
美 [rɪns]英 [rɪns]
  • n.冲洗;漂洗;漱口液;洗刷
  • v.清洗;漂洗;(用清水)冲洗;冲掉…的皂液
  • 网络水洗;退浆保色洗;润丝

复数:rinses 现在分词:rinsing 过去式:rinsed

rinse mouth


v. n.

1.~ sth(用清水)冲洗,洗涮to wash sth with clean water only, not using soap

3.~ sth + adv./prep.(用清水)冲掉,洗刷to remove dirt, etc. from sth by washing it with clean water


冲字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 冲突〖 assault;attack〗 冲洗〖 wash;rinse〗 冲销〖 chargeoff〗 ...


漂字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 漂染〖 blanchanddyewithcolourforfabric〗 漂洗rinse〗 漂亮话〖 finewords〗 ...


口臭是怎么回事? ... anaerobic: 厌氧的 rinse: 清洗 pancreatic: 胰腺的 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... degrease 脱脂 rinse 水洗 alkaline etch 龄咬 ...


spaceandy - 无疆行者 - 网易博客 ... VINTAGE 仿旧洗 RINSE 退浆保色洗 MEDIUM 中度洗 ...


美发专用英语 (词汇与口语) _中国青年网 ... 湿的: wet 润丝: rinse 平梳: comb ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... suspense 悬念,悬疑,挂念 rinse 以清水冲洗,漂洗 verbose 冗长的,罗嗦的 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... ring 戒子 rinse 洗涤 riot 暴动 ...

