
美 [ˈbɑdi]英 [ˈbɒdi]
  • n.身体;机构;物体;主体
  • v.体现;实现;刻划;使呈现于心中
  • 网络柔体和刚体;团体

复数:bodies 过去式:bodied

advisory body,independent body,professional body,representative body,official body
dispose body,bury body


(1)「」(Bodies),指的是物质体,除了身体之外,它包含了几个无法以肉眼看见的微妙的「体」,诸如:情绪体、感受 …


《Friends》词... ... ben n. 内室(或起居室) bodies n. 身体, 肉体, 人, 尸体, 主要部分, 团体, 大量 dressy adj. <俗> 衣着考究的 ...


在后面的话题中,物体(bodies)和定制器(fixtures)里设置用户数据(user data)会非常有用。那么让我们实现一个简单的例子,摸 …


maya工具_百度知道 ... Connect to Collision 碰撞连接 Bodies 柔体和刚体 Create Active Rigid Body 创建正刚体 ...


法意::WTO·WTO争端解决案例·Turkey -... ... 相关条款( Articles) 机构( Bodies) 涉案国家( Countries) ...


《Friends》词... ... ben n. 内室(或起居室) bodies n. 身体, 肉体, 人, 尸体, 主要部分, 团体, 大量 dressy adj. <俗> 衣着考究的 ...


主流科学以知识的主体bodies)呈现出来,较好的情形是在许多学科中心及研究中心的课程里,以某种根本性的规则组织而 …

We were made to sit on our knees in the prison courtyard for an hour while they beat us continuously and kicked us all over our bodies. 我们在监狱的院子里跪了一个小时,期间他们不停的打我们,踢我们的身体。
This time, like my heart is gone - as if I was hollow, because I shall be everything my heart to stay in your bodies. 这一次好像是我的心不见了—仿佛我是镂空的,因为我应经把我内心的所有东西留在你身上了。
It was a magnificent machine, the thing I was making - capable of transferring the minds of any two beings into each other's bodies. 我在做的这个东西是一台神奇的机器——它能使任意两个个体互换思维。
Your children will be shepherds here for forty years, suffering for your unfaithfulness, until the last of your bodies lies in the desert. 你们的儿女必在旷野漂流四十年,担当你们淫行的罪,直到你们的尸首在旷野消灭。
Researchers have collected the bodies in an attempt to determine whether the turtles died due to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. 研究人员已经收集了这些死海龟的尸体,他们试图确定它们的死因是否与墨西哥湾漏油事件有关联。
The killers used a state-owned backhoe to dig shallow mass graves and began to dump the bodies, stopping only when it ran out of gas. 凶手使用的国有挖浅挖掘万人坑,并开始倾倒的机构,只有当它停止没油了。
The bodies, including that of a pregnant woman, were thrown on top of one another in a grave about 2 metres deep. 一名孕妇的尸体被投进了一个约2米深的坟坑,压在另一具尸体上面。
The city is so overcrowded that sometimes dead bodies are kept in the hospitals for over a week until a grave is found. 这个城市是如此拥挤,有时尸体在医院存放在一个多星期,直到找到一个坟墓。
They lacked much culture, but did have burial customs in which bodies were laid out in the sun before being painted with ochre and buried. 他们没有太高的文化,却有埋葬仪式,尸体被放在太阳下,然后涂上赭土下葬。
I'm not like one of those silly womenfolk who consort with busy bodies. Get out of my house and don't ever come back here to cause trouble. 我不比那些呆笨的妇女们,喜欢和三姑六婆往来,请你快些滚去,以后别再来到这里乱混。
Sex is the "playful intoxication of a world reduced to just a room, two bodies and a bed" . 整个世界在性的陶醉癫狂中似乎就只剩下一房一床和两人。
Keep Moving Our bodies tend to slow down in the winter, but a little movement goes a long way for childs immune response. 继续运动。我们身体的新陈代谢在冬天会变得缓慢,但是一点运动就可以维持一段时间孩子的免疫反应。
The sheer diversity of these bodies' masses, sizes, compositions and orbits challenges those of us trying to fathom their origins. 这些行星具有各式各样的质量、大小、组成与轨道,对于想要探索它们起源的人来说,是极大的挑战。
The idea, according to him, is to make it a standard in the marketplace now, without the need for standards bodies. 按照他的说法,公司打算使它成为目前市场中的一个标准,而不是满足标准机构的需要。
Our bodies have natural symmetry. Symmetry is in nature and is all around us. 我们的身体生来就是对称的,对称在自然界中,对称就在我们周围。
They plan to try it out on some dead bodies over the coming weeks. 他们计划在接下来的几周中先用一些尸体来测试这些设备。
He said four bodies were found inside the temple and three were outside, including that of the gunman. 他说,寺庙内发现了四具尸体,外面发现三具尸体,其中包括持枪者本人。
Let's see if I can name a few off the cuff or without any preparation . People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies . 让我们看看个我是否可以无准备叫出袖口。人们穿裤子遮蔽下身。
The position of the heavenly bodies indicates that you may not be able to undo the damage that has occurred within a special relationship. 在一段特殊的感情中,今天的行星暗示了你可能不能挽回所做的伤害。
Part of the experiment is to determine how much grim information people actually want to know about their own bodies. 而试验的一部分是为了确定人们对于自己身体的不良信息,真正想知道多少。
There will be a countless number of Assyrian casualties, dead bodies without count. People are stumbling over dead people all over the city. 将会有数不清的伤亡人数,人们都只能在死人堆里行走。
Our bodies are like a miniature solar system with our hearts performing the function of the sun, the center of the system. 我们的身体就像一个缩微的太阳系,我们的心起着太阳的作用,它是系统的中心。
after the end of the year to which it relates and shall be made readily available to all bodies and persons concerned. 该年度报告应在当年结束后尽快发行,并随时可向一切有关机构和个人提供。
The backyard was dug up to discover the remains of four more bodies, and a human skull was found in a bucket, bringing the total to 11. 警察还在后院挖掘到了另外四具尸体,在水桶里发现了一只骷髅头,合计11人。
An instrument used to examine or explore body cavities, as for foreign bodies or other abnormalities, or to dilate strictures in them. 用于检查或探测体腔的一种仪器,如为异物或其他不正常的东西,或者为扩大这些体腔的狭窄部分。
The idea of shooting bodies "into the Sun" is not acceptable in today's society, though some form of on-orbit disposal was suggested. 尽管有人提出过某种轨道运行中的尸体处置法,但那种把尸体“射入太阳”的主意在当今社会还不可取。
A number of astronomical observations and experimental result were known to Newton when he first tried to understand the dynamics of bodies. 当牛顿首先试图去了解天体的力学问题时,他已经知道了许多天文的观测及实验结果。
The trend and character of the surface water bodies changed in different way, though surface water areas have been increased generally. 尽管市区各类地表水体面积总体上呈增加趋势,但所表现的趋势特征并不一致。
The whole-phase grade has been used to define ore bodies of a weathering-crust-type rare-earth deposit and to calculate its reserves. 一直以来,风化壳型稀土矿床均以全相品位来圈定矿体,计算全相储量。
Their lower bodies are presented in three thin lines, which might have been tail decorations or indications of the feet movement. 下肢均画作三道细线,似为尾饰,但也可能是意图表现脚步的移动。