
美 [noʊt]英 [nəʊt]
  • v.注意;指出;留意;特别提到
  • n.笔记;注释;记录;便条
  • abbr.(=noe of the above)把选票上的名字全勾掉
  • 网络备注;纸币;音符

复数:notes 现在分词:noting 过去式:noted

make note,add note,send note,note difference,note receive
brief note,important note,explanatory note,cautionary note,careful note


n. v.

提醒自己to remind you

1.[c]笔记;记录a short piece of writing to help you remember sth

短信short letter

2.[c]短笺;便条a short informal letter

书籍in book

3.[c]注释;按语;批注a short comment on a word or passage in a book


4.[pl](听讲或读书等时的)记录,笔记information that you write down when sb is speaking, or when you are reading a book, etc.

5.[c][usupl](有关演出、演员经历、音乐等的)图书资料,录音或唱片等封套介绍information about a performance, an actor's career, a piece of music, etc. printed in a special book or on a CD case, record cover, etc.


6.[c]纸币a piece of paper money

音乐in music

7.[c]单音;音调;音符a single sound of a particular length and pitch (= how high or low a sound is), made by the voice or a musical instrument; the written or printed sign for a musical note


8.[sing]~ (of sth)特征;口气;调子;气氛a particular quality in sth, for example in sb's voice or the atmosphere at an event

正式文件official document

9.[c]正式文件;票据;证明书an official document with a particular purpose

10.[c](外交文书)照会;通牒an official letter from the representative of one government to another


of note

重要的;引人注目的of importance or of great interest

hit/strike the right/wrong note

做(或说、写)得得体╱不得体to do, say or write sth that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion

sound/strike a note (of sth)

表达某种情感(或观点)to express feelings or opinions of a particular kind

take note (of sth)

注意到;将…铭记在心to pay attention to sth and be sure to remember it

外延_百度百科 ... 3.8.4词条术语 entryterm 3.8.5 note 3.8.6语法标记 grammaticallabel ...


Globallock_百度百科 ... Remarks 备注 Note 注意 Return Values 返回值 ...


UL 2464规格 ... ●标淮 UL Subject 758 备注 Note 黑 Black ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... peanut n 花生 note n 笔记;注释;纸币 silver screen 银幕;电影(业) △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... peanut n 花生 note n 笔记;注释;纸币 silver screen 银幕;电影(业) △ ...


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... practice n. 实践;练习 note n. 笔记,便条 while conj. 当…时 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... peanut n 花生 note n 笔记;注释;纸币 silver screen 银幕;电影(业) △ ...


英文哲理短文19篇 ... 2、temper:n. 性情、脾气 3、note:n. 音符 6、compose:v. 著、撰、组成 ...