Use a disinfecting cleanser once a week on the bathroom floor and sides of the tub and shower; rinse well and dry the surfaces with a towel. 每周用消毒清洁剂清洗浴室地面、浴缸外侧以及淋浴间,然后用毛巾擦干。
Changfeng draws back his sight, closes his eyes for a little while, then opens, looked like he is trying to rinse the shadow off his mind. 长风收回了目光,闭了一下眼睛,又睁开,仿佛在洗刷着自己内心的阴暗面。
Rinse the soap out with cool water and lay a white towel on your cross stitch and roll it up to dry. 冲洗用冷水和肥皂奠定了在您的十字绣白色毛巾卷起来干。
Next we rinse the salmon under running cold water and then place it, skin down, on a sheet or two of plastic wrap. 然后,我们用冷水将马哈鱼冲干净,随后将其外皮朝下放在一层或两层塑料薄膜上。
We know how much babies hate getting shampoo and water in their eyes when you rinse it out. . . so we designed an ingenious shampoo rinser! 我们知道,当您给宝宝洗头时,大多数的宝宝是多么地讨厌让洗发水和水流进他们眼里,因此,我们设计了这个巧妙的洗发冲!
Would you not say that you KNOW in your heart that this is it? This is THE CHANGE. This is the final rinse . . . so to speak. 难道你不会说在自己的心中知道就是如此么?这才是真正的改变。这是最后一次漂洗过程。。。可以这么说。
Billy neatly closed the bag and went down the aisle to the toilet to dispose of the bag and rinse out his mouth. 比利把纸袋麻利地卷上,通过走廊到侧所去处理掉,又漱漱口。
The first thing you want to do is give it a quick rinse, and you're gonna see that there's a soapy residue that rinses right off of it. 首先你需要做的就是给它进行一下快速冲洗,而后你你就可以冲洗掉在它上面的肥皂的残留物。
Rinse conditioner off hair (take at least 15 minutes as you must make sure that it has all come off). 冲洗掉头发上的护发素(这将会花费大约15分钟的时间,因为必须要确保已经完全冲掉)
Do not swallow it, just gurgle and spit it out, rinse your mouth and you are good to go. 不要吞下,只是漱完就吐出来,漱完口就好了。
Water and rubber with a piece of cloth share, or you can use, but before you use must be in the clear water rinse clean. 火擦布和胶擦布可以共用一块,也可分别搁置,但搁置后都务必在纯火洋漂洗肮不净。
Usage: Apply some evenly to the whole face after facial cleansing, massage circularly for a while and rinse after a few minutes. 使用方法:洁面后,取适量涂匀全脸后以画螺旋的方式轻轻按摩,约几分钟后洗净即可。
Dicyclopentadiene : Noxious liquid. Handle with usual caution: do not ingest. If it is spilled on skin, rinse well with water. 二环茂二烯:有毒液体。如常小心处理:不要摄入。如果溅在皮肤上,用水冲洗干净。
A light sponge rinse with warm water is all that is needed to dissolve this low sudsing formula. 只要用湿了暖水的海棉轻抹便可以去除低残留物的泡沫。
The shower is a very big space which leads off the kitchen and is also used to rinse the dishes, very nice and new also. 冲凉的地方很大,旁边是厨房。厨房很好很新,我们在那里洗菜做饭。
and then stirred a few minutes later, out for clean water rinse twice, with hangers hanging in a cool well-ventilated place to dry. 集中,然后搅拌几分钟后,确定了清洁的水冲洗两次挂在衣架,阴凉通风良好的地方晾干。
Always rinse thoroughly to remove any residual detergent, and then let the surface dry thoroughly. 始终彻底冲洗,以除去任何残留的清洁剂,然后让表面彻底干燥。
When I am finished, I rinse off my spoon and bowl, place them in the sink and attempt to leave the kitchen. 吃完早饭,我就把勺和碗拿水冲一下,然后放在水槽里离开厨房。
After your keywords are entered, Feed Rinse does the rest and creates a new OPML file for you to import back into your reader. 输入关键之后,FeedRinse完成剩下的工作,生成一个新的OPML文件来重新导入阅读器。
Do not rinse the dropper after use. Wipe the tip of the dropper with a clean tissue and keep the container tightly closed. 用后不要冲洗滴耳器,用干净纸巾擦拭滴耳器头端。
Wet your palm and face, rub against the soap until bubbles appear and massage all over the face and rinse off with water. 手心与脸沾湿,搓揉面皂充分起泡后画圈方式按摩脸部,再用清水彻底冲洗乾净即可。
Fight the urge to rinse after cleaning your teeth, says dentist Dr Phil Stemmer, from The Fresh Breath Centre in London. 伦敦口气清新中心的牙医菲尔•斯坦姆称,刷完牙后,不应急着漱口。
After food, rinse your mouth out with water or chew sugar-free gum to encourage saliva, which neutralises the acid. 吃完后漱口或者嚼无糖口香糖促进唾液分泌,以助中和酸性。
Usage: apply adequate amount in after make face wet, palm, rub evenly water foamed wipe in facial massage for a while, then rinse off. 使用方法:湿面后取适量置于掌心,加清水揉起泡沫,均匀轻抹于面部按摩片刻,再以清水洗净。
It's a never-ending rinse-and-repeat cycle that you know all too well. 这就是您所熟知的一个永不终止的漂洗-和-重复(rinse-and-repeat)的循环过程。
Under the drive of switching mechanism and induction unit, washing boards move to scrub, rinse and dewater the clothes between them. 由转换机构,感应装置推动搓板,带动衣物,使衣物在搓板之间相互碰撞、搓揉、漂洗、脱水,达到洗涤效果。
When hand washing dishes do not rinse under a running tap. Fill one sink with washing water and the other with rinse water. 手洗碗碟时,别一直开水喉冲洗,应在一个盆槽放洗洁精水,另一个盆槽放清水。
the next step is to rinse, this will get rid of the top level of the water soluble polyvinyl alcohol and exposure imprints Imaging layer. 下一步不离是预冲刷,这不兵去掉火溶性聚乙烯醇顶层,并败露感光树脂成像层。
Usage: Dispense proper amount onto palm, extend onto face, gently massage for a while, then rinse off with clear water. 使用方法:取少量本品于掌心,以清水揉起丰富泡沫,轻轻按摩片刻,用清水洗净即可。
It is usual to use recirculating systems nowadays, reusing the water from the final rinse at least, if not the 'ready mixed' water. 现在通常使用循环系统,至少要回用最后漂洗用水,是没有混合清洗剂的水。