
美 [rɪˈtɜrn]英 [rɪˈtɜː(r)n]
  • n.返回;回报;回来;收益
  • v.返回;回报;回来;恢复
  • 网络归还;回归;返回值

第三人称单数:returns 现在分词:returning 过去式:returned

want return,return money,return call,get return,return week
high return,good return,low return,return ticket,healthy return


v. n.

回来;回去come/go back

1.[i]回来;回去;返回to come or go back from one place to another

拿回;归还bring/give back

2.[t]带回;送回;放回;退还to bring, give, put or send sth back to sb/sth

感觉;特质of feeling/quality

3.[i]恢复;重现to come back again

先前的话题╱活动to previous subject/activity

4.[i]~ (to sth)重提;重新开始做to start discussing a subject you were discussing earlier, or doing an activity you were doing earlier

先前的状态to previous state

5.[i]~ to sth恢复;回复to go back to a previous state

回报do/give the same

6.[t]~ sth回报;回应to do or give sth to sb because they have done or given the same to you first; to have the same feeling about sb that they have about you

网球in tennis

7.[t]~ sth回击;击回to hit the ball back to your opponent during a game

裁决a verdict

8.[t]~ a verdict宣告(裁决)to give a decision about sth in court


10.[t]~ sth带来,产生(利润或损失)to give or produce a particular amount of money as a profit or loss


字典中 回 字的解释 ... (6) 掉转[ turn round] (8) 还,返回[ return] (11) 改变[ change] ...


字典中 致 字的解释 ... (15) 施加;施行[ carry out] (17) 归还;交还[ return] (21) 通“至”。到达[ arrive;reach] ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1478 come along phr. 来,随同 1479 return v 回来,归还 1480 cookie n 小 …




同问回归 (return)电影下载? 2010-04-13 22:28 提问者: 蒋玉祥 2007韩国惊悚片。


eval_百度百科 ... msgbox eval 输入3+2,会出来5 return 返回值 Example #1eval 例子 - 简单的文本合并 ...


top_百度百科 ... Intro( 序曲) Return回复) Nothing( 一无所有) ...

Next, I do not want to be despised, abandoned, so I prepared to return home to the next, looking for a place, their own A break. 接下来,我也不想被鄙视,被遗弃,所以我准备回乡下老家去,找个地方,自己了断。
The MC shall be able to transport at least 2 collectors, and should not need to return to base during a collector exchange. MC应该能够运输至少2个收集器,而且在收集器更换过程中不需要返还到基地。
Each function is called in turn with an Item from the array and should return the content with which to populate the corresponding cell. 按照顺序使用来自数组的Item逐个调用每个函数,并用返回的内容填充对应的单元格。
Rafael Benitez is being lined up for a Liverpool return by come of the club's supporters judging by the Christmas decorations at his home. 贝尼特斯最近被传即将回到利物浦,而球迷从他的住家的圣诞布置猜出一些端倪。
He said he was dead sure that they would not return. 他说他完全相信他们不会回来。
Dutch courage because Iam now about to return to the train station and spend a few hours committing a deadly sin: queue jumping. 荷兰的勇气,因为荫现在返回到火车站,花了几个小时犯下致命的罪孽:插队。
Japanese firms' return on equity has long been less than half that of American and European companies. 日本公司的股本回报率早就连美国和欧洲公司的一半都还达不到了。
How much is a return ticket to Paris? 一张到巴黎的往返车票多少钱?
Every time you get interrupted for a few minutes or longer, you can expect it to take at least 15 minutes to return to the flow state. 你一旦受干扰几分钟或是更长些,那你至少15分钟内都很难调整好状态。
No matter to return place will be where, I think all this in the heart with a pure beauty. 不管归处将是哪里,我想都该在心底留有一份纯真的美好。
Like most artists, eager to return to the countryside to go deep into life, to create the same Luo Hai has found a home feeling. 像大多数艺术家热衷于回到农村去深入生活、去创作一样,罗宗海却找到了回家的感觉。
"It is neither possible, nor practical, nor acceptable to return to conducting business as usual, as if everything is fine, " he said. 他说:“就像什么都没有发生过那样继续(美国主导的和平进程)不可能也不现实,根本不可接受。”
"Thank you very much, kind Lion! I hope I shall be able to do you a good return some day. " said the little mouse. “太谢谢你了,好狮子!希望有一天我能好好的报答你。”小老鼠说。
He always seemed to know when he was needed, although he never asked for anything in return. 它好像总是知道人们什么时候需要它来,就是从不索取任何回报。
To find someone with you and return loan, give the child the meeting and do together every different multiple choice questions. 找个人和你一起还贷款,给孩子开家长会,一起做每天不同的选择题。
But the US campaign was undermined by fears it was trying to push down the dollar by the Federal Reserve's return to quantitative easing. 但是,美联储重拾量化宽松措施,引发了有关美国试图以此压低美元汇率的担忧,从而削弱了上述行动的效果。
This meant that there was never a need to miss a minute of any show, because I could simply pause it and return to it at my leisure. 也就是说我再也不会错过一秒钟的精彩节目,因为我只需按个暂停,等有空了再回来接着看。
All the pirates have to do is take a ship, steer it to harbour, then ask for a few million dollars for its return. 海盗们需要做的只是劫一艘船,开回港口,放出话来说收到数百万美元的赎金后才放行。
You can also use the template parameter T for an attribute's type, in the same way as it was used for the method's return type. 您也可以使用模板参数T来定义一个属性类型,用同样的方式它也可以用作定义该种方式的回转类型。
And if Sikes doesn't return that boy to me, dead or alive, I'll tell the police about him and I'll get Sikes hanged. 如果赛克斯不把这孩子还给我,不管是死是活,我会去警察局告他的,我会把他送上绞刑架的。
In trying to arrive at the best financial management decisions, how should risk and return be balanced? 在试图做出最佳的财务管理决策时,风险和收益的关系应该怎样平衡?
Now we are missing pieces of this box to return the goods to you to deal with, we do not assume any responsibility. 现在我们把这箱内件丢失的货物退回给你们处理,我们不承担任何责任。
He sat by the river and wept silently, but tears would not return her from the grave. Then, he remembered what she said. 他坐在河边默默地哭泣着,可是泪水无法使她唤醒,此时,他记起她所说过的一句话。
That was a sharp signal for me that I'd better start improving my fitness immediately if my return to Formula One was not to end as a farce. 这对于我来说是一个紧急信号。如果不想将自己的复出变成一场闹剧的话,我就必须立刻开始提高自己的身体素质。
And in that sacred path, we of the Angelic Realm honor you. We await you, and promise to leave the lights on for your serendipitous return. 在那神圣之路中,我们天使实相给予你们荣耀。我们等待着你们,并且承诺留给你们这“光”,只求你们能偶然的回应。
"If I leave then my idea would be to return to British football, " he said. “如果我离开那么我第思维将回到英式足球上来,”他说。
Were the last words I ever heard him say I shall return for you, my love, on Christmas Day. 我听到他说会回来给你,我的爱,在耶诞节那天过最后的话。
There is none of the paranoia and fear that marked the early cold war, and little desire to return to it. 冷战初期的偏执与恐惧早已烟消云散,也没有人愿意重蹈历史的覆辙。
Return the children to use in good faith to pay the U. S. , we sweat to shape a young soul. 孩子们用真诚回报着我们的付出,我们用汗水塑造着稚嫩的灵魂。
There's too much resistance, and by the time the resistance can be effectively overcome, we'll be way past the point of no return. 阻力太多,而到了所有阻力都能被克服的时候,我们也已经到了无法回头的地步了。