At last I got a note saying she would be at home on Sunday at four, and with her extraordinary ending. 后来终于收到一张便条,说她定于星期日四时在家,并附有这么一个奇怪的尾言。
If the note were somehow exposed, the girl in question would be deeply ashamed, as if she herself had done something wrong. 接到纸条的女生立刻明白那小子想干什么,女生普遍的反应是紧张和害怕,假如纸条一旦曝光,女生就会深感羞愧,好像她自己做错了什么。
Well , we will take note of it , prices depend on volume, how much do your company forecast to sell in the first year ? 好的,我们会注意这一点,价格也会因数量有所不现,贵公司预计在第一件销售多少数量呢?。
Note that this specifier never displays the '0' character if it is not a significant digit, even if '0' is the only digit in the string. 请注意,如果“0”不是有效数字,此说明符永不显示“0”字符,即使“0”是字符串中唯一的数字。
Note that the tokens are opaque binary data, and only the underlying security mechanism needs to be able to interpret them. 注意,标志(token)是隐性二进制数据,只有底层安全性机制才需要能够解释它们。
Then he picked up the note, which had been very dirty and wrinkled. 尔后他拾起钞票,钞票已变得又脏又皱。
Likewise, if you write down your pass phrase and stick it on a post-it note on your monitor you might as well not use encryption at all. 此外,如果您喜欢把密码写在便笺上,然后把它粘贴到您的显示器上,那么您还是干脆不要加密的好。
When he moved out of our apartment, he wrote me a note that said, "I'll always love you, but right now I just can't live with you. " 在搬出我们的房子时,他留了个字条给我,“我永远爱你,只是现在我无法与你相处。”
He gave her some advice, and told her that she should add a note to the posters, "My teacher will be there and will play the last piece. " 他给了她一些建议并告诉她应该在海报上添一条:“我的老师将会亲临现场,并演奏最后一曲”。
Editor's note: Do not handle dry ice with your bare hands. Use tongs or thick gloves. Keep dry ice out of the reach of children. 编者注:不要空手处理干冰。一定要使用钳子或者带上手套。将干冰保存在儿童可触及的范围之外。
Just a very quick note to let you know that I have received your message. 这是一个快捷回复,让你知道我已经收到了你的来信。
Green is quick to note that 'GDP can't explain everything, ' adding that he was just trying to have some fun. 但王志浩也很快指出GDP并不能解释一切问题,而自己只是想找点乐子。
Note: the company to do not stack with other merchants hostility, dispute, the above products price model than substance price model! 注意:本公司为了不和其他商家产生敌对和发生一些不必要的冲突争执,以上产品价格型号非实体价格型号!
In a note to her, he asked her to forgive him for taking his life. 在留给她的纸条中,他请求她原谅自己离开了这个世界。
Note: The transaction issued by this INSERT statement might be so large that your server won't be able to handle it. 注意:这条INSERT语句所涉及的事务可能会相当大,以致于您的服务器无法加以处理。
Common name NOTE : The common name is usually comprised of your host computer name and the domain to which it belongs, such as xyz. com. 公用名称注意:公用名称通常由您的主机名称和它所属的域组成,如。
Note that this name is separate from the name used to identify the key in the key container specified in step 1. 请注意,此名称不同于用来标识步骤1中指定的密钥容器中的密钥的名称。
He told The Guardian: "The [attorney general's] note fails to clarify the extent to which force might be used to protect civilians. " 他告诉卫报,司法部长的解读没有清楚的说明,为保护平民,可以使用哪些武力。
Note that a random effects model does not 'take account' of the heterogeneity, in the sense that it is no longer an issue. 注意随机效应模型没有考虑异质性,在某种意义上,它不是一个议题。
I stare at it, completely puzzled as to how the note is applicable to anything significant. It seems irrelevant to my life. 我盯着该笔记,完全困惑不知道这个笔记怎么会有任何重要价值,它看上去和我的生活无关。
If you note down in the beginning itself all that you need to perform these activities, you will not have to redo the list every time. 如果你一开始就把执行活动所需要的信息都记录下来,就不用每次都麻烦的重列清单了。
On a more positive note, the U. S. Commerce Department reported a 1. 2% boost in factory orders in May, the biggest jump in nearly a year. 美国商务部报告称,一条积极的消息,在5月份工厂订单提升了1.2%,这是近一年来最大的涨幅。
Note that I am not trying to offer a comprehensive view of SAAJ here, I just cover it as much as is needed for the topic of this tip. 请注意此处我并不打算全面地介绍SAAJ,我只想讨论一些本文主题所需要的方面。
When she had finished her song the Student got up, and pulled a note-book and a lead-pencil out of his pocket. 当她唱完歌的时候,那学生起来了,从口袋里拿了一支笔和一个笔记本。
To identify model of your modem, note the name and number on the front. You may have to look for a label to discover the exact model. 确定你的调制解调器型号,注意前面的名字和号码,你也可以查找其标签找到更确切的型号信息。
On a related note, on Tuesday, Li Yan, a young musician I know, called me up to ask me for some advice. 周二,李岩,我的一个朋友,一个年轻的音乐家给我打电话,想让我给他些意见。
Before clicking the run button, check the synchronization tab and note the name of any table objects ending with "_MEASURES" . 单击运行按钮之前,检查同步表并注意以“_MEASURES”结束的表对象的名称。
Do this for a year. Note that you are now interested in several important things that nobody else is thinking about. 坚持一年,你会发现你现在已经对很多重要的东西感兴趣,而很少有人思考过它们。
The next stop was the Good Shepherd statue where I told him that one time we found a note of confession placed at the feet of Jesus. 在好牧人雕像前我告诉他,有一次我们找到一张认罪的纸条,就在耶稣的脚边。
Note that this tool only shows permissions that have been explicitly requested by the application using declarative syntax. 注意,该工具仅显示由应用程序使用声明式语法显式请求的权限。