arrive in

  • v.到达;达到
  • 网络抵达;可以说到达;到达大地点

arrive inarrive in

arrive in


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... arrive at 到达 arrive in 到达 arrive upon the scene 到场 ...


初二上册单词表_百度知道 ... flight n.航班;飞行 arrive in 到达;抵达 merry a.愉快的;欢乐的 ...

可以说到达,get to, reach(不用介词)可以说到达arrive in)一个城市或国家,到达(arrive at/in)一个村庄,到达(arrive a…


词组每天一点点 ... manage to do sth 能够做某事 arrive in 到达大地点 at last 最后 ...


7年级上学期英语 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 如车站、码头等。到达大地方用 arrive in, 居住。实义动词。居住在某地常用“ live in + ...

I can only say that I will arrive in Portugal full of strength and with a lot of enthusiasm to do something important. 答:我只能说我会满怀力量与激情去葡萄牙完成重要的使命。
Even if donors meet the target, the aid may arrive in a sudden and unmanageable rush a year or two before the deadline. 即使捐助国完成目标,援助也可能是赶在截止期前一、年突然而至,难以管理。
He took a taxi in order that he might arrive in time. 为了能及时赶到,他乘了出租车。
I enjoy talking with you. How about getting together for a dinner after we arrive in Chicago, so we have a chance to talk more about this? 很高兴和您交谈。到达芝加哥我们聚一聚,吃顿饭怎样?我们将有机会详谈。
Just a moment, please. Our boss will arrive in a while. 请稍后,老板一会儿就到。
So even decade ago it was easy to say that we expect the tsunami to arrive in this place at this time. 因此,即便是在十年之前,要预计海啸在何时抵达何地亦并非难事。
Mr Kyuma said he expected "a Chinese vessel will arrive in a Japanese port soon" , but details were still to be finalised. 久间章生表示,他期待“中国舰船很快就能造访日本港口”,但细节问题仍然有待决定。
The taxi will arrive in less than five minutes. As soon as the taxi arrives , we will be able to leave for the airport. 计程车〔计程车〕会在五分钟内到达。计程车一到,我们就能前往机场了。
Last month, they said the bottom would arrive in August. 上个月,他们表示经济会在8月份触底。
It said the move would promote unity and help tourists and athletes who will arrive in the city for the Asian Games this November. 官方说到,此举将促进团结,对今年11月将抵达广州参加亚运会的游客和运动员有所帮助。
Arrive in time for the start of each lesson with the things you need so that you are ready to start work. 在课堂开端前带着需求的学惯用品及时抵达教室,以便于准备开端学习状态。
"Financial help in the form of remittances from family members is always the first to arrive in times of distress, " says Ratha. Ratha说:“在遭遇困境之时,家庭成员提供的汇款类资金援助总是首先发挥作用。”
A popular idea is to have email servers provide cryptographic keys so that messages can be verified as they arrive in an inbox. 其中呼声很高的一个方案就是要求邮件服务器提供密匙,以便当邮件抵达时,判断其有效性。
You had said that has not been may arrive in here how many finally, but I believed that I may I be possible to accompany you to finally. 你说过在这里没有多少是可以走到最后的,但我相信我可以我可以陪你到最后。
I do not know a lot about my future. If the problems with my passport can be solved then I will arrive in the capital. 对于未来的去向我并不是很清楚。如果我的护照问题能够得到即决,我就能前往意大利首都。
By the time you arrive in London, we will have been staying in Europe for two weeks. 等你到达伦敦的时候,我们将已经在欧洲呆了两星期了。
After several months of recuperation, his troops were now on the march again, into Kansu, where they were expected to arrive in a few weeks. 经过几个月的休整,他的部队现在又在行军路上,向甘肃进发,预期在几个星期之内就可以到达。
For shirts under contract No 60, we have booked space on SS. " Eagle" due to arrive in your city around the beginning of next month. 第60号合同下的衬衫已在鹰轮上订了舱位,约在下月初抵达贵方乡市。
They leave the next day for Asia, with exhibition games planned for Macao and Shanghai before they arrive in Beijing. 他们将在第二天前往亚洲,将在澳门和上海进行表演赛,之后前往北京。
That's fine with me. I am willing to pay for it as long as you can guarantee me the package can arrive in time. 那没关系。我愿意支付,只要你保证我的包裹可以准时寄到。
I was told there is a very slim chance there might be a different hotel, but I won't be told that until I arrive in Shanghai. 我被告知住在其他酒店的可能性很小,但直到抵达上海之前,我什么也不会被告知。
Generally, the child begins to make money, credit cards START to arrive in mass, and the shopping begins, if it already hasn't. 他开始挣钱了,信用卡开始蜂拥而至,而且开始购物,如果以前他还没有这样做过的话。
RV740 just launched as a mobile chip, and we've seen it up and running, while the desktop part should arrive in the next month or two. RV740刚刚推出的手机芯片,我们看到它启动和运行,而台式机部分应到达下个月或两个。
Reports in Italy claim that the Bianconeri are after the Los Merengues star and he could arrive in Turin as part of a loan deal. 意大利有消息说,斑马军团正在追逐这位皇马球星,并且准备以租借的方式将大带到都灵城。
Stewardess: Ladies and Gentlemen! It is about time to arrive in San Francisco. Here are a couple of forms for you to fill out. 空姐:女士们,先生们!快要到旧金山了。这里有两张表格需要你们填写。
Arrive in yesterday that road was upper , trees on every side had some of loose standing on to be in both sides of the street. 来到昨日那条道路上,周围的树木有些松散的立在街道两边。
The atrium is the bank's agora, home to shows and presentations, and people often arrive in national dress for big events. 这个大厅是世界银行进行演出和演说的会场,来自全世界的人们经常会身穿本民族传统服装来参加重大活动。
I arrive in the building just before 2pm, to find, happily, that the elevator in the front lobby is actually working today. 我在下午两点之前到达地点,很高兴发现,大厅前边的电梯今天正常运行了。
As long as you cling to your struggle toward your goal, happiness will arrive in time as a gift from the gods. 只要你朝着自己的目标坚持不懈地进取,上帝总会将幸福降临于你。
Candace: however, that station NEVER does arrive, in the highest sense of the word. 坎迪斯:然而,车站从不会到来,从文字的最高层次理解。