
美 [roʊˈmæntɪk]英 [rəʊˈmæntɪk]
  • adj.浪漫的;爱情的;情爱的;多情的
  • n.浪漫的人;耽于幻想的人;浪漫主义作家(或音乐家、艺术家)
  • 网络罗曼蒂克;传奇的;空想的


romantic music,romantic relationship,romantic history,romantic story,romantic novel


1.浪漫的;爱情的;情爱的connected or concerned with love or a sexual relationship

2.多情的;表达爱情的showing feelings of love

3.浪漫的;富有情调的;美妙的beautiful in a way that makes you think of love or feel strong emotions

4.富于幻想而不切实际的having an attitude to life where imagination and the emotions are especially important; not looking at situations in a realistic way

5.[ubn]浪漫主义的,浪漫主义风格的(尤用以描述 19 世纪的文学、音乐或艺术,以情感强烈、想象和回归自然为特征)used to describe literature, music or art, especially of the 19th century, that is concerned with strong feelings, imagination and a return to nature, rather than reason, order and intellectual ideas


...期的时间界定及其音乐风格特点 1、含义及时间界定 浪漫(romantic)一词原指用罗曼语 一词原指用罗曼语 浪漫 (Romance) …


罗字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 罗马教廷〖 HolySee〗 罗曼蒂克romantic〗 罗曼史〖 romance〗 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... dramatic 戏剧(性)的 romantic 浪漫的,传奇的 paraphrastic 意译的 ...


形容人性格的词汇 ... responsible 负责的 romantic 浪漫的,空想的 self-conscious 自觉的 ...


同问如果不是你就不行(ROMANTIC) SHINee的歌词 提问者采纳 2011-11-25 16:25 匿名 | 分类:日韩流行乐 歌词2011-11-25 17…


英语核心词汇3600_黄东航_39健康博客 ... romance n. 传奇,爱情故事 romantic a. 浪漫的,传奇式的;不切实际的 roof n. 屋顶 ...


马博士教育网 - 亚洲最大的教育门户网站 ... ·ballot 投票;选票 ·romantic 浪漫的,多情的 ·Christmas: 圣诞节、圣诞节节期 ...

