all of them

  • 网络全部;都有啊;他们大家

all of themall of them

all of them


译言网 |... ... Films:All of them 电影:全部 Books:All of them 书:全部 Films:First seven 电影:全部 ...


零起点英语常用时间对话-零起点英语-学易网校 ... B:All of them. 都有啊。 B:No,we close at nine p.m. 不,先生,我们9点关门 …


小学英语六年级总复习 - 豆丁网 ... all of us 我们大家 all of them 他们大家 in the morning 在早上 ...


改写同义句 谢谢!!_百度知道 ... 1. lots of 许多 2. All of them 他们所有人 3. keep,clean/tidy 保持(你房间的)干净 ...


March « 2006 « dream_nimin131... ... 他们 他们/ they/ 他们都 他们都/ all of them/ 塌下 塌下/ collapse/ ...


... all of us 我们所有的人 all of them 他们所有的 (人 / 物) All suchbooks are very expensive. 所有那样的书都很昂贵。 ...

They moved with a fast crowd, all of them young and rich and wild, but she came out with an absolutely perfect reputation. 他们和一帮花天酒地的人来往,个个都是又年轻又有钱又放荡的,但是她的名声却始终清清白白。
Ray: Oh, such a variety. All of them are excellent both in color and flavor. No wonder our people like China's Tea than any other kind . 雷伊:哦,这么多品种,所有产品都色纯香浓,难怪我们那的人都喜欢中国茶。
Yet despite all of them issuing a grand-sounding "Berlin declaration" , little of substance seems to have actually been settled. 尽管他们都发布了“柏林宣言”,实质却没去的什么进展。
It seemed like the act of a confident government. But all of them have subsequently been locked up and, in at least two cases, tortured. 他们似乎对政府很自信,但是之后却都曾受到关押,其中至少两人曾遭到虐待。
I'm hoping to be at all of them, but I'm going to listen to my doctors and see what they suggest in terms of travel and activity. 我希望成为他们中的一员,但我也得听从医生的吩咐,看看他们对于旅行和参加活动方面会给出什么样的建议。
if you look around the world at heavy water reactors of this size , virtually all of them have been used to make bombs . 如果你留意一下全球范围内这一规模的重水反应堆,你就会发现它们几乎全是用来制造炸弹的。
And looking around at all of them, He said to him, Stretch out your hand. And he did, and his hand was restored. 他就环视他们众人,对那人说,伸出手来。他一伸,手就复了原。
To be responsible for daily maintenance of any equipment, accessories, devices under used, to ensure all of them work properly. 负责对所使用的设备、装置、附件以及实验室进行日常保养和维护,确保各种设备始终处于正常的工作状态。
If there are many idle agents and all of them retain their private memory, it is possible that the system runs out of memory. 如果有很多的闲置代理,并且所有这些闲置代理都保留了它们的私有内存,那么就可能导致系统耗尽内存。
The relationship was similar to that of a design consultancy and its client, even though all of them were in Samsung. 这种关系类似于一个设计顾问和他的客户之间的关系,虽然他们都隶属三星公司。
It surely had been made for Jim and no one else. There was no other like it in any of the stores, and she had turned all of them inside out. 那的确就是只为吉姆一个人所做的,在其它的店铺里没有第二件,她已把所有的店铺翻了个底朝天。
The result was that over the course of the next few years, almost all of them were either sold or closed. 结果,短短几年内,几乎所有这些业务不是被卖掉,就是关业大吉。
I shall find some of these things wherever I go , and perhaps all of them , but I don't think so . 可能不管我搬到哪里,这些事情都会发生,甚至一件不落,但我就是不信邪。
Everyone has his or her own disadvantages, but we need to be able to see all of them, especially their advantages. 每个人都有缺点,但看人要全面,特别要看到别人的优点。
If you were to line up a number of ladies on a bed, your boyfriend would be able to thrust into all of them at once. 如果你排列许多女士在床上,你男朋友将能够同时把她们全部插入。
So this holiday season, let's make sure that all of them know just how much we appreciate everything they do. 所以在这个节日,我们要让他们深切感受到我们是多么的感谢他们所做的一切。
When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. 她不因下雪为家里的人担心,因为全家都穿着朱红衣服。
One of the farmers had had a little lamb, a little pig and a colt. But all of them had been eaten by Nian. 农民伯伯家里养的小羊、小猪和小马,都被它吃掉了。
Analysis of those studies was completed: all of them showed reduced mortality in the children vaccinated with all of the vaccines. 这些研究的分析已经完成:所有研究结果都显示,接种的所有疫苗都降低了儿童死亡率。
He said the skull doesn't actually look European, or Asian, or African. It looks like a mixture of all of them. 他说实际上这个头像看起来不像是欧洲人,也非亚洲人,又或是非洲人,更像是三者的混合体。
They were of that coast, all of them burned smooth dark brown, and speaking a language he did not understand. 他们是属于那个海岸的,每个人都被太阳晒得皮肤光滑而呈深棕色,他们说着他听不懂的语言。
We become aware of the fact that there are several possible courses of action, and all of them seem to be right. 我们知道事实上存在着多种行为方式的可能性,他们看上去似乎都是正确的。
I think I've listened two or three times that you interviewed him already, and I've listened to all of them, and you are both lovely souls! 我想我已经听过两到三次你与他会面的消息,我都听过了,你们都是可爱的灵魂呢!!
It added that it had approached some of these companies about royalty payments but did not intend to sue all of them. 它还补充表示,它曾向其中一些公司要求支付使用费,但并不打算对它们都提出诉讼。
All of them stared at him, as iftrying to understand something. 所有人都盯着他看,似乎想要弄懂什么。
Do you think you are like a school like this school who did not so rich, but all of them is Master Miss. 你以为都像你们学校似的,这个学校的人都没那么有钱,但个个也是小姐少爷。
During the last two weeks, I got to know the contestants and I can say all of them are perfect examples of beauty and intelligence. 在过去的两个星期里,我结识了所有选手。可以说,她们都是美丽与智慧的完美结合。
All of them also seemed to have learned the secret to long life, although sometimes they had to be wheeled out to attend public activities. 他们似乎都通晓养生之道,即使不时的坐着轮椅出来参加一些公众活动。
At weekends, her mother always buys a lot of food for her, but she can't eat all of them for she has eyes bigger than the stomach. 周末,妈妈总给她买好多食品,可她眼馋肚饱,想吃又吃不下。
You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army. 你必从本地,从北方的极处率领许多国的民来,都骑着马,乃一大队极多的军兵。