
美 [ˈætməˌsfɪr]英 [ˈætməsˌfɪə(r)]
  • n.大气;气氛;气压;风格
  • 网络大气层;空气;氛围


create atmosphere,improve atmosphere,feel atmosphere,enjoy atmosphere,spoil atmosphere
friendly atmosphere,festive atmosphere,relaxed atmosphere,favorable atmosphere,tense atmosphere



1.[sing](围绕地球的)大气,大气圈,大气层the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth

2.[c](围绕其他天体的)气体a mixture of gases that surrounds another planet or a star

3.[c](房间、封闭空间或某处的)空气the air in a room or in a confined space; the air around a place

4.[c][sing][u]气氛;氛围the feeling or mood that you have in a particular place or situation; a feeling between two people or in a group of people


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... astronomer n. 天文学家 atmosphere n. 大气 attach vt. 系,缚 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... Atlantic a. 大西洋的 n.大西洋 atmosphere n. 大气;空气;气氛 atmospheric a. 大气的;大气层的 ...


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... athlete n 运动员 atmosphere n 大气层 atrocious a 残暴的 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... Atlantic a. 大西洋的 n.大西洋 atmosphere n. 大气;空气;气氛 atmospheric a. 大气的;大气层的 ...


新概念英语第二册61课答案_百度知道 ... fault n. 错误 atmosphere 氛围 at a ost of 花费 ...


英语_火力发电厂英语单词大全[1] - 豆丁网 ... Asynchronous motor 异步马达 atmosphere 大气,大气压 Atomizing 雾化 ...


大气圈atmosphere)是因地球引力而聚集在地表周围最外部的气体圈层。 (一)、大气的组成 恒定组分 主要由氮(78.09%…


职称英语考试综合类A级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... Atlantic a. 大西洋的; atmosphere n. 大气层,气氛,环境 atom n. 原子 ...