I hoped that boy can take to me to be joyful, he will prepare food, understands humorously, and can build a romantic love together with me. 我希望那个男孩能带给我快乐,他会做菜,懂幽默,并且能和我共同营造一份浪漫的爱情。
On our first date he took me to a noisy nightclub, whereas my Mr Right would have taken me for a romantic candlelit dinner. 第一次约会,他带我去了一个喧闹的夜店,然而我的白马王子应该带我去吃一个浪漫的烛光晚餐。
In true romantic-comedy fashion, the heel of my shoe got stuck in the pavement, and I had to lean down to pull it out just as he walked in. 我们的重逢颇有浪漫喜剧的风格:我的鞋跟陷进了路边,当我弯腰去拔的时候,他正巧路过。
Hollywood's latest tactic for trying to convince men to watch romantic comedies is to deny that the movies are romantic comedies at all. 最近,为了劝说男性观看浪漫喜剧,好莱坞采用了决然否认即将上演的电影是浪漫喜剧的策略。
As if things are not bad enough, Miss Lavish published a second-rate romantic novel, and inside, a kiss scene on the top of an Italian hill! 好像事情还不够糟糕,拉维希小姐出版了一本二流言情小说,书已竟有一场在意大利的山上的吻戏!
While we're not quite ready to give up on the romantic ideal, the book did get us thinking about why a woman chooses a particular mate. 虽然我们并不准备放弃对浪漫的理想,这本书也让我们思考为什么一个女人选择这个特定的伴侣。
I'd long been interested in Tibet and had a romantic vision of the Land of Snows, but I'd never been there. 我一直认为雪域高原是个浪漫的地方,很久以来都对西藏怀有好奇和向往,不过我从来没有去过那里。
There was no particular romantic attachment between them. 他们之间谈不到甜蜜的爱情。
The painting is attributed to the romantic German painter Philipp Otto Runge and is presumed to be of his wife Pauline. 这幅作品归德国浪漫派画家菲利普•奥托•朗格所有,画中人被认为是他的妻子波林。
'Atami has always been a romantic place, but it is now a romantic place for a modern generation, ' says Sakae Saito, Atami's mayor. 热海市市长斋藤荣(SakaeSaito)说,热海一直就是一个浪漫的城市,而现在它又成为年轻一代的浪漫之地。
I bet you did. I bet Connor was completely wonderful and romantic. I bet he took you out for dinner or something. 我猜肯定不错,我猜康诺肯定既温柔又浪漫,我猜他肯定约你出去吃晚餐或者别的什么。
The first thing that happened was that we were supposed to go out for a romantic dinner for our one year anniversary, but she stood e up! 头一件就是我们相识一周年纪念日那天本来打算去吃一顿非常浪漫的晚餐,结果她放了我鸽子。
The drink that I'm going to make is Passion, so maybe this should be like a - you know, romantic dinner party. 我将要调制的酒是激情(西番莲),或许这个应该像,你知道,浪漫的晚餐聚会。
Made with feathers like a bird-like wings of the romantic side of the side wings are waving helplessly looking up the empty blue sky. 像个用羽毛自制了翅膀的鸟人般一边浪漫的挥摆翅膀一边却无助的仰视着空旷的蓝天。
Glenn is the only one who didn't get her a present, so he sings a very romantic Elvis song at the bar for her. 只有格林没有给珍妮准备礼物,于是在酒吧上为她唱了一首非常浪漫的歌曲。
As the sun begins to set on their first day in Sydney, they decide to take a romantic stroll along the beach. 在悉尼的第一天就快过去了,他们打算在海滩上散散步,浪漫一下。
She said that they farmed because they felt like part of a broader movement, but that the farmer's life was not always romantic. 她告诉我们,他们之所以会选择去田间耕作,是因为这让他们觉得像是参与了某项宏大的运动,然而田园生活并非总是那么浪漫。
Love affair is always beginning with such a romantic episode that the young guy meets with young lady occasionally. 恋爱总是以少男巧遇少女这种传统的浪漫插曲开始的
Imagine walking in the spring when the cherry blossoms in a small way, this is a romantic matter how much ah! 想象春天的时候漫步在开满樱花的小路上,这是一件多么浪漫的事情啊!
I wish I could believe there was somebody who would love me for ever. That's, as we all know, too romantic to be true. 我希望我能够相信一个人永远爱我,可是我们都知道,那只是过于浪漫的想法。
Although it had many forms, a rebus usually was a romantic verse written in ink with certain words omitted and illustrated with a picture. 虽然有许多形式,一情势,通常是一个浪漫的诗与省略某些墨写的字和图片说明。
It was all rather sickening. Nothing like the romantic kisses you see on TV. 这个景象令人恶心,一点没有电视上演的吻戏那么浪漫。
The brief was 'a romantic discovery of the origins of man' and there was no budget. 这一旅程可以简结为“对于人类起源的浪漫发现之旅”,我们都没有预算好费用。
She was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind and such a sweet mocking mouth. 她是一个可爱的太太,有着满脑子浪漫的想法和一张甜嘴。
With Venus moving opposite your sign for a few weeks, your romantic relationship could be going through a major transformation. 当金星移动到与你的星座相冲的位置达几周之久时,你的浪漫关系可能会经历一个重要的转型期。
No matter how much you love your romantic partner, you need to have new outlooks and new perspectives. 无论你如何深爱着你的另一半,你都需要有个全新的视角和观点。
He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuki ever since he saved her, to what might be love in a romantic sense. 他已经表示他对优姬关爱很深自从他救了她,他们可能会陷入浪漫的爱情
Yes, you know, I don't know why but you seem to be associated with, you know, these slow, romantic songs. 是的,不知道为什么总是把你与慢歌,情歌联系在一起。
There has always been a romantic link between madness and genius, and too much divergence can undoubtedly drive you crazy. 疯狂和天才亲密关系永远都是只是一纸相隔。太多的分散无疑会让你发疯。
Similarly, the door into a chic coffee shop, cup of coffee, relax and enjoy the bustling crowd, full of romantic atmosphere. 同理,推门进入一家别致的咖啡馆,品一杯香醇的咖啡,悠然自得,欣赏着熙熙攘攘的人群,布满了浪漫的气息。