
美 [məˈtɪriəl]英 [məˈtɪəriəl]
  • n.材料;原料;素材;布料
  • adj.物质的;客观存在的;重要的;必要的


plastic material,material change,radioactive material,relevant material,material evidence
use material,study material,material supply,provide material,collect material


1.[u][c]布料cloth used for making clothes, curtains, etc.

2.[c][u]材料;原料a substance that things can be made from

3.[c][usupl][u](某一活动所需的)材料things that are needed in order to do a particular activity

4.[u]素材;用以创作的材料(或构想)information or ideas used in books, etc.

5.[u]节目;曲目;剧目items used in a performance

The next step carried out is to settle all the particles like yeast cells, or any other material flowing on the top layer. 下一步进行的就是要解决所有的粒子如酵母细胞,或任何其他材料流动对顶层。
The material could be applied to all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, meaning it could be used to make materials invisible to radar. 这种材料可以应用到电磁波谱的所有波段,这就意味着它可以用来让雷达对材料“毫无察觉”。
Yes, as this new cycle commences, you will begin to see how the Material Manifestation of the New Earth becomes a reality for you. 正是这个新周期的开始,你们会开始看到新地球物质显化如何形成你们的实相。
Experience suggests we humans get jealous or resentful for so many reasons, and witnessing someone's material wealth is often one of them. 经验表明,人出于许多原因会嫉妒或者忿忿不平,目睹别人的物质财富通常是原因之一。
Instead, it requires a space where thousands of centrifuges can spin and a great deal of time to produce fissile material. 相反,它只需要一个可供数千台离心分离机运转的地方,以及大量的时间生产核原料。
As he worked alone on the land, or sat up with his ewes at lambing time, the facts and material of his daily life fell away. 当他独立一个在田地干活,或产羊羔期间通宵达旦守护着母羊的时候,日常生活中的事实和物质在消失。
Becoming is as it were a fire, which dies out in itself, when it consumes its material. 变易犹如一团火,在烧毁其材料之后,自身也就消逝了。
Also, as our material wealth increases, the gap between income and satisfaction with life seems to be widening. 而且,随着物质财富的攀升,我们的工资和对生活的满意度之间的差距似乎也在加剧。
The dark branchlike areas may be the remains of channels that carried spring water and were filled with material that hardened. 暗色状如树枝,可能是河槽残迹,原来里面有泉水,后来填充其他物质,逐渐坚硬起来。
So it is sort of intuitively pleasing for me that the stiffness of the material is related to the speed of sound. 对我来说,很直观的,物质的坚硬度,和声速有关系。
The results showed that the heating expense of the gas (exc ept the cost of material) was similar to that of coal. 结果表明:生物质可燃气采暖费用(扣除秸秆原料费)与用煤采暖费用相当;
More important, it would run out of raw material with which to print its instructions, grinding everything in the cell to an abrupt halt. 更重要的是,它会因为制造自己的组织而花光原材料,在粉碎细胞内的所有东西后一切就停止了。
The deduction shall be made only from the cost of the new material or parts when finished and ready to be installed in the ship. 扣减应只从新材料或新部件制成并准备安装到船上时的价值扣减。
When it comes to material comforts, at least, her life is light years beyond that of her parents. 谈到物质条件,至少肖小姐的生活比她父母那一辈人舒适得多。
Material enjoyment has given them a sense of expectation, each the right, to a standard of living that they see around them. 物质享受给了他们一种期盼感,渴望达到耳濡目染的生活标准。物质享受甚至给了他们权利,有权去享受这种标准的生活。
He found a material that was softer than canvas but just as strong. 他发现了一个比帆布更柔软但是差不多结实的材料。
Classical mechanics is therefore particle mechanics, and the so-called position distribution of particle refers to that of material point. 所以经典力学是质点力学,所谓粒子的位置分布就是质点的位置分布。
Therefore, the search for a local material used for wear course of the highway pavement must be solved. 因此,寻找当地可用于高速公路沥青路面抗滑表层的材料成为了该高速公路修筑必须解决的问题。
Georgia O'Keeffe began to search for her own style. She used only charcoal, the black material made from burned wood. 格鲁吉亚开始寻找她自己的风格,她仅仅使用由烧过的木材制作成的黑色材料的木炭笔。
As a book, it would have been a bit much. But on a screen the material invites dipping in. 要是本儿书,它真的有点儿厚。但使用者沉浸在屏幕上的内容。
Equipment and material used for grounding connection construction shall meet current national standard and with certificates. 接地装置施工采用的器材应符合国家现行技术标准的规定,并应有合格证件。
The best heat-insulating solids own their insulating properties to the air or to other gases contained in cells within the material. 最好的隔热材料在空气和材料细胞中拥有自己的绝热性能。
You know not to know the material that you make, will let the amount that the infrequent Er agree family pays what kind? 你知不知道你所犯的事,会让希尔诺家族付出什么样的代价?
In vertebrates, polyploidy tends to be lethal, but plants can do just fine with all this extra genetic material. 脊椎动物中,多倍体往往是致死的,而多倍体植物却可以很好的存活。
Their formulation and implementation of the strategy into a great deal of human and material resources, and have achieved good results. 它们为制定与实施该战略投入了大量的人力和物力,并取得了良好的效益。
At present, it is all too easy for nuclear material to be diverted from a civil programme to bomb making. 目前,想要把用于民用计划的核原料转移到用于炸弹制造,简直是易如反掌。
You could wrap that object, presumably in some of this material. The light would bend around it, and the object would seem to disappear. 比方说你可以将一个物体包裹在某种弹性材料里,光线经过时便会转弯,看起来就像物体消失了一样。
Poking through the dark covering are small mounds, probably made of more resistant material. 通过黑暗覆盖挑逗小土堆,可能更多的材料制成。
Michael: You know, I've never understood why glass, or any material for that matter, is transparent. 迈克尔:你知道的,我从来都没搞懂,玻璃或者类似的物品为什么是透明的。
Ichigo lifted the hem of her shirt and she twitched a bit as the material brushed against the burn on her back. 一护撩起她衬衫的褶边,布料摩擦过她背上的伤痕时,她微微动了动身子。