
美 [neɪl]英 [neɪl]
  • n.钉;钉子;指甲;趾甲
  • v.固定;揭露;抓获并证明有罪;抓住
  • 网络美甲;钉住;爪

复数:nails 现在分词:nailing 过去式:nailed



n. v.

1.指甲;趾甲thin hard layer covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes

2.钉;钉子a small thin pointed piece of metal with a flat head, used for hanging things on a wall or for joining pieces of wood together


a nail in sbs/sths coffin

导致失败的事物;导致某事终结之物something that makes the end or failure of an organization, sb's plans, etc. more likely to happen

on the nail

立刻;马上;毫不拖延without delay


首页-HeyDo - Make Up ①-淘宝网 ... ▲CLEANSING 清洁 ▲NAIL 指甲 ▲GIFT 礼物 ...


钉字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 钉鞋〖 brushshoe〗 钉子nail;tack〗 钉子户〖 tartar〗 ...

美甲 ... Lips 唇部 Nail 美甲 Face 脸部 ...


高中英语短语总汇 - 豆丁网 ... chain ~ 锁住 nail ~ 钉住 fasten ~ 系住 ...

高中英语必修4单词表_百度知道 ... Sharp 锋利的;尖的 Nail (手、脚的)指甲; Journal 杂志;学报;期刊 ...


高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... axe n. 斧;斧子 nail n. 指甲;趾甲 razor n. 剃刀;刮脸刀 ...

Not only is the product easy to use it's also easy on the natural nail as well, ensuring that no damage is done to the underlying nail bed. 这款产品不但容易使用,也易用于自然甲上,确保对基础甲床没有损伤。
Then he gave his son the hammer and told him to pull out the nail. 然后他将锤子拿给儿子,要儿子将钉子拔出来。
This is a powerful enemy who will not wait to see you on a ship before trying to lay into you tooth and nail. 这是个有力的敌人,他们不会等着你站在船上去攻击他们就已经早早的将你彻底粉碎了。
When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside was hammered into one of its feet. 当拆除的墙壁,他发现有一种蜥蜴,有坚持,因为指甲从外面被打成一个其英尺。
I read in another review that you jumped in just long enough to get clean and got out as fast as you could-that hit the nail on the head. 浴室更是令人恶心,淋浴间到处都是霉斑,排水不畅。我看到过别人写道,你跳进去用足够长的时间进行清理,并尽快出来--真是一言中的切中要害。
One day his father gave him a bag of nails and told him to hammer a nail in the back fence every time he lost his temper. 一天他的父亲给了他一包钉子,并且告诉他每次他发脾气的时候(就)用锤子把一颗钉子钉到后面的篱笆上。
Slowly, the next day, reduce the number of nails, and he found his temper than to nail down those nails easily. 慢慢的,每天钉下的数量减少了,他发现控制自己的脾气要比钉下那些钉子容易。
They're not going to be near another laptop, so you have to nail these on to a tree, and sort of, get it. 他们不会总是在另外一个笔记本旁边,所以你必须把设备钉在树上,然后,某种程度上来说,建立这个网络。
It was like the parable of "For Want of a Nail, The Kingdom Was Lost, " but in reverse: By finding the nail, the kingdom was won. 这就好像“少了钉子,丢了王国。”[2]的寓言故事。
His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence. 他的父亲给了他一袋钉子,告诉他每当他发脾气的时候,把钉子钉在后面的围墙。
When the brush color, nail oil brush should be to leave a little soft skin parts, note color should not be stained to soft on the skin. 在刷颜色时,指甲油刷应稍微离开软皮部位,注意不要将颜色沾到软皮上。
is claims to have only lost a nail once, when fixing her car engine on the freeway, and otherwise has no trouble leading a normal life. 克丽丝说只有一次她的指甲受损了,当时她在高速公路旁修理汽车的发动机,除此之外日常生活中从没有过什么麻烦。
He told me that his mother had been killed six days before, by having a nail driven through her throat. 他告诉我他母亲已于六天前被害,一颗钉子穿过她的喉咙。
Yet despite all this I firmly believe a wonky grin, a chipped nail, and one or two very mild neuroses never did a look any harm. 然而,尽管发生了所有这一切,我坚信一个搞怪的微笑、削尖的指甲和一两种非常轻微的神经过敏从来不会有什么害处。
Extracting usable advice from high promising books can be like trying to nail custard pies to the side of a barn. 从标题夸张的书中提取有用建议如同试着将蛋黄派钉在谷仓壁上一样。
Thus, if AppConfig is not the best tool for a particular job, I won't attempt to drive a nail with a screwdriver. 因此,如果AppConfig对于某一任务来说并非最佳工具,我将不会试图碰钉子。
The cross section shapes of the pits are same with that of the lock hole of the intramedullary nail, which are roundness or ellipse. 凹坑的横截面形状和髓内针锁孔的横截面形状相同,横截面形状是圆形或者是椭圆形。
Take out a piece of A in A letters along the diagonal nail row, by a concave-convex feeling. 拿出一张A在A的字母上顺着斜线用指甲一划,就由凹凸感了。
If your college allows you to put nail holes in your walls, I highly suggest floating shelves for your lighter possessions. 如果你的学校允许你在墙上钉钉子,我衷心建议你在墙上钉上几个架子放一些较轻的东西。
Washington 's announcement that the trade agreement had been signed ended a week of nail- biting on Wall Street . 美国政府关于贸易协议已经签定的声明结束了华尔街一星期的焦虑不安。
After five or so times through a track if I can't nail it, I call it a day and just move on to something else. 在五次或者更多次数尝试之后,我就不能集中精神了,此时我会花一天时间来移动摆正那些设备的位置。
And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house. 我必将他安稳,像钉子钉在坚固处。他必作为他父家荣耀的宝座。
In addition, in business we admire directness and often use language like a hammer-and treat other opinions as if they were a nail. 此外,在事物中我们喜欢直截了当,经常使用象锤子一样的语言——对待其他的意见,似乎它们就是钉子。
He said he'll come, but we'd better nail him down in case he couldn't. 他说他会来的饿,但我们最好和他确定一下,以防他来不了。
Some of this mixed blood will go into the aorta and on to the body, producing cyanosis (blue color of the skin, lips, and nail beds). 这混合血的一部分进入主动脉供应全身,产生紫绀(皮肤、口唇、和甲床呈蓝色)。
If you feel the nail to lose its luster, then, within a week must be at least 2-3 days, do not nail polish. 如果您感到指甲失去了光泽,那么,一周之内至少必须有2-3天不要涂指甲油。
Drug prohibition was one more nail in the coffin of liberal England, whose "grange death" was complete by the end of the Great War. 自由主义英国随着第一次世界大战的结束而终结,而禁毒令是埋葬自由主义棺材上的又一颗钉子。
Scientists have seen infant black holes before, but they've never been able to nail down an exact birthday. 以前,科学家们看到过处于婴幼儿期的黑洞,但他们一直都无法断定黑洞确切的诞生时间。
Just as you use a hammer to help you drive a nail into a wall, so you use a computer to help you solve a problem. 就像你用锤子往墙上钉钉子一样,你使用电脑去解决一个问题。
In the feedback, as many others in the markets tried to nail what was wrong, a few recurring themes began to stand out from the noise. 在各种反馈中,有许多市场人士试图揪出错误之处,但在一片嘈杂中,也有一些反复出现的主题开始脱颖而出。