no end

  • na.非常
  • 网络永无休止;无休无止;无止无休

no endno end

no end


...遇之歌》(Blind Chance) 1982 《永无休止》(No End) 1984 《十诫》(The Decalogue) 1988 《维罗尼卡的双重生命 …


关於奇斯洛夫斯基,普理斯纳从二人的首次合作《无休无止》(No End)说起。当时,普氏看罢,发现电影根本不需要音乐, …


大学英语四级词组 - 豆丁网 ... in the end 最后,结果 no end 非常,极其 on end 连续地 ...


他与基耶斯洛夫斯基合作的影片包括早期的《无止无休》(No End)、《十诫》(The Declogue),以及《十诫》中单独拿出 …


...rt Working Day)/剧情片1984/《没有终结》(No End)/剧情片1988/《一周有七天》(Seven Days A Week)/纪录片1988—1989/ …


...得到的利润RESALE 子标签:如果这个合约的时间没有结束(no End),那么需要支付的金额START 子标签:这个对赌合约开始 …

He said: "They are deliberately destabilising the company, and there is no end in sight. " 他说:“他们蓄意破坏公司的稳定运作,而且无休无止。”
Lonely without boil, no end of the road can only be put forward to go on infinitely. 孤独不需熬,没有尽头的路只能无限忍受着走下去。
The modern Greeks have been experiencing crisis for over a year and no end is in sight. 时至今日,希腊人经历了一年多的危机也看不到头。
Though the prophet's word may come to an end, tongues come to nothing, and knowledge have no more value, love has no end. 爱是永不止息;先知讲道之能终必归于无有;说方言之能终必停止;知识也终必归于无有。
He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it. 他奋力地拉着链子,想要将其拖上船,然而链子看起来似乎根本没有末端。
In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. There was no end. 连绵不绝的城市,甚么都有,除了终点,没有终点。
No end of the war, no end of the death, roar, shout, cry, crowd into the sky. People's soul is full of scare, white feather. 无休止的战争,无休止的死亡,咆哮,呼喊,哭泣,响彻天际。恐慌,胆怯占据人们灵魂。
There seems to be no end to the problems for the EUR and markets have clearly run out of patience with Eurozone officials. 欧元区的问题无休止地浮现,市场对于等候欧盟官员解决问题的进度显然已经失去耐性。
When you have come to this really deep point that this book has no end and no beginning, which means you are that book. 当你已经到达了这个真正的深度那么这本书就没有结尾也没有开始,这意味着你就是那本书。
It's been of a great pleasure all this autumn on my trip to work, if only it stretched to no end. 整个秋天上班路上都是极大的享受,要是路没尽头该有多好。
Our Lord said, in effect, to Paul - Your whole life is to be over mastered by Me; you are to have no end, no aim, and no purpose but Mine. “主实际上是对保罗说,”你的整个生命由我作主,在我之外,你将没有任何别的目标和意义。
You understand that? What I didn't see. . . In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. There was no end. 是因为看不见的东西,连绵不绝的城市,什么都有,除了尽头。
You know it irks me to no end. . . when your roommate accidentally goes into hibernation on the couch in the den. 你知道让我无尽苦恼的是…你的室友偶然在窝里的沙发上进入冬眠。
It caused her no end of stress that these people were being maligned by the bashers, even though there was no apparent conflict. 这会使她过分担心人们将可能被抨击者诽谤,即使看起来并没有明显的冲突。
"Of making books there is no end, " complained the Preacher; and did not perceive how highly he was praising letters as an occupation. 传道者哀叹“著书无止境”,却没有察觉到它已高度评价了作家这一职业。
"I think no end of you for coming. " He said, squeezing her hand hard. “你光临使我感到荣幸。”他紧握着她的和说道。
The performance of small piled up in the boundless in the garbage can continually swept the boring work day and night, never seem to no end. 小瓦力们在无边无际堆积成山的垃圾堆中不断清扫,可日以继夜的乏味工作似乎永远没有尽头。
He told himself that his wife's stay abroad had done her no end of good and made her far more amenable to reason. 他私下想,妻子的国外居留对她起了无限好的作用,使她大为通情达理了。
Ongoing research and case studies in many countries confirm that there seems to be no end to it's benefits. 正在进行的研究和案例研究,在许多国家确认,似乎没有结束它的好处。
If the truth were known, he was halfstarved, and there was still no end of books he ought to read before he died. 他仿佛知道——他快饿死了,而临死前还有无穷无尽的书要读。
How I wish I could have a heart-to-heart talk with you with no end even if I could not see the big smile on your face. 多想一直那样跟你倾心交谈着,哪怕不能见着你的脸,不能看着你的笑颜。
He said: "No end of the division, to achieve national unity is more in line with the interests of the Pakistani people. " 他说:“没有比结束分裂、实现民族统一更符合巴人民利益的了。”
Your recognition is the starting point of my life leap, But my efforts and struggles has no end. 您的赏识是我人生飞跃的起点;但是我的努力和奋斗没有终点。
Their little daughter goes to the landing -place by the river; there she has no end of scouring and scrubbing of pots and pans. 他们的小女儿去了河边的渡头;在那儿无休无止地洗着瓢瓢碗碗。
They who have two different identities which do not belong to them almost lives in a circumstance likes a kind of hell which has no end. 两个身份都本不该属于自己的人,他们几乎生活在一个类似无间地狱的环境里,做梦都怕别人拆穿自己的身份。
Love must be learned , and learned again and again; there is no end to it . Hate needs no instruction but waits only to be provoked . 爱是需要学习的,而且是一而再,再而三的学习,永无止境。而恨却不需要任何指导,只等着被激发就可以了。
Smile, the thirteenth moment--perhaps, Dream has no end, I wait vainly for you forever. 微笑,第十三个瞬间,梦没有尽头,空待永远。
' And, as this lyrical novel reminds us: 'War has no beginning and no end. It crosses oceans like a splintered boat. 同时,这本诗歌般的小说提醒我们:“战争没有开始也没有终结,她像一艘破碎的小船一样穿洋过海。”
e. g. It bothers me to no end that they would take advantage of their users like this. 一想到他们会这样利用用户,我就烦得不得了。
Life is like a circle, it has no beginning and no end. 人生像一个圆,没有起点也没有终点。