The atmosphere would shift in a similar fashion, he said, becoming thicker at the poles and thinner at the equator. 他说,大气层也会同样变化,在两极越来越厚而在赤道则越来越薄。
with that of Lucy's, but the atmosphere was different: this place was bare, cheerless and none too clean. 室内布置与露西家雷同,但气氛却大有差异:空荡荡,缺乏生气,而且很脏。
It charged the atmosphere and really killed productivity, especially when you were trying to figure out who you should be listening to. 这样会让办公室的气氛变得紧张,而且无疑会降低生产力,特别是当你在努力搞清楚该听谁的话的时候。
"Our analysis of that structural change shows there's been a huge reduction in the release of water to the atmosphere, " Dilcher said. Dilcher说:“我们对于(叶片)结构变化的研究分析结果证明,现在释放到大气中的水分已经大大降低了。”
The company's purpose is to let the players experience the chinese 5000 years of history inheritance and classic under the new atmosphere. 旨在全新的氛围中感受下中华五千年历史的传承及经典。
She said: "I've been having such a great day. I've been doing loads of dancing, eating wonderful food and soaking up the atmosphere. " 她说:“今天我玩得太高兴了,我一直在不停地跳舞,还吃了很多好吃的东西,尽情地享受了这里的节日气氛。”
The doctor asked him to reach back and try to recapture the atmosphere of the place in his boyhood. 大夫叫他好好回忆一下,设法重新回忆起他童年时代居住地的环境。
It kind of has a city atmosphere to it. I think everyone has their one place where they like to meet and hang out with friends. 尼克那儿让人有在城里的感觉,我想每个人都有自己那么一个地方,喜欢在那儿和朋友聚集。
Movies have integral colour, A faint, colour is combined with the atmosphere of the dark, depressive, more powerful, just like A desire. 电影得整体色彩,A是色彩暗淡,配合着气氛压抑,越黯淡,越浓烈,就如一种欲望。
It is quite a loud ground, but I enjoy the atmosphere, it gives you a bit more motivation and keeps you focused. 这是一个很喧嚣的场地,不过我很享受这样的球场氛围,这会给你更多的动力,并且让你保持专注。
The satellite was in a low orbit, which ensured that the resulting debris fell into the atmosphere within a few days. 该卫星位于近地轨道,这确保爆炸产生的残骸能在几天内掉入大气层。
In such a poisonous atmosphere the Europeans and Americans are trying to persuade the Bosnians to agree to modest constitutional changes. 如此紧张的气氛下,欧盟和美国都力图劝说波斯尼亚人对宪法进行适度的修正。
A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy can live. (快乐的人生必须在很大程度上是宁静的人生,因为只有在宁静的氛围里才存在真正的快乐)。还记得《美丽心灵》里的。
Essentially just a large hill, Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum is yet to be excavated due to fears it may be destroyed by the outside atmosphere. 说白了,就是一座大山,因为害怕外界的空气会破坏其中的文物,秦陵至今没有进行发掘。
Pointed out that the space for professional museum display design sequence to create the atmosphere of the Office of the tone of a subtle. 指出空间展示设计对专业博物馆序厅基调氛围的营造起到潜移默化的影响。
Having a family and raising children in peacetime inevitably took place in "a highly disturbed emotional atmosphere" . 在和平时期成家并养育子女无可避免地发生在“一种极度不安的情绪环境”中。
Dinosaur Park into the door on your right there is a group full of cartoon fun atmosphere of the stone is called a street. 走进恐龙园大门,在您的右方有一组充满卡通气息的石屋叫作欢乐一条街。
It would be unusual for such a large meteorite to hit the Earth, as most objects burn up in the atmosphere and never reach the surface. 这么大的陨石撞击地球是很罕见的,大部分(陨石)物质在穿越大气层时都会燃烧殆尽,很少能够达到地面。
When the conference opened, the atmosphere was electric, almost as if it were a rock concert for policy makers. 等到会议开幕时,气氛令人激动万分,大会好像成了政治决策者们的一场摇滚音乐会。
For such an atmosphere to be made mostly of hydrogen, it must be topped by a thick layer of clouds like the atmosphere of Venus. 对于这种重要有氢气组成的大气,它一定充满着类似金星之上的一层厚厚的云层。
My ideal is : the atmosphere is very harmonious, can get a sense of accomplishment, respect, and can grow together with the company. 我理想的公司是:氛围非常的融洽,能获得工作的成就感,被尊重的,并且可以同公司一同成长进步。
The house was full of that poetic atmosphere of dullness and silence, which always accompanies the presence of an engaged couple. 未婚夫妇在场的时候,这里常常充满着富有诗意的苦闷和沉寂的气氛。
Some scientists speculate that water may have evaporated into the atmosphere and the rest trapped beneath the surface in the form of ice. 一些科学家推测,水可能曾被蒸发到大气中,而其余的则以冰的形式被截留在表面之下。
The Dark Twin looks purple or violet as the blue light it normally emits is mixing with the red dust in the atmosphere. 黑暗双星看起来是紫色或是紫罗兰色,因为它通常发出的蓝光与大气中的红尘相混合。
Although our atmosphere is formless, yet practitioners would be able to see it and feel it with wisdom eyes. Thus we cannot fool anybody. 我们气氛虽然是无形,不过修行的人,智慧眼会看到,他们智慧可以感觉得到,所以我们骗不了谁。
Some of that radioactivity could carry in the atmosphere to the west coast of the United States. 某些核辐射可能通过空气传播到美国西海岸。
It's just a different atmosphere out there. Much more space on the sides and in the back. When you hit the ball, the sound is different. 这里的氛围完全不同,边线和底线后有更多的空间,当你击球的时候,甚至声音都是不一样的。
And in the general atmosphere of a recession, out-of-control spending tends to slow down as everybody tightens their belts. 在经济倒推的大环境下,失控消费往往会随着人们勒紧裤袋而放慢。
You are accustomed to authority, or to the atmosphere of authority, which you think will lead you to spirituality. 各位已经习惯权威,习惯权威的氛围。各位认为权威会带领你们获得灵性。
U. S. officials said the satellite was hit and broke into thousands of small pieces that burned up as they re-entered Earth's atmosphere. 美国官方说这个被击毁的卫星形成数千个碎片并在坠落于地球的大气层中被烧尽。