story, Lin said he found me through MSN, and asked me a lot about application and things related to studies. 林刚听说了我的情况后,他通过MSN联系到了我,并向我咨询了许多关于申请和学习的事情。
I had assumed that as an equal in a court of law in the United States, my story would be told and a just outcome would result. 我本以为,既然在法庭上人人平等,只要开了庭,我应该不乏机会说出自己的委屈,并最终得到一个公正的审判结果。
So strange were the circumstances of my story that I can scarcely believe myself to have been a party to them. 我故事的发生状况是如此奇怪以至于我几乎不能相信我自己已经成为他们中的一份子。
I grew up in the love of a family. Without Mum and Dad, none of my story would be here for the telling. 我在家人疼爱中长大,要是没有爹妈,就不会有我在这里所要讲的事了。
She said as a courtesy, she would call that number, explain my story and ask whoever answered if the person wanted her to connect me. 她说出于礼貌,她可以打那个电话,说明我的情况后,看接电话的人是否愿意让她再与我联系。
Let me tell you a story. If you still insist on spreading it on your work table after hearing my story, I will give it to you. 要是你听完了我给你讲的这块油布的故事,你还要用它去铺桌子,我就把它送给你。
I had an idea. ' Listen to what happened to me, ' I said, and I told my story a third time. 我想出了个主意。“你听听我都经历了些什么。”我说。接着,我又把事情讲了一遍。
So I decided to share my story with the hope that I could help save thousands of hours of development time for other Microsoft customers. 因此,我决定与大家分享我的故事,希望能够帮助其他Microsoft客户节省大量开发时间。
Then I remembered how Andy had brought in his five hundred dollars back in 1948, and I took out my story of him the same way. 这时候,我记起安迪当初是怎么把五百美金偷渡进监狱的,于是我把这几页故事以同样方法偷渡出去。
At the conclusion of my story, my eyes locked with Mr. Reynold's eyes, and I saw a tear slowly sliding down his cheek. 读完故事,我注视著雷诺兹先生,一颗泪珠沿他的面颊慢慢流下。
Edward Cole: Just because I told you my story, does not invite you to be a part of it! 爱德华•科尔:只是因为我告诉你我的故事,这并不意味着邀请你成为其中的一部分!
"Our job is we have to tell my story, tell why I will be the very best governor for California, " she said. “我们的工作是我们必须讲我的故事,告诉为什么我将是加利福尼亚的十分最好的州长,”她说。
TeII me again how much you Iike my story. 再说一次你有多喜欢我的故事
But right now I just want to open my heart to you and share my story and this moment of my life with the world. 不过今天,我只想想你敞开心扉,和你们、和这个世界分享此时此刻我的故事。
(Laughter) Let me tell you my story. 20 years ago, Bonnier, Swedish publisher, started to set newspapers in the former Soviet Bloc. 所以,我们还能怎么办呢?(笑声)让我来说说我的故事吧!20年前,一位名叫Bonnier的瑞典出版商,在前苏联地区办报。
It was the last day of examination and I rushed to NUH to continue my story. 这是考试的最后一天,之后我便冲到NUH继续我的故事。
I haven't written something about for a few days, because I wanted frist of all to think about my blog and my story. 我已经有几天没有写什么东西了,因为我在考虑一下我的博客和我的故事。
And my story, my personal story, is truly evidence for the age of behavior that I'm attempting to elaborate upon here. 我的故事,我的亲身经历是行为时代的非常好的证明也是我现在想要详细说明的。
And my story won't get bashed into a zillion bloody shreds and then burned with a thousand tons of burning jet. 我的故事不会摔成数不清的带血的碎片,和一千吨重燃烧着的飞机被埋到一起。
He didn't believe my story about the Star Zoo . . . until the robot told him it was all true. 他不相信我说的星际动物园的事,直到机器人告诉他那全是真的。
It's my honor to share my story with you, today my topic is, I love the stars in the sky. 我很荣幸能和你们分享我的故事。今天,我主讲的是,我喜欢天空中的星星。
When someone asks me to describe the feelings I had in a race, I remember Sydney and my story becomes the story of that 5, 000 meters race. 当有人让我描述我在比赛时的感受时,我想起了悉尼,想起了那次5000米比赛。
As they listened to my story, they gave a laugh from time to time; I don't know how my story caused so much laughter. 他们一边听我讲故事,一边不时地哈哈大笑;我真不懂我的故事为什么这么好笑。
When I told my story he stared at me. 当我讲完后他神情古怪地注视着我。
Let me share my story and revelations and perhaps they will shed light on a new perspective for your situation. 让我与你分享一下我的故事和我的感受,也许它们能对你的情况给你一个新的启发。
I always thought that the story of mountain water, cloud is the story of the wind, you are my story, but I am not your story. 我一直以为山是水的故事,云是风的故事,你是我的故事,只是我不是你的故事。
This was the beginning of my story. 这就是我的故事的开头。
Servingas president was the honor of a lifetime, and I appreciate your giving me anopportunity to share my story. 作为总统,是我毕生最光荣的事,感谢你们给了我一次机会来分享我的故事。
But the truth is they are special because they happened to me, they're a part of my story, and I had an amazing time on each tour. 但实际上这是有特殊意义的,因为这发生在我身上,是我生活的一部分,我两次旅行都令人难忘。
Kong: Anyway, from now on, i hope to tell you all my story here through these "story strips" . The idea is come from Garfield. 怎都好,由现在开始,我希望可以为你们用「故事格式」来说说我的故事,概念大概来自加菲猫这套漫画。