
美 [reɪd]英 [reɪd]
  • v.突袭;偷袭;突击搜捕;突然搜查
  • n.抢劫;突然袭击;突击检查;突然搜查
  • 网络磁盘阵列(Redundant Array of Independent Disks);磁碟阵列(Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks);独立磁盘冗余阵列

复数:raids 现在分词:raiding 过去式:raided

make raid,raid camp
successful raid


n. v.

1.~ (on sth)突然袭击a short surprise attack on an enemy by soldiers, ships or aircraft

2.~ (on sth)突击检查;突然搜查a surprise visit by the police looking for criminals or for illegal goods or drugs

3.~ (on sth)抢劫;打劫an attack on a building, etc. in order to commit a crime

磁盘阵列(Redundant Array of Independent Disks)

磁盘阵列(RAID)5 上海数据恢复磁盘阵列RAID)10磁盘阵列(RAID)50 两块或两块盘掉线; …

磁碟阵列(Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks)

...料快速及简易管理6.增加可用运时间,减少维护各阶层磁碟阵列(RAID)介绍:磁碟阵列是由. ...


在使用独立磁盘冗余阵列(RAID)的Dell PowerEdge服务器上自动建立数据副本,以避免硬盘出现故障时停机。Microsoft ® Wind…


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... civilized a. 文明的 raid n. 袭击 air-raid n. 空袭 ...


廉价磁盘冗余阵列(RAID),基本思想就是将多只容量较小的、相对廉价的硬盘进行有机组合,使其性能超过一只昂贵的大硬盘 …

独立冗余磁盘阵列(Redundant Array of Independent Disk)

CE缩写的意思-符合欧洲要求_英文缩写查询 ... VHL 超高级语言 RAID 独立冗余磁盘阵列 CRP 连续库存补充计划 ...

It also works with RAID devices and can tell us how much free space we have left on our partitions. 它还可以与RAID设备工作,告诉我们分区上还有多少可用空间。
Hopefully, the previous section dispelled any RAID myths that you might have had. 但愿上节已经澄清了您关于RAID的任何错误认识。
An al-Qaeda leader in Yemen wanted in connection with the 2000 bombing of the American warship USS Cole has been killed in an air raid. 也门一名基地组织通缉犯在一场空袭中被杀,他涉嫌参与2000年美国科尔号战舰爆炸案。
If the raid had been delayed by a few hours, she might have faced the first of many rapes. 如果警方这次突袭行动推迟数小时,她可能已经遭到了蹂躏。
Complicating Zuse's claim of priority, an air raid destroyed his computer, as well as all accompanying photographs and documentation. 一次空袭摧毁Zuse的计算机,以及所有附属的照片和文件,这使他声称拥有的优先权变得复杂。
The security forces said the raid, in which Mr Acosta Hernandez was captured, had been long in the planning. 安全力量表示,逮捕JoseAntonioAcostaHernandez的这次行动是计划已久的。
But this was to be the first major air raid conducted by the V-VS on an enemy city so far away. 但这将是迄今为止V-VS指挥的第一次对敌人城市的主要空袭。
Our house was blown up in an air raid. 在一次空袭中我们的房子被炸掉了。
Its up to you. Now, I happen to think its the former. Thats why Im accompanying you on this raid. 我信任是前者,这就是为什么我要伴随你们参加这次突袭。
American officials said immediately after the raid that Osama bin Laden had been armed; they later said he was not armed. 行动不久后美国官员就称,拉登持有武器,随后又改口称拉登并未持有武器。
Two other explosions Sunday reverberated across Beirut, apparently caused by an air raid on Hezbollah areas in the southern suburbs. 周日时,另外两起爆炸横越贝鲁特,显然地是由空袭位于西部郊区的真主党的区域。
The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed. 这场抢劫只持续了3分钟,因为窃贼争先恐后地爬上轿车,以惊人的速度开跑了。
We have also been trying to get more benefits out of the party and into the raid, and Mana Spring previously was still a party only buff. 我们也在尝试将更多的增益效果改成对团队有效,而法力之泉之前仍只是对小队有效。
An AAR representative said: "We regret that this raid happened as it was disruptive and unnecessary for a company of BP's stature. " AAR的一位代表称:“我们很遗憾发生了这起突袭事件,对于BP这样的有声望的公司,此举实属扰乱,并无必要。”
El Bashir, the rebel representative in London, said the government was preparing to raid the camp again. 叛乱派系在伦敦的代表贝希尔说,苏丹政府正准备再次袭击这个营地。
The children had to BE got under the stairs whenever there was an air raid. 每当空袭就不得不把孩子们藏到楼梯底下。
The members of an army traveling on a particular road to carry out a raid probably would not draw a connection between the two words. 一支部队的士兵在某条road(路)上行进以发动一场raid(袭击),这大概不会使这两个词之间产生什么联系。
She grabbed my arm and told me how her house had been hit by a US bomb during an air raid. 她抓着我的手臂,告诉我她的房子是怎么在一次美军空袭中被炸弹炸中。
In a shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted. 在死亡空袭的阴影下我能遇到你,这比在和平时期到处漠然闲逛更能让我体会到生命的重要性。
As the Romans left, the Scotti and Picts, tribes to the west and north, began to raid across the borders. 罗马人离开后,来自于西部和北部的苏格兰部族和皮科特部族便开始了对边境的侵扰。
There was no question in such a raid of huddling blindly underground; you could be roasted alive before you knew what was happening. 在这样的空袭下,人们盲目地拥挤到地下室躲藏,许多人是在还没明白情况之前,就被活活地烤死了。
But just as when you or I raid our reserves, less money in the bank means less more for both existing and unexpected expenditures. 但正当你我开始扫荡我们的老底时,存在银行的钱少了就意味着用于现存和意外开销的钞票就少了。
British news reports said officers carried out a pre-dawn raid on what was suspected to be a bomb-making factory. 英国媒体报导,警察星期五拂晓前对一个被怀疑是炸弹制造工厂的地方进行了突查。
Consider the following scenario. A group of Irish republican terrorists carries out a bombing raid in London. 设想一下下面的情形:一群爱尔兰共和党的恐怖分子在伦敦制造了一起爆炸袭击,造成市民伤亡事件。
North Korea had already secretly built a nuclear reactor in Syria before Israel destroyed it in an air raid. 在以色列通过空袭摧毁它之前,朝鲜已经秘密的在叙利亚兴建一个核反应堆。
He'd abscond himself to a secret lair, from which he would lead an abortive raid to free slaves from a wealthy landowner's plantation. 他逃到了一个秘密的洞穴里,在那儿,他可能会领导一场从富有的庄园主手中解放奴隶的流产暴动。
The crossing of the Yellow River to many observers was just a flight, in accordance with Kuomintang propaganda, or merely a raid. 许多观察家听信了国民党的宣传,也以为共军渡过黄河只是溃逃,或者不过是袭扰一下。
The children had to got under the stairs whenever there was an air-raid. 每逢有空袭就得叫孩子们到楼梯底下躲避。
The test results shown below did not use a RAID device for the file-based data store and do not reflect this additional improvement. 下面显示的测试结果并未使用RAID设备作为基于文件的数据暂存器,并且未返回此额外改善。
One of the major aims of the air raid was the complete demolition of all means of communications by bombing. 这次空袭的一个主要目的,就是通过轰炸彻底摧毁敌人的通讯设施。